New Invoicing - Select default for 'Approve' Button e.g not 'Approve & Email
Can there be a system setting which controls the default option on Invoices for the Approve button.
It is currently Approve & Email and we would like to have the default as just Approve.
If it was a system setting companies could chose best option for them.

Hi community, we’ve just released some new keyboard shortcuts to new invoicing, that cut down the number of mouse clicks and help you perform actions on your invoice with some simple keyboard entry options.
There’s a range of different shortcuts that you can explore, and in particular a few that I wanted to call out for ‘Approve’ options that I know will be of most interest to you, here;
- Approve (Ctrl-Alt-A OR Cmd-Opt-A on a Mac)
- Approve & add another (Ctrl-Alt-O OR Cmd-Opt-O on a Mac)
- Approve & print PDF (Ctrl-Alt-R OR Cmd-Opt-R on a Mac)
- Approve & email / send eInvoice (Ctrl-Alt-E OR Cmd-Opt-E on a Mac)
While you get used to the combinations of shortcuts our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can see them all on Xero Central.
Thanks for all contributing, and staying plugged into updates on this idea.
Being upfront, we will continue to field feedback and revise this idea, but we don’t have plans for adding the ability to set your own default any time in the short term.
Kym James commented
Just how many is 'majority'?
Abby Stewart commented
I was just told by support that they will not be changing the button to "Approve". Why not make it an option for users to save their own default setting? I have not read one comment on any Xero forum where the user prefers the "Approve & Email" button.
This is going to create a lot of headaches for me and my staff.
Paul Howlett commented
Xero has basically said "no" in one of the other threads.
Dana Zincir commented
When working with invoices and/or draft invoices, it would be super helpful if we can customize which "enter" option we'd prefer on top. So instead of "save and close" we can choose "save and add another" or "Approve and Email" we can choose "approve and View next" for draft invoices, etc. Preferably, it would be an option we can choose and apply based on invoice template (so different clients can have different defaults based on their needs/invoicing frequency). It would improve our speed with processing multiple invoices or bulk uploaded ones.
Abby Stewart commented
Approve and email should NOT be the default. This is going to create so many errors for my small business. Patients will get invoices that says they need to pay even though they have paid at the time. Users are consistently complaining about this and it needs to be fixed.
I submitted a support ticket and was told "Approve" would be the default due to so much backlash. There are only 2 weeks until the new invoicing is defaulted, and this has not been fixed.
Kathy Skinner commented
I also never approve and email straight away as sometimes these get sent to another person first for review so SHOULD NOT BE THE DEFAULT. Stupid that they set that option as the default when it wasn't the option in classic.
They don't care what their users are saying judging by Kelly's comment above. They should have migrated everything from classic across then looked at adding options to that not change everything when moving over.
It is horrible to use and I dread having to use it when classic is no longer available.
So many requests have been put forward over the years and they ignore those and just do what they want because maybe there haven't been enough votes for a suggestion, or they turn off the ability to vote. Gone down hill and continuing to go downhill from what I see yet put their prices up but offer big discounts to new users and never mind long term users. Seems we're paying to cover the difference. -
Paul Wilson commented
I agree with many of the comments below - I never email invoices and having a default of just "approve" used to be possible and having to go to the drop down list every time is really irritating! Surely a value could be added to the invoice settings panel to allow users to select what is the default action of this button?
Elise Edwards commented
Yes Yes Yes, I need this option. Most invoices I add to xero do not need to be emailed. So I would normally just approve or approve and print. Please bring this back or add a feature that will allow us to change the setting.
Laine Ratsep commented
Please reconsider making this an option a user can set for a default that suits their workflow. While I'm sure Xero's own accounts staff wanted this for their monthly invoicing process, many many other businesses have a workflow for which 'Approve and Email' is potentially harmful to their brand. Digging in your heels on this one is harmful to *your* brand.
Joe Roughton commented
Absolutely doing my head in also. Why assume what we want? Give us the option!
Quickbooks has had this function for quite some time. Quickbooks these days is seeming more and more attractive, not least because talking to anyone at Xero is like hitting your head against a wall.
This whole new invoicing has been a shambles, adding in features that, as far as I can tell, no one was asking for, and in doing so ruining what was a perfectly good invoicing screen.
Xero, in case you haven't picked up, i'm an increasingly unhappy customer.
Toni Angelevski commented
This is doing my head in too.
Some times I prepare invoices overnight but do not want to send them out until after lunch the next day. Example, I may work at night and finish doing invoices at say 11pm. I do not want my client to wake up and the first email of their day is an invoice from my firm. I would rather send it through after lunch that day.
Very stressful.
Additionally, given you were able to run both invoices systems, why the mandatory forcing of users onto the new system. Why not let us continue to be able to use the old system...?
Incredibly frustrated.
Claire Cotten commented
I wish there was an ability to set the company default button. Right now, with this button change, there are going to be problems in one of my organizations with invoicing. Xero should listen to its clients when they say this is an incredibly frustrating situation
Gael Beddoes commented
I agree with Nigel Harper and adding it all to the settings menu than having a really clunky invoicing screen and layout. User profile or invoice setting being an obvious place. So many users don't issue invoices through xero.
Nigel Harper commented
As Posted other other threads: the answer is as follows:
Default Settings should be stored in the User Login Profile along side the Permissions assigned to the user for each company. These "Defaults" should include what the user wants as the default action for ANY Dropdown Button. EG. New Invoicing: Adding Billable Expenses - Add items SEPARATELY rather than as ONE. This used to be 2x buttons now it's a Dropdown Button with the wrong default 99% of the time. The same goes for New Invoicing Approval Button - Approval & Next or Submit for Approval & Next instead of Approve & Email. AND Next should be picked from the sort order in the Drafts Listing - Thus Chronoligical Order would be possible! (Or any order for that matter!)
By separating all these into different threads - the weight of sentiment is lost. Furthermore, once User Defaults are included in the User Login Profile - everyone gets to work they need to and are not forced to do anything that makes their job anymore difficult. The solution to this problem - done properly solves 10's or even 100's of problems. And the system is easily extendable if you ever try to make "improvements" again.
Lita Sheppard commented
Please keep it at simply "Approve" and let the user decide what they then want to do with it. I cannot see that the majority of customers would want this. As a bookkeeper with many clients, I know few who would. In my practice I invoice customers monthly and complete and approve all my invoices before checking and doing a bulk email. I do not want to accidentally send an invoice and this is likely to happen under the New Invoicing. If left as is, there will be another extra step to change it to simply Approve
Accounts Powerace commented
This is an absolute must!!! Some of my clients print off their invoices to go out with the goods and they invoices are not sent until after the process is completed in case the invoices need to be adjusted.
Other clients use different programs to send invoices and just adds alot of confusion and extra time to have to select to simply approve.
Other client prefer to select all the unsent invoices at once, after they have finished invoicing, allows time to double check before invoices are sent to clients.
Scott Osburne commented
it just seem that Xero is not really listening to clients. I don't know who was tested, but it wasn't me.
Sara-Jayne Slocombe commented
Two clicks instead of one is poor user interface design. I almost never email invoices from Xero for any of my clients - that's taken care of by other systems. Please fix this error so that the option used previously is the default.
Steve R commented
Thanks for the update Kelly, like many other here, we simply cannot have Xero email the Xero invoice to clients as they get the invoice directly from another system. Two invoices will confuse clients and it's too easy on 'new invoicing' to accidentally send.
My solution for now: remove all the client email addresses from Xero... I hope I don't have to do that by hand!
Andrew Allan commented
There's no need to add a configuration, or keyboard shortcuts, or things like that. Simply show the option that the user used previously. If they used "Approve & Email" then show that next time. If they used "Approve and add another" then show that next time.
That will make everyone much more happy, regardless of which one they prefer.