NZ GST - Add Publish Function to new style GST report
I would like to request that we keep the publish button on the new GST layout. The new GST Return layout does not have the Publish to Reports function (this has been removed). The Publish Function is an important function for clients, bookkeepers and auditors to access all relevant publish reports in one place.

Hi community, appreciate your feedback on the new GST return and detail of how the Publish feature is useful to you. While we don't have immediate plans for developing this in the new return, this is something we're monitoring and will consider as a future improvement. If there is any change around this we'll share this with you all through the idea here.
Benny Tse commented
Annie Conza commented
Xero: Please read this: I have been a user since 2007. Some of the changes & enhancements Xero are making are so far away from what we need. Removing items that we use everyday, not fixing items we have asked for for years, completing enhancements that don't work well. I think you are starting to loose touch of your audience. I love Xero & it has changed my life & the life of my clients, but I am starting to wonder where you are getting your direction from because it certainly is not the users who have used & promoted your product for 17 years.
Lyndsay Strong commented
As per comment above I agree. All of our clients are used to accessing reports under the published tab.
It's one easy place for them to access what we have generated for them versus downloading and saving somewhere on your computer/cloud. -
Sonia Diacono commented
Totally agree - will you have a publish option by the time we need to prepare the July GSTs? I always send a published report to my clients - not sure how they will enjoy receiving a rough report rather than the nice report they usually receive, with cover page & contents page etc....
Debbie Savill commented
@Kathy - totally agree.
Tracy Turvey commented
Agree - Keep publish option.
Kathy Skinner commented
@Debbie - exactly - the new layout increased the number of pages, I did a check as well and it's totally ridiculous to have so many pages added because they have decided to "change" the style of report. Pretty sure when I send the reports out for review clients aren't going to be happy having to scroll through so many pages plus try and see where late claims etc are.
This style is totally un-user friendly and if for some reason you need to print a hard copy it is a total waste of paper even double siding it. -
Debbie Savill commented
Also, I have just printed a client report to PDF and it has gone from 34 pages under the old style to 94 pages under the new style. Why landscape? It is a lot harder to read.
Diane Mayhall commented
As part of our system we publish the return - without this we cannot go back to the published return if it has been changed.
I sent these published returns to my client so that they can check and look at this if they need / want to. -
Tony Richardson commented
This is an important part of the process to provide reporting, audit trail and validation for all.
Chris Curlett commented
Again it is a case of ignore users!
Kathy Skinner commented
Agree but also keep the old format, the new layout is absolutely hideous. Bet most of these developers don't have to actually use these so called updated reports in an actual accounting basis so have no idea what works and what doesn't but they think it looks better. I also publish the GST returns and have had to go back and look at returns from 3 - 4 years ago so it's handy when they are there as I don't have to look into just the filed section of the GST returns.
I'm so over these so called upgrades everything is less user friendly and I spend more time trying to find things that are no longer immediately viewable without clicking somewhere else then clicking again and again to get to something that was originally easy.
How many extra pages would have to be printed under the new layout, compared to the old one if for some reason you needed to do that. Having the Income and such on landscape is also a fail, the portrait view was much easier to follow.
Stu Wehner commented
Xero once again takes away functionality that was already there with "an improved update" .. come on developers add features DON't take them away!
Mavis Wright commented
I work in a large office and we don't like the new format at all! Bring back the old format please! This is much harder to read and we have enough changes to adapt to without these 'fixing the things that ain't broke' capers!
Diana Nicoloiu commented
Agree, we like to publish the GST reports
Kaaren MARLOW commented
Totally agree, this is very important as it is the only area where we keep a copy of the full GST report.
Debbie Savill commented
Agree, Freya.
Then you can also see what the changes have been between the older reports published and the revised GST Return. -
Freya Pieroz commented
We like publishing reports to ensure an audit trail is kept - it shows who published it and when, even after a revised BAS is issued - and it makes for easy downloading to our secure server for backup purposes.
Debbie Savill commented
Agree, Arran.
We usually publish and then attach to a document pack from published reports also. -
Arran Stone commented
This is also great if you publish GST returns with your firms logo on them