Payroll - Record Annual shutdown leave in Xero
Ability to record an annual shutdown leave.
Purpose: Payroll admin can easily record annual shutdown leave when they need to make a calculation around separating employee’s anniversary dates and start dates.

Christine Bemelmans commented
We work off a 80 hours per fortnight, based on this staff should accrue 3.8462% of annual leave.
The payroll setting has leave type of annual leave, calculated method being "Based on ordinary hours". Hours of leave to accrue annually being 160 hours and hours a full time employee works a fortnight being 80 hours.
I calculate this to be an accrual rate of 6.1538 days per fortnight, however Xero calculates this to be 6.1370.
What creates the difference and is this correct? I don't want to be be under accruing entitlements.
Additionally a similar error of personal/careers leave.
I calculate 3.0769 should be accrued per fortnight but xero calculates 3 .0685.
Can you please advise the back ground calculations in xero and what the correct accrual rate should be based on a 80 hours fortnight? -
Bodhi Tohill commented
Employment legislation provides three options to manage the effects of unpaid leave on annual holiday entitlements when unpaid leave exceeds one week. The three options include:
1. Move the annual leave entitlement date to a later date.
2. Adjust the average weekly earnings calculation.
3. Agree that unpaid leave will have no effect on the employee's annual holiday entitlement.It is disappointing that Xero does not allow for Option 1 (updating the employees leave entitlement date) - especially as this is the default option of what must happen unless employers specifically agree otherwise with the employee.
Jalayna Boaler commented
We have RDO's every fortnight for 130 guys which I have to enter individually which is so time consuming! We should be able to enter an RDO and just tick against each persons name who has had the RDO.
Annie Pearson commented
Ability to enter bulk - annual leave and RDO leave request ie. Add/create once across multiple employees at a time. Bulk Annual Leave very useful for Christmas break and RDO v useful all throughout the year
Martina Ford commented
This is really important! I raised in to 19 september with xero and they claimed that the issue hadn't been raised yet. It clearly has! The same with the option of setting up different working patterns and recording holidays in days instead of hours.
Kay Smart commented
This is critical as it also affects the sick leave dates as well. A number of companies still do the annual shutdown and annualisation of holidays,
Martina Ford commented
We have company shutdowns and need to be able to enter these for all employees in bulk. It’s very time consuming and liable to errors to have to do this manually
Gay Breeuwer commented
Xero payroll should calculate the employees leave for us, instead I have to prepare a report and get the calculator out for each public holiday and each annual leave request. Our staff work variable hours.