Report Codes - Add/Edit codes from Chart of Accounts
Can we please have the report codes shown & editable on the chart of accounts page, and also through the actual reports?
Reasons for the request:
1. It is a logical workflow to specify how an account is to be reported when setting it up
2. It saves having to view the report, realise a report code needs correction and then having to close the report to do this, if you can drill down straight from the report as displayed.
3. As the account balance is shown on the Chart of Accounts page, it makes it clearer which accounts actually need to be mapped (at present the Report Codes page shows many accounts for Review Needed, but usually most of these accounts don't need mapping as they are inactive or unused)
4. It removes the need for the separate Settings page for report codes.

Hi everyone, we've just released a change so if you're a part of a Xero practice you'll now see we've added a new ‘Report code’ column to the Chart of Accounts page, that displays the report code and report code name. This should help save you time, and easily review report codes before running report templates.
Kim Little commented
It would be nice to be able to change the report code while you're in the Chart of Accounts, especially because you can now see what the reporting code is - instead of going back and going to the "Report Code" section of xero
Emily Oliver commented
I agree with Vicki and Philip. Can we please have the ability to add/edit in the Chart of Accounts screen? Otherwise we are still having to toggle back and forth.
Philip Donnan commented
We still need the ability to add/edit in the Chart of Accounts screen, otherwise we are still flicking backwards and forwards?
Vicki Carlisle commented
We still need the ability to add/edit in the Chart of Accounts screen, otherwise we are still flicking backwards and forwards?
Vikash Naidu commented
Hi Kelly I cant see this in my chart of accounts still? Any idea when I will be getting it?
Lisa Kinser commented
Please add this feature ASAP! My firm just rolled out firm-level customized reports that are amazingly detailed, but all of our hard work isn't easily implemented at the client level. We had to update report codes for each client before the firm-level reports are useful. This also currently requires maintenance and upkeep for any new accounts added, to make sure the report code makes sense. It sound at the very least be mapped intelligently, if we won't have the option to update this ourselves when creating a new account on the COA.
I know someone at Xero spent a lot of time and resources on the firm-level reports, and it would be much more user-friendly with this report code feature added. Seems like a simple thing to add for so much improvement!
Thank you so much!
Rosemary Hancock commented
This would be an extremely useful function. Currently having to review report codes before running every year end report takes unnecessary time. Being able to add this when adding an account is a much more logical process. Being able to access and edit from the reports would be another time saving improvement
Amanda Corkin commented
Emily Oliver commented
This would be a very helpful change that would save a ton of time. Please consider this request. The firm level reports are such a great feature and this update would really improve them. When adding a new account to the CoA, it just makes logical sense to update the report code when you're adding the new account. Thank you!
Alex Longaker commented
This change would really streamline the creation of custom report packs. Initial set up of firm-level reports is surprisingly cumbersome because the report codes live separate from the COA and making this update would save a lot of time and confusion!
Katie Ferro commented
Please consider adding this function. It seems like a very easy fix and would massively improve our workflow and reduce our risk of error. We have recently rolled out Report Packs and this was the hardest part of set up. Now that we have it fixed, we'd like to make sure we keep it accurate and having a field when adding an account in the COA is the most logical place.
Kyle Stutter commented
Being able to set the report code at the time a new account is created would save a bunch of time at year end.
John Britton commented
There should be an option to select the report code when you create a new chart of account code. This would save us from having to go the report codes screen every time after adding a new chart of account. This would save a lot of time moving around in Xero if we could do this in one area. I think the report code option could be easily fit somewhere on the attached page.
Daniel Harcombe commented
Just makes common sense for all functionality to be easily accessed in the 1 spot