New invoicing - Emailing Invoice where invoice date in locked period
Do NOT display an error message and update the history and notes.
Sending Receipt to Client

Appreciate the feedback and including a screenshot of the notifications you're getting on the invoice, Andrew. Just to make sure I fully understand your idea here - Are you saying that rather than seeing the pop up you'd like to have these added as history events to the invoice?
Clare Wilson commented
I still cannot believe that this is an issue!! Why is it not possible to email a copy of an invoice in a locked period? Clients often request a copy of their invoices, so to have to unlock the periods to do this is such a pain, a waste of time, and creates a risk of forgetting to set the dates back again.
Please can this be reviewed urgently!
Also make sure a record of the email being sent is added to the history & notes - not a comment of 'invoice edited' when it hasn't been!
Russ Smith commented
Why can't we send old invoices from a locked date period yet? This is so basic.
Fiona Davidson commented
Please sign and share this petition.
Lyn Roberts commented
Totally agree with the comments made by all of us as customers. It is ridiculous that a basic necessity of displaying the history of resending of invoices / reminders to pay overdue ones etc does not show up when the accounts have been locked down. Once again Xero does not consult the users of their programme, but go ahead & force changes on everyone - some changes which make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Surely their programmers are able to fix this glitch so that all history can be updated, tracked & seen? This is a basic function which was previously available. When changes are made - functionality should be improved not removed.
Tracy Piper commented
We have today tested emailing a copy invoice created in a period that is now locked.
We emailed it to ourselves to see if if does send as the records on the invoice no longer update
The invoice was delivered, however there is no longer any record on xero that the invoice was emailed and we are unable to track that it opened
This is a function we previously had. Please could this be reinstated as we are no longer able to track automatically when reminders and copy invoices are issued direct from the system
Sarah Jane Ross commented
Xero - Can you confirm this will be looked into, it is such pain to have to unlock accounts just to send a overdue reminder.
Julia Rebhan commented
This is a basic credit control function. Surely the functionality of classic invoicing was reviewed to assess which features should not be removed?
Also, I have found another request for this and there are probably others, so the votes aren't a real reflection of how many people are affected by this.
This isn't new business idea, it's a critical function that should never have been missed off new invoicing in the first place! -
Julia Rebhan commented
This is a basic credit control function. Surely the functionality of classic invoicing was reviewed to assess which features should not be removed? Also, I have found another request for this and there are probably others, so the votes aren't a real reflection.
This isn't new business idea, it's a critical function that should never have been missed off new invoicing in the first place!
Millie Howard commented
Not being able to do basic credit control is ridiculous and to suggest unlocking the period as a fix for this massive issue is also ridiculous as the accounts are locked for a reason.
Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly,
Clearly, this is a glitch. Unfortunately, it got only 8 votes. I hope more users will vote. But, frankly speaking, is it just 1 vote enough to fix it?
Melissa Fowler commented
I have tried today to email a June 2024 invoice reminder to a customer - obviously Xero thinks I'm trying to revise it within a locked period when all I'm doing is re-sending it. Refreshing the invoice shows the invoice was not sent due to this perceived error, this is a huge issue for small businesses simply trying to chase an outstanding invoice payment.
Gail Murray commented
Hi Kelly, Andrew is referring to emailing of invoices within a locked period.
In the new invoicing you cannot email invoices within a locked period. This is extremely frustrating for our clients who lock periods and then follow up with emailing of overdue invoices.
Please can you kindly update the new invoicing so any invoices wihtin a locked period can still be emailed just like you do in the classic invoicing.We all would agree we want the same features as the classic invoicing not restricting what we can do in the new invoicing.
Please can you provide an update so we can feed this back to our clients who cannot understand why this is happening.
Kind regards
Gail -
Sarah Jane Ross commented
Since the new update on invoices, you can no longer send a reminder invoice when the accounts are locked. This seem a bit silly as you are not changing the invoice just simply sending a reminder. To do this now i have to go and unlock the accounts the the month which the invoice is dated, send the reminder and then re-lock the accounts.
Please can this be changed back as it is a waste of time