New Invoicing - Feedback
What I like that you added:
* Saving as draft!
* New Due Date drop-down selections (e.g. 14 days)
What I do not like:
* No "add another invoice" option after save + print PDF, more clicks now
* When save + print PDF, now opens a new tab that needs closed, more clicks
* Cannot "copy" the invoice line "item" - I usually create many lines that I used to be able to copy & paste the "item", now more clicks
* Too much whitespace and font too large, I want to be able to see the data w/o having to scroll - while it is nice you allow turning off some fields (e.g. discount) please allow resizing fields, changing overall font size, or somehow make a "compact view"
Hi everyone, thanks for your feedback on new invoicing. We’re listening carefully to all feedback to make sure new invoicing has the functionality you need, as we prepare for retirement of the classic version.
We recognise that some things will be different, so we encourage you to spend some time familiarising yourself with the new version. We also believe all small businesses and advisors around the world can benefit from Xero, which is why we’re deeply committed to accessibility. We’re confident that in time, new invoicing will become easy to use and that you’ll enjoy the benefits of us being able to provide much more value on that platform quicker.
There's some improvements we have made to enhance workflow. For example when you create a new invoice the cursor will begin in the Contacts field, from here you can tab through all fields of your invoice to enter detail. We’ve also developed smart suggestions for due dates based on common dates people use most, or you can use Xero’s keyboard shortcuts to save time entering dates in Xero. If you have set a default due date in your invoice settings this will be applied when using new invoicing.
Not being focused on a single idea alone, we’re going to close this thread, but please rest assured that we are taking on board your valuable feedback and there are even a couple of existing ideas mentioned in your feedback that you could join to monitor progress on, such as being able to reduce the number of steps and clicks involved in new invoicing, New Invoicing - Add line number, Invoice | Less clicks for printing PDF and sending receipts, and Invoicing | History - Show detail of action made.
Our invoicing product team are very keen to keep improving new invoicing and encourage you to start a new idea if you’re unable to find an existing one that matches your needs.
Margaret Walls commented
We would like to be able to enter a tracking field as we did in the original (old) invoice creation, the new way has more steps and takes longer. Sometimes we have to go out of the invoice and go back into it to be able to update the tracking field as it will not update at the time of entering the number.
Would be helpful to be able to enter an expected payment date when we are viewing the invoice not have to go back to the invoices awaiting payment list. -
Rosemary Gray commented
The whole process is clunky and disgusting, it takes me 3 times longer to enter an invoice with this new process, I have tried it 4 or 5 times and yet again I am going back to the old version, please make it as easy to use same as the classic version, no idea why you even felt it needed this much change
Sometimes reinventing a wheel does not work like putting a square peg in a round hole leave the peg round don't reinvent something that already works -
Tammy Fitzgerald commented
It's really frustrating that you can't edit the Attention line for the contact while in draft invoicing. We still need to open the contact and manually update this field. Surely if you can edit the address with the draft invoice it's not too hard to edit the attention line as well?
Susie Winkler commented
The new invoice option flicks past way to fast, By the time I have checked the current invoice is correct the option to create a new invoice has gone and I have way more steps to do before I can create a new invoice from this set up.
What I do not like:
* No "add another invoice" option after save + print PDF, more clicks now. -
Kathy Skinner commented
If Xero had any decency and respect for their users they would halt the upcoming price increases and also not go ahead with all the so called improvements which are failures in multiple ways until everything is sorted and runs the same as the current versions. Not force these changes on everyone like they are doing.
Of course Xero won't admit to making any mistakes or apologise to their users for the shambles that these upcoming changes are causing. They are becoming less user friendly but happy to charge more for a less than ideal version of things. -
Penelope Gibbins commented
Like others I have tried and failed to move to the new invoicing.
The new invoicing has doubled the time it takes to post our invoices. Please return the ability to quickly drag and drop a PDF onto the invoice form and to customise the default button - we do not Approve and Send, we just Approve the invoices.
We generate our invoices via a separate product as the Xero invoices do not cater for our needs. This is fine. With the old invoicing we start the invoice, drag and drop the invoice PDF onto the Xero screen, click the easy to see option to view the PDF, enter the client name from the PDF, add the 2-3 lines which are relevant to the invoice and click Approve (we do not send out the invoices from Xero).
New invoicing requires the client name to be entered before attaching the PDF, then clicking a drop down to select to attach the PDF, drag the file over, click on the view button, enter the relevant lines, click the drop down to get Approve instead of Approve and Email (or save and the post all of the files at the end).
There does not seem to be an option to set the default button to Approve instead of Approve and Send. Can we please have the drag and drop of files back instead of selecting the add files option.
Also found that sending the PDF files to Inbox and attempting to create the invoice from the file in the inbox is not working with the new invoicing formats - the PDF is not attached to the email.
Bianca Coventry commented
Overall the new invoicing is ok. I've been able to work with it and adapt.
But a major feature is completely missing and that is copying an invoice and the customer field not being copied example screen shot. What is the point of copying an invoice if you don't get the option of copying the supplier also.
Another feature that is annoying is the code the invoice has been coded to is to hidden once the invoice is approved. It was easier in the old format to see the revenue code and the GST classification -
Mark Ashton commented
Can I just say that I think the changes that are being made for the new Sales Invoicing are terrible and should be either left as it was or totally re-thought.
I have 2 companies so I initiated it on the smaller one to try it out, but I haven't actioned it on the larger (much higher volume) company and now won't be doing so until the latest date possible.
Why change something that does the job more than adequately? - but the changes are a step backwards, less user-friendly, less practical and in a number of situations result in extra 'steps' or clicks needed.
The following are the main issues I have come across up to now (although I haven't tested it extensively so I'm sure the list won't be exhaustive and there are going to be more because the one's I've listed are fairly basic things).
1. Now only allows you to copy a previous invoice as a Draft (not straight to
authorised) – therefore adds an extra step (to approve).
2. If you enter a new invoice and decide to cancel – there is no ‘Cancel’ – you
have to click the back arrow.
That invoice number then seems to be ‘lost’ – since the sequential
numbering moves on next time (?)
(You can manually change it – but that also therefore adds an extra ‘step’).
3. Copying a previous invoice now requires the Customer name to be input (as
opposed to previously you could automatically copy it as that customer) - this
therefore also results in an extra step.
4. The ‘look’ is much less professional-looking and less user-friendly. -
Admin Admin commented
Im sorry Xero, But this new invoicing is terrible
The list from Stuart should make you reconsider the forced change in September.
When I do my internal reporting, I need to review invoicing.
In Classic Invoicing I can see an invoice on one page and being in column format, I can easily identify any errors, with account codes, tax rates, Enterprise and Property.
In the "New Invoicing" when I review an invoice, all the information is on one column and to be honest it all blends in together making it difficult to read, and it continues for pages. If you reduce it down to fit on one page so you can see the entire invoice, you can barely read it. -
Mark Boyden Ltd commented
I was always able to select different invoice branding and email templates when sending various invoices. I am unable to do it now which is most frustrating. I need different invoice templates for various services.
Also manually changing a date requires more click as the calendar doesn't automatically open. It is rather time consuming when issuing 70 invoices in one day when i have to backdate invoice date to the last day of the month (for example 31st is on Saturday or Sunday and I am invoicing on Monday. Cna you please fix this? Monthly invoicing takes me much longer now, which is a shame, why change someting that was perfectly fine and much clearer to read and more efficient? At least give users an option to continue using the classic version.We must be able to see the email address this invoice was sent to-new invoicing doesn't update this information under history.
Many users really dislikes new invoicing, please allow us to use classic old invoicing for efficient running of the business.
Nicole Watt commented
How about a SAVE & ADD PAYMENT would be very helpful!! ...or just let us keep classic invoicing which we know and love...
Aaron Clore commented
Hello everyone, I haven't gone through the entire board, but I want to share my feedback because it's crucial for me to continue using the Xero platform. I'm dissatisfied with the "New Invoicing" feature due to several missing functionalities compared to the "Old" method. Specifically, I miss the ability to apply discounts and adjust tax classifications. While I appreciate the ability to access and edit inventory items in the new method, it falls short in execution. I'll provide a screenshot illustrating this issue—the lack of data in the new invoicing feature is too limiting. I need the same level of control as the "old" method provides. I'll give the new feature another chance in September, but with a new baby on the way, I doubt I'll have the time to train my team or adapt myself to the changes effectively. It's frustrating that we're being pushed into using the new method despite its shortcomings. I'm hopeful that with proper education, I can lead my team through the transition. However, if the learning curve proves too steep, I'll regretfully have to explore other platforms.
My time is best spent improving my bottom line, not adapting to new platform changes. You guys have a great product, where does the innovation stop? Does the cost of current methods really exceed the potential subscriber losses? I think we're over 10 consecutive years here...Thank you for your attention to this matter, as I really do enjoy the current way of running my company.
Mandy Weston commented
New invoicing doesn't show the emails we sent the invoices to...THIS IS IMPORTANT
Customers often say they didn't receive the invoice and I have always been able to confirm which emails we sent it to and send a screenshot to show them
But won't be able to do that with the new inviocing!
Stuart Mohamed commented
Thanks for responding. All of the points I listed have already been suggested by your customers and are visible to you already. I just felt it might be helpful to you to see them all in one place and I also felt it was quite impactful to see them all in one list given Xero's decision to fix something that most people don't see as broken.
Stuart Mohamed commented
FAO Xero - I thought that you and the team might find it useful to see a summary of what your customers are asking for in light of your plans to switch off classic invoicing....for whatever it is worth.
(in no particular order)
1. Ability to add email to contact within invoice
2. Option to leave disount field on or off permanently
3. Calendar date lookup not as user friendly in New invoicing as it is in classic
4. Shoe the 'replt to' email address when sending invoices
5. Move Save button to bottom of invoice like classic
6. Type the date manually, without / delimiters
7. Use Tab to confirm highlighted suggestions and move across fields
8. Add a new field for "Row number" in customized invoice
9. Keep the 'add last items' feature that was in the classic invoicing layout.
10. Allow blank lines to make groups of invoice lines
11. Option to mark as sent when Print PDF
12. Option to edit 'Attention' field in customer address
13. Default quantity of 1 for invoice lines
14. Include "add another invoice" option after save + print PDF
15. Allow Item and Description-only lines, with no Qty or Unit Price
16. Show account column after saving
17. Open attached files in the current window
18. Copy invoice data to a purchase order
19. History & Notes - Show email sent to and other info
20. Alert if the contact has available credit
21. Reduce number of steps and clicks not add to them
22. Keep the previous Contact when using Copy
23. Option to switch Autosave off
24. Invoice Contact Groups
25. Show Branding theme on an approved invoice
26. Print to PDF option
27. Ability to add file from library
28. Edit exchange rate
29. Quotes - Title and Summary to flow through to Sales Invoices
30. Add Payment details on invoice screen
31. New Invoicing - Remember default settings such as emailing yourself a copy
32. Keep Tracking option
33. Keep 1/5/10 new lines button
34. Customers to pay deposits on invoices
35. Keep Classic InvoicingYou're welcome
Dean Turnbull commented
With New Invoicing there is no option to create a new quote from an invoice.
This was possible with the old version of invoicing.
It means we now have to create a brand new quote from scratch which is time consuming.
Julia McGinn commented
Not having the "Add another invoice" link is so time consuming as it adds several clicks to the process. Please reconsider this!
Keith Field commented
You informed in January that Classic Invoicing would cease in September, so I have switched to New Invoicing. I have now usewd it for 6 weeks, and wish to offer the following comments:
1. In Draft invoicing the Quantity box is filled with '1' by default even if I intentionally leave it blank. This is not helpful.2. The price shows as 0.00 and you have to clear all the zeros in order to insert the price. Example my price is 295 : if I type 295 what shows is 0.00295. Again, not helpful.
3.Having converted the draft invoice to a finalised and approved invoice and printed it, a tab appears on the top of the screen entitled 'about:blank'. When I produce 15 invoices in one batch, I get a row of tabs at the top of the screen each one showing 'about:blank' and ''. Not helpful. See attached screenshot.
4. Issue date calendar is too large so you have to scroll down to see the last week of the month. Please make it smaller so the months appears in its entirety.
5. The entire page/screen would benefit from being made more compact.
Taskforce Accounts commented
Agree with other comments.
I can find little that has been made easier.
Having to print to download - when you have to download often - annoying
The layout with the clear dividers of each coloum and row - exasperating
In an increasingly paperless world having the main option to print over doing any electronically - maddening.
And Xero's response of "get used to it" INFURIATINGThe old saying of "if ain't broke, don't fix it seems to be lost of Xero's development team, meanwhile we STILL cannot edit our own remittance advice.
Customer satisfaction seems to be increasing low on Xero's list
Lis Fitzpatrick commented
Well everything awful about it seems to have been covered and I completely agree. My biggest issue is nothing is easy to read. I am having to look for information and mis-postings could easily be missed.