Sales Invoices- Flag as 'in dispute / query'
Ability to flag an invoice or bill when it’s in dispute or query.
Purpose: To ensure users do not pay an invoice/bill when it is currently 'under query/dispute' in error.

Jill Taylor commented
This is such a critical option. I can't understand why it never was picked up at inception point of Xero
Jim Gooch commented
I'd go further and say that this needs to operate at Bill level and also at Supplier level.
Bills. Some people have suggested leaving Bills unapproved as a workaround. The big problem with leaving them unapproved is that they don't then hit the purchase ledger. All bills need to hit the ledger asap but if there is some dispute they need to be flagged to ensure they are not paid until resolved. Our workaround is to post them to correct Supplier then move them to a dummy supplier named - "Disputed Items" - and back again when resolved but this is hardly ideal.
Supplier. When running a Quality Management system a Supplier can become unapproved due to failure to provide essential documentation. In this state it should be impossible to raise a PO against them and/or existing bill payments may be witheld but again there is no flag that can be set to achieve this. Yes you could use "Groups" as a quasi flag but it would only alert those that are alert enough to see it and not physically block the things it should block.
Come on Xero sort it ASAP.
Melanie Sullivan commented
Paid an invoice I should not have done last month due to this illogical omission by Xero - this really is critical
Arnis Veisbergs commented
@xero we have pushed this up from 57 votes to 127 in a space of a couple of weeks. Can you please action ASAP
Alzbeta Sitarcikova commented
Please action asap. This is very important feature for payment runs.
Stephanie Cartwright commented
Ability to place an invoice/bill on hold. There are occasions where an invoice has been processed, but it is not to be paid whilst awaiting further information or clarification. It would be very useful to be able to place the invoice on hold during the review process, so that it is not paid until the issues are resolved.
Andrew Bennett commented
I cannot understand why this feature is not available for putting Bills on Hold. Every accounting software package I have used over the last 30 years has had this feature. Come on Xero its not a new thing to do!!!!!
Dorcas Rixson commented
Please XERO, get this request actioned.
Please comment with an indication of timescale. -
Arnis Veisbergs commented
Thanks Jaqui. Let's take this to social media and see if we can get any traction.
Jacqui Sanwell commented
I'm honestly fed up of asking for this and being ignored by Xero - can you get it sorted please?
Debbie Bradley commented
This is so long overdue - please action this urgently - it is every bit as critical as overdue invoices from customers
Arnis Veisbergs commented
Please roll this out ASAP
Shahid Islam commented
Flagging an invoice for payment should be one of the basic features of an accounting system.
Beverley Crampton commented
Can you flag an invoice that you don't want to pay.
Please advise
Mandy Ross commented
It would be great to have the ability to flag invoices or mark bills/invoices that are on hold and are under query.
Lucy Graham commented
Very important for Bills on payables side, not too bothered about Invoices on receivable side
Ben Linker commented
Yet another 'must have' that you assume is there, and only discover after committing to Xero.
Gillian Goode commented
Definitely need an on hold facility.
cannot believe this hasn't been sorted yet -
Paul Wakefield commented
This is a business critical function for several clients
Michelle Greaves commented
This function is desperately needed as the invoice could be paid in error