Reporting - Sort by Account Name or Account Code with option to hide code
Ability to sort by Account Name or Code when customising reports, without having to show the detail of sort. e.g sort by account code without showing the code on published reports
Purpose: More professional documentation and increased flexibility and customisation with reports

Hi team, appreciate not exactly what's being asked here but to confirm what's available at present.
In the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss you can now show Account code through the More option. From here, use the layout editor to drag & drop accounts to the order you'd like.
Once set up deselect the option to show Account code and your ordering will remain while the codes are not shown within the report.
You can also Save as custom so you can then access this layout anytime you need.
To go deeper with the insights for our team here, it's be good to know the specific reports you're wanting to see this feature in.
Carmen Morris commented
When creating a row group on the P&L or balance sheet using the 'include accounts by code > account code range' option, the accounts within the group don't sort alphabetically or numerically. Sorting manually is possible when this 'include accounts by code' isn't in use, as the accounts can dragged into the order we want them to appear. When using the 'include accounts by code' feature, they are listed completely randomly with no control over their order, which looks odd and doesn't make sense. Can this 'include accounts by code' feature sort the same as the overall report format? For example, if the P&L layout is showing/listing by account codes, sort accounts within these groups by account code and if the P&L layout is listing by account name, sort accounts within groups alphabetically. Alternatively, let us drag and drop the accounts in our chosen order.
Ellen Davis commented
Hi, just to piggyback off this: Is there a way to set an organisation-wide default to sort the reporting by account code?
I am probably going to have to train a new team on Xero in the near future and I'd rather they not need to contend with accounts appearing out of order by default. -
Kelly McDonell commented
I have created COA with nominal codes so I can add a rule of which codes I want in each section of customised report, unfortunately this has not brought them up the nominal code order or alphabetical order and by using a rule you cannot drag and drop accounts into the order you require. This means that each time a new nominal code is added I have to revisit the reports
Freya Pieroz commented
As a general rule, depreciation on different types of asset has an account number that's the account number for the relevant asset +1 (eg 720 Computer Equipment and 721 Depreciation on Computer Equipment).
The depreciation should therefore always show up on balance sheets immediately after the relevant asset. Not several lines away!
Similarly, we always group expenses by type where possible in the chart of accounts - especially when it comes to employment-related expenses, it's useful to have them show up together on the profit and loss report.
Jason Chroman commented
On the Income Statement and Balance Sheet reports, by default, accounts should be presented, in order, according to their account number.
If we add a new account, say 7250, it should show up on the income statement between account 7200 and account 7300, not in some other random location.
Yes, it is possible to drag the account and make a custom report. But dragging accounts around should be the exception not the rule. The rule should be that accounts show up properly sorted and in order.
Jason Chroman commented
Customers should not have to manually drag and drop accounts.
The default on an Income Statement or Balance Sheet should be that accounts are presented in order according to their account number. -
Anita Wildman commented
Hi Xero, please combine all the similar threads on this topic to truly understand the need for this to be addressed. Thanking you
Jan Lawes commented
As a new user all our data has been migrated with our contacts listed alphabetically with the majority being under M for Mr & Mrs etc. They all have account numbers so I'm asking if it could be made possible to resort the list in account number order rather that alphabetical.
Suzette Edwards commented
Make financial statements output in account code order even if account codes aren't shown. I've noticed that the statement does NOT come out in the same order. When account codes are not shown, the financial statements. See the attached PDFs to see the difference. Financial statements should always print in Account number order.
Dean Masters commented
You cannot drag and drop codes that are added within a range, so in custom reports you are stuck with alphabetical only.
Surely this would take one of the engineers an hour to add in a simple sort function?
Matthew Corey commented
The more I'm seeing of the new reporting formats, the more I'm realising that the internal team at Xero have zero care for the thoughts/desires/needs/wants of their external customers and have had aimed to get zero input from it's customers and just do what they want without any real consultation with it's users to see whether they ideas are good ideas and warranted or not.
Mindy Jacoby commented
Any update on getting the Budget Manger by account code?
Sarah Cook commented
I would like the ability to just sort by account code on customised reports. On standard reports this is an option but when you customise it loses this ability which is frustrating as alot of our reports are customised.
NM Support commented
Hi! Bringing this post back to life - do you have an ETA on this as it's a basic functionality and not really a feature request?
Mindy Jacoby commented
We are in the midst of switching over a franchise organization to Xero and not being able to budget and import a budget based off of account code is extremely limiting! Not all companies go off of account name, and use account code/number, so without this option, it seems to devalue the accounting software
Lorna Phipps commented
The Budget manager account naming convention is eg Car sales (4001) whereas in the new PL reports it is either just Car sales or 4001 - Car sales. This means we can't use vlookups to populate the budget manager templates when we do our quarterly reforecasts - we have to type them into manually. The naming convention should be the same across all reports.
Julie Adamson commented
I'm surprised it isn't an automatic feature. Existing report formats allow sorting by Account Name or Account Code, so I would expect it to be a standard feature everywhere. Alphabetizing looks professional but sometimes Account Code is appropriate for other reasons - give users the functionality to decide what works best for them.
Nick Munro commented
Pretty basic functionality. I am surprised it isn't there. My edited reports are a mess, because Accounts are all over the place