Invoice Reminders - Auto email Statements to customers
Ability to send an automatic statement to customer
Purpose: To prevent late payment from customer

Thanks for your support on the idea, everyone. We thoroughly appreciate your participation, and letting us know where you'd like to see change across Xero.
Customer statements, is an area of Xero that needs upgrades to it's technology in order to make ideas like this one here possible.
Currently, while we have plans for modernising this space soon we cannot commit to any new developments for Statements until this work has been complete. Once this has been done I'll round back to the idea here when we can reset the objectives.
Barry Demetriou commented
What are your timescales for this please? With more and more clients only paying on receipt of statement, as a small business it is a very time consuming exercise to keep having to go through accounts. Why is it so hard to create a function whereby if a client account has invoices that are overdue xero can automatically send them a statement of account? I would like to know how important you think this is to the end user, as I am now actively looking to move a to a new accounts provider that will accommodate what is a must for me.
Also, what is Xeros tie in with Statey? From what I can see it is a stand alone app that integrates with xero to set up automated statements. Why cant you do that instead of tag teaming with another app ...THAT WE HAVE TO PAY FOR! Get to grips with it please xero before we vote with our feet.
Jade Lambert commented
This is such a standard, basic function, that surely is not that different to automated invoices being generated and sent. Very poor showing by Xero not to have implemented this feature after all this time. If you're not capable of doing both, stop wasting time modernising existing features and focus on implementing basic features such as this that should have been available a long time ago.
Judy Ford commented
Yes fully agree, not user friendly enough
Susan Smit commented
Sadly agree @Chris Rogan
Chris Rogan commented
Xero has just become a very tired old product with no basic user driven development. If it was accountants asking for this feature it would have been done years ago. Its really sad to see such a once great product that was built upon the back of end-user feedback just neglect its previously loyal following. All about accountants these days - just like Sage did, wonder what will come next..
Accounts Manager commented
I've heard this before, With Activity statements in 2014 which had been saying the same thing since 2012.
So I wouldn't be getting my hopes up that this will be done anytime soon. -
Christophe Marquis commented
When will we get this basic yet vital feature to help collect AR faster
Taryn De Villiers commented
How is this not a standard feature?
Matthew Bould commented
Hang on, this thread was started over 7 years ago! Seriously?
For something so simple, obvious and necessary as statement automation!
Xero, come on, what are you playing at?!!! -
Christopher Moore commented
Yet another utterly obvious, basic feature I've just discovered is missing from Xero. And I'm not going to accept this model of 'charge users for half a package and get 3rd parties to charge them the rest'. Statey, at £18/month for the only version apparently not emblazoned with Statey branding is an outrage. I'm not going to play - another reason to seek a Xero alternative.
sandra charlton commented
Guarantees statements to go out on timely manner
Jason Williams commented
Xeros business model is to let other companies spend money on developing add-ons to solve problems like this, and whichever company wins the "race" Xero take a % of their sales.
Xero therefore save money, take no risks and get paid on the winner anyway.
No point voting as Xero rarely make substantial software improvements themselves, they outsource development to developers.Shopify do the same
Eleanor Lefever commented
This thread was started in 2015. What's the point in voting if there's nothing done about it?
Thank you. -
Carla Byrne commented
That's a great idea.
Janine Trembath commented
We would also like the option to automatically attach copies of invoices owing when sending statements.
Greg Cunnington commented
This is such a basic function, and your software is sub-par without it, sort it out!
Light of Night commented
Xero team, please make this available as soon s possible as this is absolutely necessary.
Joel Shin commented
It is simple and necessary. Can't see why Xero has not implemented yet...Just ridiculous.
Ando Ralaison commented
We really need the statement to be sent automatically to the customer.
Karen Cox commented
It does seem that Xero has failed to include a basic and common request