Batch Deposits - Select Invoices over multiple pages.
Ability to tick/select invoices over multiple pages.
Purpose: To save users time when they’re doing batch deposits.

Hi community,
I wanted to let you know that the product and tech team have been following this thread and have been listening to your interest in the functionality. We do understand the frustration it’s causing when dealing with a large number of invoices awaiting payment. Your time is valuable, and the challenges you’ve encountered are not reflective of the seamless experience we aim to provide.
However, we are not able to build everything at once. And as a global business with many requests for our different regions and needs, when it comes to payments, we are prioritizing first improving the online invoicing experience to allow more payers to pay online. That is the most critical functionality as we know those using online payments, get paid faster. There are still some critical needs here.
This idea is on our radar though, and as we work through the priority list, it is something we hope to explore more in the future.
We understand that if this is critical, you may need to make an alternative decision to support your business.
If things change in the future we’ll communicate this through the idea here.
Dennis Lawrence commented
As evidenced by the above response, Xero could care less about their users going as far as to tell us to seek an alternative platform if working efficiently is essential. Their focus is to make things easier for our customers to pay us which, to me seems ridiculous since getting our customers to pay is our focus, not theirs. What's really got me livid is the fact that in 25 days we users will be forced to begin using their "NEW" invoicing. It has less functionality than old invoicing and, based on my experience with it so far, is far less efficient. Therefore, not only do we have to waste time processing cash receipts because of a lack of functionality, we're now going to have to waste even more time creating invoices because "new" invoicing lacks functionality and is less efficient than old invoicing. I really wonder who is working on the "improvements" of this software. It obviously isn't someone that has to work with it every day doing day to day accounting processes. Obviously Xero isn't going to do anything that is user focused so, as suggested above, we all need to jump ship and go to a different, more efficient and user focused platform and software company. Xero - for users, you really suck!!!
Wendy Thomson commented
Not having this feature has created a reconciliation nightmare. Seems to me simply increasing the viewable number to 2,000 or so would easily fix this issue. I just had to split an ACH remittance advice into 5 separate deposits. Makes the auto-feed from the bank useless on the deposit side. Pair that with the one-by-one multi-click process for manual reconciliation and "useless" graduates to significantly negative.
Chris Anderson commented
Hello head of Xero product development.
This needs to addressed urgently. Do you seriously think that businesses have less than 200 creditors to pay at once? -
Dennis Lawrence commented
Since you're new to Xero, Kerry, I first want to offer my condolences for you having to try to do accounting work on the Xero platform. It is a bad system as you've already begun to see and, based on the speed at which their technical support addresses actual functional issues, it's probably not going to get any better in our lifetimes. I've been complaining about this issue for going on 2 years and all I get from Xero is crickets. Meanwhile, they're doing fixes to reports that didn't need fixing and coming up with new and improved woke graphics on the introductory screen. My suggestion to you is get away from Xero as soon as you can if you don't want to waste your time doing unnecessary work because they won't address the functional deficiencies of their product. I'm jumping to SAGE 50 cloud early next year. Can't wait to get away from Xero.
Kerry Arch commented
I am new to Xero and cannot believe the limits it has to receiving and paying invoices and bills in their batch deposits and payments. How hard is it to put a save button on the first page to allow you to select from subsequent pages? Also it would be great to have a running amount on the items selected before making batch payments or deposits.
Dennis Lawrence commented
For Nan and all the others that have this issue and keep complaining about it. Don't waste your time. It is very apparent to me that Xero could give a **** about any issue that the users of their lousy software are having. They're too busy making unnecessary changes to reports and making the home screen woke. As for working on things that would actually help users, well, good luck. It's apparent they don't give a ****.
My heartfelt suggestion is to stop wasting your time complaining about the multitude of things that are wrong with Xero (and there are plenty) and start searching for a better, more user friendly solution that gives a **** about the users and work at making the software actually better instead of more politically correct. Sage and SAP both have small business solutions that are far better than Xero. I would be on either platform now if it was my call but it isn't. However, my boss has heard me and others in affiliated companies to ours complain about Xero so much that he is beginning to at least entertain the idea of changing accounting platforms. My fingers are crossed and my complaints will keep coming. -
Nan Lloyd commented
Need to be able to make a batch deposit with multiple clients paying invoices as they hit the bank in a batch. Credit card payments hit the bank in batches, Xero batch payments need to be able to post to match. Currently we can do a batch deposit with only one customer. This is basic and needs to be corrected.
Dennis Lawrence commented
I keep getting updated on comments being submitted on this topic, yet Xero doesn't seem to be hearing our cries in the wilderness since nothing has been done about this problem. What the **** are they doing in the development area??? Why isn't this being addressed and fixed??? Why is the only thing Xero seems to be interested in is letting all of us know that we're still out here struggling with this issue and there's nothing being done about it?
Elizabeth Arnott commented
Agree with the comments
Nancy Wauchope commented
This functionality exists in Find & Match on the Reconcile screen, how hard would it be to bring it to the Awaiting Payments screen?
Dennis Lawrence commented
What I'm wondering is how long have users been bringing this to the developers attention and how long has this issue been ignored? I was supposed to get a call from Xero support Wednesday or yesterday and nothing but crickets. I have vowed to be relentless on complaining and wasting as much of their time as I possibly can (as not addressing this issue wastes ours) dealing with me. Hopefully they'll get so tired of dealing with me that they'll fix the problem. We'll see.
Dennis Lawrence commented
Adding to my frustration, I got 5 checks in the mail today and it took 5 separate deposit records to clear the invoices paid by the 5 checks. Why is this being allowed to continue??? Why haven't they addressed and fixed this??? I submitted a third comment this morning and got a response from Mohammed giving me excuses as to why this isn't being addressed. I let him know that excuses were easy and that I didn't care about them. I wanted the issue fixed so that their software would quit wasting my time. I have vowed to waste a bit of their time dealing with me (I'm not going to let this go) and plan to submit comments relentlessly until this is fixed. We users have a voice and if enough of us raise **** about this, we can get it fixed. We pay their salaries. They need to earn them and address our problems.
Ashok Shah commented
Dennis Lawrence - I feel the frustration!! There are so many basic things that Xero have not got right - It is ridiculous.
Dennis Lawrence commented
Ok. I submitted a comment below and I wanted to second the comment by Ashok Shah below. Being able to clear all invoices being paid in one deposit transaction is basic accounting functionality for most all platforms except Xero. This is ridiculous. Forcing your users to create multiple deposit transactions to clear a day's cash receipts is ridiculous and should have been addressed before you ever launched this software. I noticed that under this topic there are a great many users having the same issue. What's surprising to me is, although what's being requested is basic accounting software functionality, the requests seem to be falling on deaf ears. What's the problem causing no attention to this issue? FIX IT. It's ridiculous that you expect your customers to deal with this, wasting their time and energy, simply because you choose to ignore it. What ever happened to "The Customer Comes First"? Please at least let us all know that you hear our cries in the wilderness and are working on it. Having your customers feel that they are being ignored and unimportant is bad for your business. People, especially those who pay for your service and expect some response to their issues, talk and, if ignored continually, search for viable alternatives. So, my suggestion is to let us know that you're looking at this and that you will be fixing it - SOON.
Ashok Shah commented
This is a basic requirement for Accountants and I am disappointed that Xero cannot deal with this!!! I have 1200 o/s items to pay and I cannot scroll all to find the individual items I am paying.. This should be treated as most urgent
Dennis Lawrence commented
I typically have in excess of 200 AR invoices awaiting payment and, because Xero limits the number of invoices able to be displayed per page on the "Invoices Awaiting Payment" tab in "Invoices" to 200, when I process cash receipts for a day I typically have to create multiple deposit transactions to clear all the invoices being paid. This is because if I batch invoices from the first display screen and go to a second screen to select more invoices, the selections on the first screen get unselected. I need a way to be able to select all the invoices that I have received payment on using just one deposit batch. Expanding the number of items displayed per page on the "Invoices Awaiting Payment" tab seems to me to be the easiest fix. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has this issue. Recently I had to make four separate deposit records because when I cleared my first selections, the list of invoices reduced putting items from the second page originally onto the first page. This happened twice on this particular day so I had to create one deposit batch with multiple invoices, update that, then select only one invoice that moved from page two to page one, select and process that invoice, causing my next invoice to clear to move from page two to page one. So, I processed that invoice and then was able to move on to page two and clear the remaining invoices I had payments for. As you can see, this is a ridiculous process for clearing cash receipts simply because I can't select from my entire listing of invoices awaiting payment at any given time. Please fix this. Processing cash receipts for me causes me to waste a lot of time simply because of a silly system limitation.
Michele Grisdale commented
such an unnecessary pain. all invoices are USD and batch is from a USD account
Marie Riley commented
I have a client who will not move to Xero due to the lack of this functionality, which is currently available with sage along with credit allocation within a batch payment. Please resolve asap Xero so I can get them onboard.
Kelli Pearce commented
This function would be amazing. We currently have over 2800 active invoices with customers part paying monthly by DD.
Melissa Dawe commented
We receive daily remittances with > 50 line items, often spanning > 1-3 pages in the deposit screen. We are scaling and this function is critical to our efficiency moving forwards