4683 results found
Bills - Include tracking category in Purchase Order PDF export
"Purchase order PDFs only include information that's relevant to your supplier. Fields such as the account code or tracking aren’t included on the PDF. "
It may not be relevant to the supplier but it's critical for the Accounts Payable person to match and code to the relevant account. We track POs based on Property category and also if they are extras to the contract.. A printed PO is attached to the Vendor bill but we have to go back to the PO in the system to see the expense code and if it's extra to a contract.
4 votes -
Projects - Ability to set a Daily rate
Projects currently only allows hourly rate, fixed price or non chargeable time. It would be great to be able to select a daily rate option
9 votes -
Organization settings: Include option for Limited Liability Company type
Add LLC for Organization Type
3 votes -
Dashboard - Ability to set up another users dashboard
We would like to be able to hide certain bank accounts on the dashboard so our employees who reconcile our bank accounts don't also see our payroll bank account (same with loan accounts, savings accounts etc) where the wages get paid from. I.e. the ability to edit the dashboard and 'hide' a bank account for certain employees/ Xero users. Currently as I understand, editing the dashboard is unique to the logged in user.
7 votesHi Heiko, even if you were to hide the bank account from the dashboard, if the user has permissions that enable them to access bank accounts they would be able to view this information somewhere else.
It sounds like you'd be interested in the idea across here asking for the ability to restrict access to bank accounts. Would this be correct?
If so, I'll merge to keep this feedback altogether.
Reporting - By Contact Group
Cost analysis by group type, e.g. we have a group for DD suppliers. It would be useful to analyse how much we spend by group over a set period. We are looking at setting up other groups soon so this would be very helpful.
9 votesThanks for your idea here, Kerry. Can I ask if there's a speciufic report you'd like to be able to run by Contact group?
Bills | List view - 'View' bulk approved bills in Awaiting payments
The view box that comes up when you approve bills is utterly useless, you can't do anything with them, I don't see the point. Before the recent changes, when you approved more than one bill, you could click on the view tab at the top of the page and be directed directly to these bills in awaiting payment, from that screen you could schedule them for payment. Now you have to approve them and then go to awaiting payment, search for the bills you just approved, make sure that the bills that come up in the search are indeed the…
9 votes -
Batch Payment | PDF - Print invoices in logical order
When you print a batch payment to PDF it currently prints the invoices in a random order (not by supplier name, not by date, not by amount, not by invoice number, not by Details -- completely random by the looks of it).
It would be great if the invoices on this PDF could be sorted in the following order to make the PDF easier to read:
Supplier Name
Invoice Date
Due Date
Invoice NumberIf you are trying to use this report to check all invoices from a statement have been included, its currently very difficult/waste of time.
23 votes -
Invoice - Apportion payment to specific line items
Apportion payment to specific line items on invoices. This would allow you to choose where to apply the payment, making it possible to have invoices with multiple payments to have the sales taxed/no sale tax payment correctly and just not proportionally.
25 votes -
Expenses - Set annual expense limits, with alerts
I want to track certain yearly expenses. I wish to put a limit to the expenses. When they reach the limit,I wish Xero can alert me. Eg Setting a limit on staff benefit per employee as $1,000. Once $1,000 is reached, a message can be sent to me.
4 votes -
Projects - Custom date filters for Project Summary reports
It would be really helpful if you can add more filters in the Project Summary reports, e.g.. a date range for "Closed Date" so we can report on Projects completed in a specific month. At the moment the date range is based on time entries only.
4 votes -
Dashboard - Option to pin the bank summary report to the Dashboard
Pin the Bank Summary report to your Dashboard
It would be nice to be able to Pin the Bank Summary on the Dashboard so that you can see the In and Out on your bank feed with a glance.
1 vote -
VAT return -Side navigation or contents pages
VAT Return - transactions by VAT Box
Hi our company VAT return is currently over 400 pages long. Reviewing it is not easy when you have the box 1 figure on page one. I then scroll to about page 65 to get to the box 4 numbers after scrolling past it 2 or 3 times.
It would be amazing if there was a navigation panel to one side that I could click and it would take me to the page of the vat return relevant to the box number I want to review.3 votes -
Quote report - Filter by accepted date
Accepted Quote Report
Great to see that we can now look at a report for accepted quotes but the report is not filterable by the accepted date - please can this be added to the date search for quote reports within Quotes through Receivable Invoice Details and Summary reports.
At the moment the report isn't right as you can only search by due date and created date which is no good - the accepted date needs to be a searchable date or the quote filtered by accepted quotes is useless if you ant to see what quotes have been accepted…12 votes -
AU Payroll - Annual salary display to including additional earnings rates
Including additional earnings rates in the annual salary display. At the moment it only includes ordinary hours and has confused some of our emplyees.
14 votes -
AU Payroll - Bulk add pay items to pay template
The ability to be able to multiple select earnings types when setting up the employee template.
Also with the ability to select Calculation Type - either Use Earnings Rate or Enter Rate.
If selecting 'Enter Rate' this can be input after the earnings lines are available - like usual.
11 votes -
Invoices - Allow Invoice Only users the ability to bulk import invoices
As with standard users and bills raised, ability to bulk import invoices from excel.
1 vote -
AU Payroll - Add units of measurement to Transaction Listing Details report
Please add unit and rate columns in this report.
I know the second option is Payroll Activity Details report. However, when I download this report in excel, the Pay item type is under the employee column i.e not separated.
1 vote -
Bills - Copy Repeating Bill
Would love the ability to copy an existing repeating bill instead of having to open another window with all the features that the new repeating bill should have and having to manually add them all.
18 votes -
Reports - YTD drop-down in "Compare With" field
Looking out our month-on-month Income Statement is cumbersome. Adding "YTD" in the "compare with" field would be an upgrade to fairly standard accounting.
thanks.1 vote -
Reporting - Switch layout between left-right and right-left
When you download a P&L / BS report (whether old or new templates), and include comparative periods, there should be an option to choose left to right, or right to left. If i have downloading for Jul-22, with 12 months of comparatives, i want the oldest month to be on the left, and Jul-22 to be all the way to the right. That is typically how all excel financial models are built, and the basis of these models is historical financials.
15 votes
- Don't see your idea?