New Invoicing - Keep the previous Contact when using Copy
Please change the new invoicing so when we copy the invoice, the previous contact automatically appears as default
We should not be choosing the customer each time we copy an invoice

Hi everyone, we've introduced a change to new invoicing so you now have the ability to copy an invoice to a draft invoice and keep the existing contact. 🙂
When you select this option, you'll see a pop up where the current contact is selected by default, however you can choose another contact or leave this blank if you'd prefer.
Thank you for all your support and sharing back on the idea for this feature, here.
Anna Grabis commented
The most time-saving feature for me in classic invoicing is the ability to copy the last invoice for a customer and just amend the date and amount. Can this be transferred to the new invoicing please?
Damon O'Keefe commented
Can we please drop the intermediary screen asking us to confirm it's going to the same client?
Client can be changed in the next screen regardless.
This step is just time wasting!
Percy Plow commented
I use copy consistently, good to hear it is being changed
Avril Levy commented
I also use the copy invoice function a great deal and would really like the name field to copy too.
Adrian Keeling commented
As almost all of our customers are regular monthly repeats, we use the copy invoice feature all of the time. Its crazy that the name does not copy over in the new version. By definition, if I am copying the invoice its going to the same customer...???
Frances Keech commented
When creating a draft invoice from an existing invoice, please keep the existing customer instead of having to select each time, I find this frustrating.
David Fischer commented
PLEASE - in the new invoicing, when copying an invoice, to create another invoice please auto populate the customer's name (can be changed if needed). The new invoicing requires you to manually add the company name. Annoying!
Joanne Bull commented
Hi All, I'm a huge advocate for Xero and have been using it since 2019, but unfortunately as of today any people that ask me about Xero I'll be advising to wait until the invoicing system has some important bugs ironed out.
Unfortunately I had no time to post a comment regarding the previous 'new version' and I begrudgingly moved from 'classic invoicing'. I made 6 specific invoice templates relevant to which contact, and this entire weekend after reading many of Xero Central information using new branding, 'advanced setup' by way of Xero's.docx format but alas, on uploading the document half of the information dropped off. I'm unable to merge both 'templates' together. One template, I had to click 'PREVIEW' to read it, another showed 1 line pushed to the end of the template. If a contact received said invoice they'd have no idea what our note was referring to and why it includes a '$0.00' price which I hadn't not entered on the template.
Sorry Xero, until the 'new invoicing system' is ironed out I've been forced to revert to 'classic invoicing' - no messy templates, no guessing if something is part of the template, and no surprises.
Please aim to improve [what wasn't broken] BEFORE September 2024 or keep the option of 'classic invoicing'.
Heather Stacy commented
What are Xero's intentions with new invoicing to include the current functionality in old invoicing to "Copy to Draft Bill"?
Betty Manser commented
When an invoice is copied to a new invoice please could the default contact be the same as the one the invoice was copied from.
Morgan Hopkins commented
In the old classic invoicing functionality, if I wanted to copy a specific invoice to the same client, I would go to Invoice Options then Copy To... and then a new dialog box would open up with the option to copy the invoice to the same customer if I wanted to.
In the new invoicing functionality, the only way I can find to copy an invoice is to select Copy to draft invoice, but that doesn't give the option to automatically copy the invoice to the same customer and I have to then manually go and select the customer again.
Is is possible to change the new invoicing functionality so that the option is there to copy an invoice to the same customer, as it used to be done in the classic invoicing functionality?
Elma Coetzee commented
When one opens an existing invoice and clicks on copy to draft invoice, one has to go and search for the recipient. Unlike before when the recipient stayed on the invoice after you have selected copy to. THE REASON ONE COPIES AN EXISTING INVOICE IS TO REPEAT IT, SAME RECIPIENT. This is why when one clicks on copy to on a purchase order, the recipient stays the same. This is why one goes to copy to, because one wants to repeat the PO to the particular recipient. So why can the recipient on a copied to draft invoice not stay the same?
Could you kindly explain this to me?
Many thanks
Andrew Stein commented
The idea of a new interface is NOT to go backwards. This is a current feature and is obviously useful. Let's not treat this as a "new idea". Please fix this bug before Sept 2. And am currently not loving the new interface. Has it been tested on us mere customers?
Signed Cranky Xero Customer. -
Joel Lambrick commented
Please also revisit other features the new improved invoicing has taken away such as overpayments not being able to be made on the invoice screen and producing multiple invoices for a group of contacts in one go.
Carol Dufour commented
whoopsi do!
You're working on getting us back to where we were before you 'improved' it!
So impressed are we! -
Mark Smith commented
Sending a smiley face when everyone is pi....sed off doesn't help.
An apology would be more welcoming and possibly sooth the anger out there. -
Custom Stickers Accounts commented
Thanks, that will make a big difference for us.
Lloyd Preston commented
Thanks Xero for doing this - but what about all the other comments and complaints about the new version that is missing just the basic functionality of the old version - this is only one aspect and it should not have been a thought but just get it done - but glad your 'working on it!' needless to say.
I do suggest that your team seriously look at the comments, not just under this comment but all of them before the users get really hacked off and go public which would be bad publicity and bad for share value not to mention users looking at other solutions so you end up losing revenue!
Lloyd Preston commented
Total agree with Susan comments - copy should be exactly that - copy and then allow you to amend what ever data you wish to change - even the contact/customer etc.
Susan Richman commented
I would be grateful if you could explain the thinking of not copying the contact to a new invoice. Why would a feature be removed? For me it is a nonsensical change. I will be using classic invoicing until this is fixed.