AU Payroll - Historical Payslip Report (bulk download)
Create a report to show all payslips for an employee for a given time period. Currently these have to be downloaded one by one.

Hey community, 👋 thanks for all your support on this idea, I’m pleased to let you know that this has been delivered for UK Payroll initially! It includes the ability to select the date range you’re interested in, and check boxes to either select all results or multiple. Then you can download your selection as a single PDF of multiple payslips.
For users in AU and NZ we know this is a highly anticipated feature, however to be open this is not any immediate plans for those teams so we’ll leave this idea open. While we appreciate it doesn’t help employers needing bulk downloads, employees can be invited into the Xero Me portal to self-serve payslip collection.
Dany Chea commented
Yes, same here, one of our employees has asked us to provide him a bulk payslips since he started working for us, I only found out that it's not available for Xero users in Australia, it's disappointing.
Dany -
Elene Ikonomou commented
Do you have any update on when this will be available, please?
It will be a very useful tool to have and very disappointing that Xero does not have this feature
Thanks Elene -
Oi Loo Wong commented
Using Xero the 7th year, also switching my clients from other software, expecting a seamless experience, but the lack of this SIMPLE function is frustrating.
This issue has been recurring for several years, yet there hasn't been a resolution.
Ansar Ahamed commented
Easy go to intuit and you will have the option
Ansar Ahamed commented
yes we need this future. intuit has got it and easy
Eirini Goudela commented
Will love for Xero to introduce a way we can tick each payslip and download the ones we have chosen. Exactly the way you can choose multiple invoices and create a PDF with all in it :-)
Fiona McGee commented
In our situation here in Darwin NT this solution is not viable as most of the employees I deal with are in communities and do not have computers. They cannot use the Xero Me portal, instead they go to their employers for batches of payslips. This facility to print bulk by employee and date range would be most welcome.
Karen Shaw commented
well I just found a reason why this is such an important feature. So instead of having this feature which it looks like has been so widely requested, I find myself having to individually download an employees payslips for 12 months. If it has been available in UK for 12 months, Xero can you please let us know when it will be available here in Australia?
Fiona McGee commented
Would like facility to print payslips for casual employees. This facility is for community workers who don't have email addresses and rely on receiving paper payslips.
Fiona McGee commented
Report to print Multiple Payslips and sort by Employment Type eg. Casuals, and select Pay Period.
Elana Gold commented
I too add my disappointment that Xero ignore so many basic functionality requests.
It can't be that hard to write a report that allows us to download bulk payslips for various periods and employees.
Francois Van der Walt commented
This is so sad that this is not possible yet.
Angela Giakoumatos commented
Well said @sharonhyde
Xero - no response/update to this idea since November 2023. What is happening? some communication would be appreciated. Just finished downloading payslips for 6 clients ADMS lodgements. How time consuming and frustrating. -
Sharon Hyde commented
OK XERO....................enough is enough.
You push beautiful accounting, we all need functional.
How dare you ignore the requests of your customers for such a long time.
I see we can use an addon to achieve our goal (add on at an extra cost)........might as well go elsewhere.
Any other business in Australia or NZ that ignores their customers requests for so long loses those customers. They go to where their needs will be met, even at an extra cost.
Time management is priority for everyone these days and XERO need to focus on functional, not beautiful........functional will always win !
Functional allows we bookkeepers and accountants to save time, take on new clients, expand our businesses.
Please listen to your customers XERO....whats holding you back ???? -
Rachel Lane commented
Hi Victoria, I agree it would be helpful and so many others have requested this too. I have done this manually and it is a very tedious process. More recently, I have used the Payroll Activity Report and filter by Employee as it gives provides payslip information ie gross wages, Tax, Super, Net Pay for a certain period of time, just not in individual payslip form.
Victoria Cullen commented
Hi, this would be so helpful - I have an employee who needs 3 months of payslips for his mortgage broker. We pay weekly so he doesn't want to have 14 attachments to cover that period. Thanks.
Esther Hughes commented
Hi there, this would be extremely helpful and time saving especially when an employee puts in a workers compensation claim and we have to provide 12 months worth of payslips. Employee summary or detail reports are not acceptable in this instance.
One would think this option would already be available here in Australia. -
Michelle Cutting commented
Why would this be available in the UK and not in AUS? Clearly you have the ability to program it so why not make it available to all users? Telling us there are no immediate plans for this is just so frustrating to read.
Miranda Chalmers commented
Adding to the deafening chorus requiring this available in AU. Are you listening Xero?
Shannon McMonigal commented
Just checking if this is available in AU yet? This seems like a pretty basic report to make available?