New Invoicing: Choose default calculation type for the discount column
The new feature sets the discount column to numeric value by standard. My business uses % and it's incredibly tedious having to type % each time. We can do 10-20 quotes a day with an average of 30 products per quote. So a feature that would allow us to click a button to default to percentage, so when you type a number the % appears (like in old Xero).

Hi everyone, we appreciate the interest his idea has received. Introducing the ability to add a discount amount was highly requested by our community. We recognise for customers that discount by % this means you'll need to enter a % symbol where y ou wouldn't have done so before.
With quite a few items drawing our teams attention at present we want to be upfront that developing a default option for discounts isn't in the pipeline atm. This is something we'll keep reviewing and consider as a future improvement in this space. If there is any change or progress around this I'll let you know on the idea, here.
Brett Black commented
Xero you need to fix this, it would be some simple coding yet its affects so many clients, we enter so many lines for an order and have to adapt to such a time consuming method, if you cannot fix it then do not turn off classic invoicing.
Mark Wiedemann commented
As with the comments below, not being able to set the discount structure to a percentage is a terrible issue, the New Invoicing has been put forfard as better quicker etc, at this point of time it is in a backward phase.
Rachel Free commented
Why change something that worked perfectly well as it was? I do not like the new invoicing at all and wish they would just leave it alone! Not all changes are good ones.
Ann Horstead commented
I hadn't realised the need for a % sign and luckily checked the invoice before sending as my 20% discount translated to 33.33%.
Adam Stokes commented
This is by far the biggest issue with the updated invoicing (one of many). We've spent years using the % as default , so much so that it has become second nature. now we are expected to remember to press the % button every time witch undoubtedly will get forgotten thus either costing me money or loosing business because I haven't given enough of a discount!!! I'm am shocked and most of all disappointed you guys at Xero for thinking this was a good idea
Paul Farrant commented
I shan't copy paste the bland PR response I got from Xero when I raised my frustration at the unnecessary hassle this causes our organisation, needless to say reading the blog posts about all the sparkly new features will not address this issue, nor is it best practice for interactive customer service! If a customer is disgruntled, don't simply refer them to a PR article that does nothing to understand or address the issue!
Scoring an own goal in order to try and wipe out the deficit of scoring the original own goal.
Do better and reintroduce default % discount, or the option to default please.
Maree Wallace commented
The only reason we haven't adopted new invoicing yet. Please make a change before you turn off classic invoicing!
Tony - Local Locksmiths commented
We use discounts for our business all the time. The default used to a percentage, so why have you changed the default to $ in new invoicing. This has already caught me and my staff out. We should be able to choose what our default is in the invoice settings. If we forget to type the % (will happen often as we are not used to having to) this will cost us significant profits. Please ensure this is an option before retiring the classic version!
Maree Wallace (Business Allsorts) commented
As a xero partner, my clients have refused to move to the new invoicing for exactly this reason. Most of my clients are tradies and when they are discounting, it's usually a percentage. The previous default in classic invoicing used to be a percentage, so those that have made the transition have been caught out, they are so used to just entering the discount amount with out the % sign, that this has resulted in examples where they have discounted too much eg. a $40.00 item that was supposed to have 20% discount applied, actually had $20.00 discount applied (giving the client a 50% discount in error)
Please sort this before retiring the classic invoicing!!!!!
Louise Collier commented
Xero please allow users to set the discount to a percentage in the main settings for the new invoicing module BEFORE retiring the classic ....
Maureen Ahearne commented
An alternative to options suggested (clicking on a dropdown to choose between $ or % or making % the default rather than $) is to
MAKE THE TYPE OF DISCOUNT DEFAULT (% or $) AN OPTION IN THE TEMPLATE SET UP. I suspect most business use % as a default. -
Alex Chard commented
Now an issue with invoicing as well.
I have been forced to use the new layout as the old version has a different issue.
This is going to cause invoices to go out with the incorrect discount.Why on earth would Xero change a default like this? Any decent UI developer knows that changing defaults is breaking programming rule 101.
Pete Eastwood commented
100%. its a fiddly change to make on every line
Sam Mence commented
This has been a problem for months now. Do we have even a rough time for implementation? Surely default to percent and type $ to make it a dollar discount must be the obvious solution as it doesn't involve breaking the standard workflow and be easy to solve. A dropdown or checkbox at the top would be another easy fix. When can we expect a solution? Thx
Janice de Villa commented
The margin for unintentional error has greatly increased - I would like to see users be allowed to set this to default to their organisation's preference instead of having to manually input the % symbol each time. We could then possibly have a tick box to switch the discount column to numerical if and when required, without impacting the company default setting.
Please Xero, do something about this, I am sure the majority of users calculate discounts as a percentage. -
Sonya O'Connor commented
Come on XERO how many more complaints before you listen? This is costing YOUR customers money and time.
Carolyn Burgess commented
I definitely second this request as the additional tedious work this new functionality has created nothing positive for our business as it is only adding additional work (which is extending on our workload).
Therefore, I would like to have the setting in the new Quote amended so that when I add '10' to the discount field it automatically calculates this figure as a percentage and I don't have to manually add the % symbol (exactly how I used to enter my discounts on the old system).
Mark Bickers commented
I agree, this should be a user choice, we always discount by percentage and the new system does generate human error (we have used Xero for 10+ years) It is a poor reflection on our business if these errors don't get picked up on before being client facing. Please can we have a toggle to default to % or amount?
Raymond Mattyssen commented
Xero don't give a **** about us ... they change something without giving us a heads up ... maybe they need to send out a vote with the upcoming changes that REAL people can look at it and not a programmer as they can come back with possible faults or problems that come up as they use is day by day
we lose money daily because of this new feature ... we are looking at the option for Sueing them for money lost ...
Sonya O'Connor commented
surely you can see that this is causing issues and costing your clients money Xero! Please fix!