Bills to Pay - Remove 'New bill' drop down
With the "new look" bills having been implemented, all the different bill options are under a drop down where you select new bill, new CN, new repeating etc.
I appreciate that this looks tidier or something, but when you're inputting about 20 CNs, having to go through the dropdown for each of them is really tedious.
Also: after approving a bill there's an option to add another bill directly, but that doesn't happen if the bill is submitted for approval or saved as draft. Can this be implemented?
There is also no option to go straight to a new CN from an approved bill (never has been there) so now with the new layout we have to go to the main Bills to Pay page, click on the dropdown, select new CN.
It's all just extra clicks, when I imagine the whole goal is to streamline and make the process quicker/easier/simpler where it's doing the opposite. It looks smarter, but I'm getting more and more frustrated by the CN entry each day when it used to be a nice "put on some music and get in the zone" part of my day.