Email Settings - Specify date/time to send transactions
Ability to specify date/time when users’ want to send emails from Xero.
Purpose: So clients/customers can receive the email during the working hours and not at random time.

Appreciate your input here, everyone. Our team is looking into this idea however, they don't have any dates planned on when they’ll develop the ability to schedule emails.
Totally understand how this feature could benefit your workflow though, being able to schedule an email to send during acceptable hours, so you don’t have to remember!
Rest assured that our eyes are on the ground monitoring your feedback and votes here, so please keep adding them in this thread. For the time being, I’ll move this idea into ‘Under review’ status. And if there's any movement, we'll make sure to come back here and let you all know.
Lindsay Matheson commented
Particularly in light of the new legislation regarding contacting staff outside of working hours.
Freya Pieroz commented
I have eight separate client payruns that are due between Christmas this year and when I get back into the office again. I'd really like to be able to schedule the sending of payslips so that I don't have to log in while on annual leave (which is illegal for an employer to require in Australia) to send the payslips within one day of the various paydays (which is a legal requirement in Australia).
Andrew Tingate commented
Scheduling when emails go out will be very helpful in the modern flexible work world. Invoices, payslips, etc often need to be prepared in advance and then sent out a pre-determined date & time. Often our work requires preparation of invoices/etc in advance due to travel, working remotely, unreliable internet, etc.
Geoff Schmidt commented
Schedule when payslips can be emailed. Allows payroll to be done in advance (eg, when payroll person goes on leave they could do payroll for a few weeks in advance) but only send payslips when the payroll payment is made.
John Fitzgerald commented
Need the ability to schedule emails (similar to how some email clients, like Apple mail, can do it). While I might reconcile customer payments or produce invoices outside normal business hours I want to be able to schedule my send of emails to the clients (e.g. invoices, receipts, statements etc) so I can have it send 8.00am the next morning or 8.00 next monday etc..etc.
Lauren Holloway commented
This would be great so I can schedule progress invoices to go out on the correct date
Vicky Grobbelaar commented
Delayed sending would save me hours please. Thanks
Sonia Whitehead commented
Yes, this would be a great improvement. I send out invoices weekly and some customers grumble if they get sent invoices too early. I am about to go away on holiday for 2 weeks, during which time no invoices will be sent, although they are all on the system ready to go. All these invoices will be sent when I get back, meaning a delay in our company getting paid.
Freya Pieroz commented
@Derrick Murphy not to mention that logging in to send one invoice can trigger minimum shift payments from one's contract - I know my own contract has a provision that I get paid a minimum of four hours worth when I work for less than four hours in a day (it's very common here in Australia, where the legal minimum shift under most Awards is 3-4 hours). And it's really not worth it to my boss to pay me for four hours when I'm doing less than 15 minutes work on my day off!
Geoff Schmidt commented
This would save a lot of grief and missed invoices.
James Chandler commented
This seems like such a basic feature I'm very surprised it doesn't exist! It's extremely frustrating having to set manual reminders to do a task that could so easily be automated.
Justine Lustig commented
YES! I need this! I don't have any recurring invoices that are exactly the same, so I can't use that feature. But I have about 30 invoices that I need to send on the last day of the month. I would love to be able to create these invoices ahead of time and schedule them to send on the last day, instead of having to work on a Saturday or whatever it ends up being.
Luke Grayson commented
@Derrick Murphy, correct, the situation at present is as follows:
You can create an invoice and set an "Issue date". At first glance, it appears that this would control when the invoice is "issued/sent". Instead, the "Issue date" merely controls the "Invoice Date" on the invoice. Moreover, when you click the "Approve & email" button, after making any adjustments to the editable email template, you click the "Send email" button, which sends the email and attached invoice immediately.
Derrick Murphy commented
To clarify, are we saying that as things stand, you cannot schedule an invoice email routine within Xero itself for a predetermined date and time i.e. you can only create/approve an invoice but have to login still to send it manually?
I'm surprised that a modern accounting system like Xero will not allow you to send invoices at a future date as part of an automated workflow. I'm due away on holiday, and don't want the hassle of having to remember to login on a certain day and time just to send one important invoice. In my case, I don't want to batch send invoices on different dates, merely send one invoice on a specific day and time that's within normal business hours. Thanks.
Johanna Neuke commented
Invoicing - Allow Email scheduling to send invoices
While I like all the features in the invoicing, I don't understand why email scheduling hasn't been included in the makeover. We typically send our invoices out at the beginning of the month (on the 1st if a workday) in which the work/service commences. However, work can be confirmed a few months ahead of that and we usually create invoices once the work is confirmed. It would be so much easier to schedule the email to be send at a specific date at the time it's created, instead of logging in on the first each month just to then send all the relevant emails. This feature would really make life easier and I think lots of businesses will have this problem. I seem to recall that this idea has been raised various times before and I am disappointed that this isn't addressed in the new invoicing. Thanks for considering
Bill Howard commented
Yep will be a very useful feature to have. ***** on with it!
Jonny Roverts commented
100 percent need this feature. I like to get drafts done up as soon as I know what jobs I am required for. Then I tend to forget to send it when it is due. If I can load it to be sent but edit if mobs are canceled and know it will go out at then end of each week would be amazing.
Claire Fortune commented
We'd really appreciate this function as well - we are new to this system and I thought this kind of functionality would be a no brainer - please keep us posted on the progress!
Sejas Patel commented
Whilst this is a very useful feature, it would be half done if only allows scheduling of email-based invoices. I really hope you look into subscriptions as an extension of this feature. I can see tremendous value in that for small businesses to create plans and charge customers periodically (weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly).
Stephanie Shuster commented
Ability to create a single invoice in advance and pre-schedule for the day you want it to be sent.