Sales Invoices - Edit the Unit Price and Quantity of a paid/part-paid invoice
Ability to edit the unit price and quantity of both paid and part-paid invoice.
Purpose: Users can easily change the unit price and quantity, especially when their customers often ask for these changes.

Marc Pios commented
As stated by other users, the current process flow is creating double work when there are change orders in the middle of a transaction. Right now, I would need to rework all of the related transactions from PO to Invoice. Having this feature would really help save time in recording change orders.
Samantha Thun commented
Often I need to make changes to an already paid invoice and if this was paid as part of a batch payment, it makes the process of deleting the payment, changing the invoice and then redoing the payment extremely lengthy. I'm aware you can edit certain fields on a paid invoice, however I would suggest we should be able to add / remove lines. For example, if I sold 128 of something at a price, but then it turns out it was 64 of one and 64 of another, I cannot change this without doing the above.
Sherri Mackey commented
Ability to modify an invoice after payment has been applied. Many times a customer modifies the ship method or adds a item after we apply payment and unless we unhook, which we don't like to do for many reasons, we cant modify or adjust the invoice. This is a basic concept. We are forever creating dash -1 invoices (to tie to the original order) for upgraded shipping or adding an artwork item as a last minute update HOURS after we charge and send the invoice to the client.
Stuart Lockley commented
Why do we have to delete the payments to adjust a QTY or PRICE? This is ridiculous, causing a lot of extra work to fix simple errors or adjustments.
Julie Mackenzie commented
I use a monthly statement received from one of my payment providers to create an invoice to them and then I allocate all the daily payments. I have to create an invoice because they deduct their commission at source and I need to state gross sales. If I make an error on the invoice and I have allocated all of the daily payments I cannot then adjust the invoice total without removing all of the daily payments, adjusting the total then allocating all the payments again. Obviously, this is a lot of work.
Sue Hill commented
This would be really useful for two of my businesses. Both businesses pay a deposit for goods and then once the goods are received shipping is added to the invoice or adjustments are made to the final shipment.
Tracy Lofberg commented
Do Xero actually review and respond to these platform issues???
Tracy Lofberg commented
There NEEDS to be an option to edit an invoice amount after a deposit payment is applied.
Take an event business for example.
Wedding (or any function) booked, booked for 100 People attending one year prior to event.
Catering 100 x 50 = $5000
Deposit paid - $500
Invoice remaining is $4500
1 year later event coming upNumber confirmed at 110 - total invoice is now 5500 - 500 deposit $5000 remaining.
Numbers need to be adjusted on invoice - although without removing payment this is impossible!
Need to either remove the payment and reapply OR create a new invoice for the new increase in numbers. The customer now has two invoices to pay.
NOT professional AT all - I can't believe there is no work around or app. -
Tracy Lofberg commented
This is such an important feature for many clients. Deposits can be paid, then guest numbers for a booked event may change (event industry). Or a deposit for starting a job, then there is another part of the job preferrable to be added to same invoice (trades). I cannot believe that such an incredible accounting system that is readily used by so many businesses would not update this feature???? PLEEEEEAAASEE??? why not?
Admin Operator commented
why when you look up an invoice or report then click on & open when you go back you have to re search or re key details for report?? this is so time consuming
Brendan Watt commented
Surely this isnt the first time this has been brought up.... i cant believe this hasn't been rectified and there are only 2 other business that take deposits and then the customer want to add to the initial order... the we have to remove payment add payment then reconcile again... hang on that same customer has added another item we now need to remove 2 payments reconcile twice and then add 2 more payments WTF??
Harold Kyle commented
For a business that takes deposits on custom orders, but then occasionally adds or changes these services during the manufacturing process, this is a deal breaker. Or, for instance, if you take payment on goods but then have to add shipping costs once the order is boxed up. Now imagine if you had deposited this down payment's check in the bank two weeks ago along with 10 other checks. Then, you'd have to remove all the items in that (often reconciled) batch deposit before adjusting the shipping amount on any one of the invoices. Then you have to proceed to deposit and re-reconcile everything again. This can take 20 minutes just to adjust one small aspect of an invoice. This problem renders Xero absolutely unusable for businesses that take down payments.
AdminXero Team (Admin, Xero) commented
Ability to add/remove line items of a paid/part-paid invoice.
Purpose: To make users easily enter any changes on line items that have paid/part-paid status.