New Invoicing - Add Payment details on invoice screen
When using the new style of invoicing, it is no longer possible to enter a customer payment which having to click on the receive payment option. Using classic invoicing, the fields to enter the payment are present on the invoice screen. The classic invoicing method is much more efficient when entering a large number of customer invoices, so it would be great if these fields could be added to the invoice screen on the new style.

Hi everyone, to front foot some of the recent comments we will not be bringing back classic invoicing. With developments continuing within new invoicing, we do want to let you know that our product teams are highly engaged with your feedback and the ideas for new invoicing on the site.
We understand there's good interest in being able to add a payment directly from the invoice screen and appreciate the efficiencies expressed by customers in being able to do this. At present we're reviewing this feature and will move the idea across to Under Review. I'll be back to share more on the outcomes. Thanks
Aime Lallo commented
I find that it only alerts you to a customer pre paying an invoice after you come out of the screen and go back in and then a credit will appear in the bottom right hand side under the final values. This used to just pop up on the classic invoicing that a customer had a credit available and not sure why this can’t be adapted on the new invoicing. It’s a handy tool as doesn’t require you to manually go back through and allocate any pre payments to an invoice, which if get missed and a customer has paid, they will still receive a statement showing the invoice is unpaid, which then causes a potential issue.
Dean Sempf commented
I would also like to see this feature returned please Xero
Suzanne Lawson commented
I agree, I much prefer the ease of the classic invoicing!
Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
Emily Aspden commented
Please consider adding this back onto the invoice screen. It was previously so efficient adding 10s of payments with the tab button/keyboard. Now having to click through and select dates and select account, leaving more room for error and taking a lot more time.
Sue Williams commented
Clearly, these "improvements" that Xero keep implementing are designed by people who don't actually use the product for bookkeeping purposes.
The additional time it now takes using this new sales layout is crazy - I would permanently stay on the classic version if it wasn't about to be retired.
Not being able to type dates and having to use the mouse to click through the calendar is ridiculously frustrating. As is the new way we have to 'Add a payment' and not being able to tab and type through it.
Also, I don't want to 'Approve & email' invoices straight away for most of my clients so having to make extra clicks to open up the drop down and click 'Approve' - another waste of time that adds up.
Not being able to drag and drop PDF files - having to open up the files drop down first - again, another impractical "improvement"
Xero - you had a fantastic product please listen to your users - you are ruining it again and again by continuing to make changes that are not functional for the majority of people who actually use this for work..... oh and increasing the prices too much & frequently for what is becoming a less functional product.
Steve R commented
New invoicing is slowing me down so much :-(
Having to select a date from a popup instead of type it in.... hey... is there a version of this for people with disabilities who struggle with mouse movements? Maybe there's a setting that would let me type the date again, that would help a little at least. -
Kellie Francis commented
This is so important to change - it is so much more time consuming the new way. I can't afford this time when I have over 300 invoices to allocate payments to for one of my clients...Please revert back to the original system.
Annabelle Bortnichuk commented
Have to agree with this! Same with purchase invoices - The 'add a payment' function is crucial to efficient bookkeeping on screen. I've also noticed you cannot type in the date on the 'add a payment' function and have to sift through the calendar. Very frustrating.
Sam Gray commented
More clicks and/or keystrokes to achieve the same thing is never, ever, an improvement.
Don't pretend it is. Own it. Admit it's too hard to fix (fix being the key word). Beg our forgiveness.
And stop making date fields that you can't type in! -
Heather Perry commented
New invoicing is so inefficient with everything hidden in drop downs, no place on screen to add payments, and left to right scrolling. Horrible update experience thus far.
Lisa Stevenson commented
Your new invoicing system is clunky and added in extra steps having to click on buttons to find your way to features that used to be on the main screen. Definitely not creating efficiency.
Fiona Davidson commented
I have now created and Off Site petition..... Petition for Xero to stop making changes... -
Katie Cooke commented
Seriously, could a member of Xero's development team let us know the thinking behind this design please. This is a genuine request, I need to understand because it makes xero sense in my head!
Nikki Ballard commented
I have to add a bulk import each month of 200-400 Paid invoices. It's bad enough that I can't import them as paid or use the en-masse "Deposit" function because they all have different payment dates. At least with the Classic invoicing i can attribute the payments at a rate of 8.65 secs per invoice. With New invoicing it's 17.22 secs - because of having to select the date, bank acc etc.. Just one of the many deficiencies of the New system. Shame on you Xero.
Vanessa Bowsher commented
Keep the old way please, which is far quicker than the new way Xero is proposing.
Also please keep the old way of being able to just add a credit note to sales invoices. -
Claire Annals commented
the pop up box and having top open a calender pop up to select the date instead of just tabbing and typing are slowing my processes down. I have 100s of payments to add which takes several hours normally and this new style has doubled the time it takes. Not cost effective to me or my clients!
Nicole Oberholzer commented
When allocating payments you struggle to see the original invoice date and they default the payment date to todays date. Also the struggle with the credits calculating as you type and not calculating after the value has been entered is so annoying.
Platypus Billing commented
This is one more unneccesary click, one more time, I have to reach for the mouse, one more time ... blahblahblah.
Tell me for whom this is benefical? Is there any situation in which this way of doing it provides benefit to the user????????
If it doesn't - remove it.
And I am saying this again on this thread.
I am quite angry that you are using your customers as guinea pigs without asking. You could have run a focus group, a beta test, what have you ...something that real developers use before they release the results of their unbridled creativity into the wild.But you don't ... that's what's really making me mad.
Fiona Buining commented
After creating an invoice there is a box on the right hand side that says Make Payment. After checking this box a box pops up on the screen to fill in the payment details. This box obscures the invoice number on the invoice behind it. This is very annoying. Can't you make the box pop up in a way that allows me to still see the invoice number in the invoice relating to the payment?