New invoicing - Change options when printing from 'Cancel' to 'Leave as is'
New Invoicing. I see we got the ability to mark as sent when printing, which is great and fixes one of many defects which made me go back to classic a year ago. But the prompt that appears is bizzare and confusing. Classic always had "mark as sent" or "leave as it is" ... however new has "mark as sent" or "Canel" - which implies cancel the print job - except it doesn't (the x does this)... So on one hand a user if confused by cancel if they want to print without marking as sent, and 2 if they realise there's an error and want to cancel the print job and re-draft the invoice without a file name(1).pdf in the downloads... they push the cancel and get a print job regardless. The pop up buttons in classic were Homer Simpson simple - "Mark as Sent" or "Leave as is" - these should be retained in new invoicing