Statement - Include invoice description
Ability to have the invoice description on statements sent to customers.

Thanks for your feedback on the thread. Though not useful for all, we did bring attention to the reports that could help some people in the forums here.
We'll continue to consider this and other ideas for customer statements as the platform evolves.
Again not a full resolve but another option that could be handy for some is the inclusion of the Outstanding bills link when sending individual invoices to your customers. Through this, persons of a contact will be able to view and get detail of the invoices they have outstanding with you at any given time.
Elizmare Loubser commented
In some industries such as the medical field having invoice line descriptions on monthly statements is obligated for claims thus would make life much easier during billing. I am sure more people would consider Xero if this was available.
Bethany Crawford commented
Very important for many of our clients that we have the option to add descriptions to our customer statements!
Chris Curlett commented
You are so right Colin - the XERO information on Statements is well below the industry norm and lets XERO down.
Regrettably it is a reason NOT to use XERO
Colin Bouwer commented
I really can't see how this would not be useful to everyone for their statements to provide more info than just an invoice number and date?
I have had to work around this for years by have to take a screenshot of our billing system summary and paste this into emails as a supplement to this barebones Xero statement, so that it becomes useful to our clients to quickly know which are the problem invoices.Take a look at Quickbooks to see how it's done. I am finding myself visiting their site quite often these days to see if they manage it better but probably a quicker alternative to waiting for functionality like this to be added when i see this thread started in 2022!
Chris Curlett commented
Come on XERO how about responding to User Suggestions and improvements. This is a great idea and gaining support so it would be worth implementing, esp if you start losing customers by not supplying it!
Tom Ireson commented
I have just transferred from Zoho Books on the request of my accountant and not having this function is making me consider going back already.
It is absolutely ridiculous to not have a field for invoice description. If I do a job and then return for another, there is nothing to distinguish between them except date and invoice number. Annoying for both my clients and me, and a pain in the **** if I ever have to find a previous invoice for something to check what was actually billed for. It's all very well having item codes but when you have quoted a final price these don't come into it, the invoice description is where this information is recorded. Standard for most trades.
All it needs is an optional text box. Does this really take 5 years of people voting for it to be included?
Not impressed at all with Xero useability so far and this has now wasted a load of my time trying to find workarounds.
Joanne Butters commented
The descriptions for our business are critical and will save us a lot of hours reply to emails requesting the details and conversations.
Lorraine Adams commented
Here here!!
We want functional over beautiful.
Admin Operator commented
STOP with the reports suggestions for everything - XERO should have basic functions available as standard - MYOB has - Quicken aslso has
Please Concentrate on the BASICS not Building Beautiful as it is not working for your Business - Xero Customers that have moved from other platforms are Over the lack of action & support Xero are giving. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LISTEN -
Lawrence Williams commented
It would enable customers to receive a summary of the invoices they need to pay without their having to refer to each individual invoice.
Currently you have to combine all invoices into one each month to achieve that result.
It would be a very helpful option to have. -
Lawrence Williams commented
The copy and merge feature in Quotes achieves the basics of what is needed
when applied to invoices awaiting payment but it only works for one customer at a time.
The ability to send statements of unpaid invoices to all customers in this format would be a huge improvement. -
Lawrence Williams commented
An option to add a column showing descriptions of the invoices on customer statements would be helpful
Sophie Steward commented
I have migrated over from Sage. I find it extremely frustrating having to trawl through screens and reports to find the detailed descriptions of what has been input into from or to an invoice in a customer or supplier file or what has been posted into the ledger. In Sage I could simply look at an account, put it in excel and manipulate or simply just look a the account and find the item someone asked me to find.
Have uploaded basic screenshots below from Sage have left off the Company details and customer info etc. When I send a statement out, they don't always want just the invoice number, they like a detailed description of what that invoice was for.This all seems like basic stuff that should be here. For me I do a bit of analysis and I am struggling to get this easily from Xero and even pulling the info into Excel is a phaff as it seems to stretch it over a zillion pages.....