47 results found
New Invoicing - Reduce lag in items column and change pop up message location
Reduce the lag in items column when searching, it takes too long to search, sometimes up to 4secs! Please also change the location of the pop up message "default contacts have been applied", as when I start a new invoice the pop up message appears in the bottom left, but I'm trying to look at my contact info and enter items. The pop up box lingers too long and covers the information I need to read! This is frustrating every time when creating multiple invoices and I have to "x" the pop up message away each time, which then causes…
6 votesAppreciate your feedback here, we're currently working on some updates to the line item grid where you enter the detail of your invoices and the 'Item' field is located. Part of the work the team are doing in this space should also address issues you've noted in the loading of items when you're invoicing.
We'll keep you updated of this change here.
Invoicing - Sending Invoices by SMS
25 votesHi team, I'd like to confirm that the ability to send invoices via SMS is now released to all AU users that have connected Stripe.
We're beginning to look at expanding this feature to other regions, and next up with be the US.
Stay tuned for more updates on this here 😊
While sending via SMS is available within individual invoices atm, it is not possible to automate this with invoice reminders yet. If you're interested in this we have a slightly different idea you may like to join and follow across here.
NZ Payroll - Record sick leave as days
We need sick leave to be recorded in days to line up with current NZ payroll legislation. 10 days sick leave. The current settings in hours only work for people who work the same hours on the same days. Anyone with variable hours or different hours on different days this does not work and manual accrual needs to be kept outside of payroll. Then leave balances need to be manually adjusted which is a lot of work. This has been an issue for many many years and would be good to get fixed.
9 votesHey team, as some may have seen we've been doing lots of work in the NZ Payroll space. For those just getting started with Xero (from 5 August 2024) sick leave will now be recorded in days, and can set up the Sick leave entitlement date.
We appreciate many in the idea here have been using Xero for a while and we want to confirm this is something we're working on for our existing customers as well, however there are more intricacies to work through from what already exists to the new. We'll round back to confirm with more detail and to let you know when this is being released for everyone. Thanks
Investing in AI
I think the time has come to invest in AI, as a accounting software leader (Xero). Many people invest their money in AI software, like accountants, to do better / more accurate and faster budgets, forecasting (cash/accrual) mixed with different scenario's, transaction reconciliations and presentations of data/information and graphs. This usually in excel; outside the accounting software, where mistakes are likely to happen. I am not in IT, or software development/integrations, so I do not have an idea what this type of investment would cost, but my gut feeling is it would be worth it.
6 votesLike your forward thinking, Johan.
As Freya mentioned there is some AI going on in Xero already with the way Xero makes suggestions to help you reconcile your bank account.
We recently shared some insights with our customers on our approach to generative AI with Xero and you can read more about this on our blog.
Later this year you'll see Just ask Xero (JAX) be introduced and I'll round back to share once this is available.
Bank Reconciliation - Reconcile against Statement
We would like the ability to reconcile transactions against a statement in addition to just reconciling from the bank feeds.
There have been so many issues with bank feeds, that often we find the statement balance does not match Xero. The issue with running the reconciliation report is that some banks will have some transactions from the closing date in the current statement and some of them on the next statement. The only way for us to break it out and match the balance is to export transactions to a spreadsheet and then change the date of those transactions in…
80 votesHi everyone, we've begun rolling out a new feature that enables you to reconcile a period in Xero which'll be available to users with the Standard or Advisor roles. This'll appear as a new tab within a bank account (next to Account Transactions). From here, you can capture the period dates and balances from your statement, and Xero will automatically show and select all transactions within the period. Once the period is reconciled, you'll be able to close it to prevent transactions being deleted or unreconciled within that period. You'll find details of how to access and use reconcile a period on Xero Central.
As a start we'll be making this feature available to all US and CA organizations, so I'll be back to confirm once fully live in these regions. 🙂
Invoices - Change Column widths on invoice template
On the invoice template there is a lot of 'white space', particularly to the right of the Product Description, which frequently wraps to a second line. The Product Item code also wraps to a second line on occasions. The Quantity, Unit Price, Discount and VAT columns could be reduced in width to allow for the increase in Item and Description fields.
10 votesHi community, we're currently working on some improvements to the table/grid within new invoicing that'll provide better visibility of details.
While we won't be enabling customers the ability to adjust columns widths yourself, we're making changes that'll condense the view so you can see more at once, such as the full account name. We'll also be shifting some of the detail shown beneath the description into columns of their own for ease of view. I'll come back to share as there's more news.
Subscription - Automatic super in all AU Payroll plans
My suggestions is that automated super should be available if a Xero package offers payroll, like the starter package and the Standard package - its near impossible for clients to make direct super payments for employees (even for business owners themselves) without using this feature.
With the increases in subscriptions occurring in September I think an upgrade with automated super should be tabled for the lower subscription packages.
25 votesHi team, we appreciate all your feedback on this and having been listening close to feedback especially since our announcement of our new plans(Ignite, Grow and Ultimate). To align with the new plan names, I've slightly altered the title of the idea here.
Separately in light of giving you an update here🙂 - We understand the importance of being able to make automated super payments when processing payroll with Xero, and we're making changes to our plan line up so you'll soon be able to process automated super payments on all our new business plans. You can read more on our Blog post
Though we don't have an exact date of this change as yet, we'll keep you updated here as more communications of this are shared.
Sales Tax Adjustment at Filing
Add a quick option to create a manual journal entry to adjust the sales tax amount paid when reporting and filing sales taxes.
My state (and others, I assume) forces me to round up to the nearest dollar the amount of sales tax I owe when I file, which results in the filed number being different than what's in my "sales tax" account in Xero. I then have to add a manual journal entry to adjust that amount - usually debiting from one of my product categories.
It would be nice to have the option to do this automatically when…
2 votesThanks for sharing, Kris. Our product team are just beginning some work that will enable you to do this in Xero. We'll shift to working on it now, and I'll update you when this is released with more detail of how you can do this.
Contacts: SMS reminders for invoices
I can see multiple suggestions and several thread over a number of years regarding the need for an SMS feature for both customer communication and invoicing. When are you going to add this? The tech is readily available to you. Many other platforms offer this now. Please prioritize this enhancement! Thanks.
65 votesHi everyone, sending invoices via SMS is now available to all Australian users that have connected Stripe. With great uptake we're now looking to extend this feature, and the next region SMS will be launched to is the US. I'll keep you updated on it's release here. We'll continue working toward making this feature available to more users so any news of other regions will also be shared through this idea.
Just to confirm for everyone here - It's not currently possible to set up send SMS for invoice reminders, to send an invoice via SMS you'll need to open each invoice and select this option from the 3 dot option menu in the top right of the invoice. Developing a more automated means may be something we look to do over time but isn't in the plans just yet.
NZ Payroll - Sick leave schedule of accrual
Schedule of Accrual - Sick Leave : would love the option: Annually after 3 Months
7 votesHey everyone, we've been making some changes to improve NZ Payroll for Xero users.
If you're just getting started with Xero (from 5 August 2024) you can now set up the Sick leave entitlement date for an employee.
We know people in the idea here are existing payroll users and we can assure you we're working to also develop this for existing customers. There are a few more intricacies to work through from what already exists to the new. I'll be back to share when there's more news on this and when you can get access to this too. Thanks
Invoice templates - Set defaults for show/hide fields
When creating/editing an invoice with the new style, you can select fields to show/hide. We would like to be able to change these and set the changes as default - at the moment you have to go in and select the ones you would like to see every time you are editing an invoice. The main one for us is the discount column - we would like to see this on every invoice. Having this functionality to show/hide is good, but just don't want to change this every time.
13 votesHi everyone, we appreciate your feedback on the show/hide fields option. As you may have seen in other updates we're working on a new line item grid that will encompass a few enhancements we know our customers want to see, and will also include an improvement to the behaviour of the show/hide fields so the options you select will be retained. I'll come back to confirm when this is released.
NZ Payroll - Option to change employee anniversary date when on unpaid leave for more than 1 week
Where an employee takes unpaid leave for more than one week, it would be helpful if you could enter in the date in which the unpaid leave applies from so that the anniversary date can automatically be reset. The current set up is rather antiquated, and needs to be automated to ensure accuracy and ease of use.
2 votesHey team, thanks for your input. We appreciate your needs here, and have a bit of an update. For any organisations that started using Xero payroll in NZ from 5 August 2024, you'll find you can adjust the employee's sick leave entitlement date from their employee record. See more detail around this on Xero Central.
For all other organisations, don't worry this is also in the works but just has a little more complexity to it, we'll keep you updated of when this is made available to all remaining organisations, here.
NZ Payroll - Alternate Holiday accrual
Change the Alternate Holiday accrual to days not hours. Legally when someone works on a statutory holiday they get to accrue 1 days alternate holiday, which is the hours that they would normally work when they take the day off, not the hours they worked on the stat day. It's misleading putting in hours instead of days, especially if every day if not an 8 hour day. Reports need to be run every time an Alternate Holiday is taken to ensure they still have that day available.
1 voteHi Mandy, this is something our team are working on at present.
Currently, any new businesses that have started using Xero Payroll from 5 August 2024 will have the ability to set up employee leave entitlements to show alternate holiday leave in days. While we're still working on changes to enable this for existing organisations we'll keep you updated of when this is made available here.
Contacts - Add IBAN in account number and Swift in Routing number
There is an issue with the new contact edit settings, we cannot add IBAN in account number and swift in routing numberFinancial details. Since we have vendors globally, not everyone have US routing and acct number only. This needs to be fixed since we are relying on the bank details updated in contact
79 votesThanks everyone, we thoroughly appreciate your feedback on changes when adding or editing a contact.
Since the initial release, our team have made an update and you'll find you can now enter IBAN and SWIFT into account number without it throwing errors.
Currently, if you save information into the account number field it'll spread across the bank account prefix and bank account number fields - The thing to note is that this will not impact processing of batch payments and will be one field when exported for batch payments.
We understand it’s not the perfect solution and are looking at further enhancing this - I'll keep you updated here.
Invoicing | History - Show detail of action made
With the currect feature History and note report we are able to see which invoice for example has been edited - change name of invoice - reconciled etc. However we would like to have a more detailed view, for example if an invoice is booked in USD and someone will change the currency in EUR we are not able to see this change , we can see only that the invoice is edited by X person but we are not able to see the change. How can we have this feature?
24 votesHi everyone, while we still have more changes planned in this space I wanted to fill you in on the more recent changes in this space.
We have now added the ability to view the email an invoice was sent to in history, as well as adding timestamps for more insight into when an event was made.
Bills - Email to bills without requiring it to be an attachment
Often companies email invoices but they aren't a PDF - just an email.
So you have to print the email as a PDF - then send to Xero Bills.
It would be good if you could just send through the email invoice (no PDF) to Xero Bills and it was processed without being a PDF.8 votesHi team, you may have read that we're doing some work in the accounts payable space atm and one feature that will help here is the ability to upload bills directly to Xero - Read more on our blog
I'll be back to confirm once this is available to all
Report Codes - Add/Edit codes from Chart of Accounts
Can we please have the report codes shown & editable on the chart of accounts page, and also through the actual reports?
Reasons for the request:
1. It is a logical workflow to specify how an account is to be reported when setting it up
2. It saves having to view the report, realise a report code needs correction and then having to close the report to do this, if you can drill down straight from the report as displayed.
3. As the account balance is shown on the Chart of Accounts page, it makes it clearer which accounts actually…42 votesHi everyone, we've just released a change so if you're a part of a Xero practice you'll now see we've added a new ‘Report code’ column to the Chart of Accounts page, that displays the report code and report code name. This should help save you time, and easily review report codes before running report templates.
UK Payroll - Ability to have national minimum wage checker
Xero checks employees age against pay rate and that of the National Minumum Wage so it does not get missed. It's doesn't have to change it, just highlight thsat the employee's rate needs to ber changed
113 votesHi everyone, as part of the work we're doing here, we're looking to engage some small businesses as well as accountants and bookkeepers who use our Payroll functionality to try out our new prototypes and give us feedback.
We'd look to set up a video call over the next 3 weeks which'll take about 60 minutes. If you'd be interested in taking part, please apply by using this form. 😊 Thanks
Fixed Assets - Automatically update depreciation start date when changing year end dates
It would be great if Xero dealt with changing balance dates more efficiently. If the balance date changes it should be able to automatically calculate the opening book value, then calculate the depreciation for the new financial year end as per usual. Currently its very manual and time consuming as it reverses all journals posted since you started using Xeros fixed asset feature. Very odd and very frustrating!
15 votesHi all, we wanted to round back here to share for those in the UK that we've now added the ability for you to create a short transition period (between 1 month and 12 months long) when changing the Financial Year End date.
To recap for anyone new coming across the idea - Aligning with the UK basis period reforms we've made a change to Financial settings so you can add start and end dates to different periods. This change impacts multiple areas of Xero.
- Fixed assets will draw on this information, to prevent any loss of historic information when your year end changes. Everything will automatically be calculated for you based on the period start and end dates you set in Financial Settings.
- The same applies in Reporting. All historic reports will be protected. And you’ll have accurate comparison periods even across varied financial years.
- In Xero Tax,…
Inventory - Bulk update/import stock quantities
Ability to have bulk updates and import stock quantities into Xero.
Purpose: To save users time from having to adjust/update inventory one by one.
51 votesThank you to everyone that contributed to the teams research in this space. We wanted to share that discovery for bulk updating stock quantities has been greatly insightful and we're pleased to share that we are moving forward to develop a solution.
We'll shift the idea to working on it as development begins, and as this moves along we'll return when there is more opportunity for you to get involved.
- Don't see your idea?