Invoice reminder - Show the list of those contacts that have reminders turned off
Currently there is no easy way to review the on/off status of invoice reminders for Customer unless they have an outstanding balance, and even then this is only on screen and not exportable, so either a way to filter the Customer list for those which have invoice reminders turned off, or just a report that can be run with a column for the reminders status (on/off and number of reminder sent) would be useful for better credit control review.

Lorraine Adams commented
I am exasperated by the time it is going to take me to arduously click through every idividual client to ascertain an overview (I wish) of current reminder status.
Some clients don't need reminders for occasional oversights whilst others need strict chasing & I risk causing offence if I can't readily view & manage the 'status' across all clients.
Rachael Keates commented
We have nearly 500 customers in various groups and this is impossible to manage having to open each account to see who is receiving and who isn't receiving invoice reminders.
We have a group of customers on direct debit who we do not wish to erroneously chase for money in case there are any delays with this process/reconciliation. We can not be expected to turn off invoice reminders manually under each client.
Whilst I'm here it would be good to be actually be able to do anything via Groups. Although this tagging feature is nice, it's basically useless if you can not action set processes from it, ie turn on invoice reminders for a set group, send statements for a set group etc etc.
Rebecca Cohen commented
once again, needing another program to manager a feature Xero could easily fix.
Anastasiia Dorodnaia commented
will safe us a lot of valuable time!
Rachel Pash commented
This is so important for us, the auto reminder function is good but, could be so much better. We have so many clients and need to be able to quickly see which ones have reminders switched off to enable us to review and amend them, It is so time consuming using the function as it stands at present.
Anile Snelleksz commented
To run a report showing customers that have invoices turned off would be extremely beneficial to our organisation. It is sooo time consuming to go through each customer to determine who is turned on or off. Please create this report as soon as possible
Joanne Dunn commented
It would be handy to be able to run a report showing a list of all the contact and whether their invoice reminders and turned on or off. Rather than having to open each contact to view