Payroll - Show forecasted leave balances
Show forecasted leave balances to allow for planning of Christmas Shut Down periods

Liz Menerey commented
This is a feature in the previous payroll program we used and was very helpful for people planning for future holidays when their balance is low.
Francesca Delo commented
forecasted leave would be really helpful for management when approving leave and staff when planning future leave. At present we are manually calculating leave balances from pay slips.
Chelsea Darr commented
This would be so helpful for all staff. I currently have to work this out manually for staff planning leave.
Chris Price commented
When a staff member requests leave and you can see their current balance is -50 hours and they are asking for 40 hours leave its very confusing. Because by this date they may have accrued another 90 hours. Xero doesn't show this. So I have to manually calculate how many more hours will be accrued between now and the requested date to check whether I can manage the request.
This is confusing.
I can see an issue if you did implement this feature, and we approve a leave request based upon a forecasted leave balance. Then another leave request is made for a date before the other approved leave request that would impact the balance for the one after. I think in this case there should be a warning stating future leave has been booked again to help with the decision making process.
Paul Preston commented
This would be hugely helpful for workforce planning and for employees to plan their breaks. Should be a high priority improvement!
Emma Bickerton commented
Yes! Team members also want to be able to plan for future breaks and this would help them to know what they would have available by a future date.
Holly Murdoch commented
This would be so helpful!