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  1. Automatically add expense receipts associated with an Expense Claim to a Project that converts to an Invoice within a Project. Currently, the Expense Claim description is the only info added automatically to a Project when the claim is associated with the Project. Ideally, we need the receipts associated with those Expense Claims also added automatically from the library to the Project without having to search in a long list of library receipts for a match when creating a customer Invoice for expense reimbursement. When we have 100+ receipts at any given time in the library, then we have to search…

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  2. We would like the ability to transfer a GST refund to another tax payer. It can be done if we file online at IR and we would like Xero's GST return to file automatically with this feature. We have associated groups and have refunds that we want to offset against another tax payers GST to pay.

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  3. I work with 2 screens - when entering a bill it would be really useful to be able to view the xero transaction on one screen and view the attachment on the second screen. Currently the bills sometimes have such small print you have to really zoom in and move around the screen to be able to read it. I am aware you can open it as a separate document, but this wastes as much time trying to zoom etc. Many people now work with 2 screens so I think this would be a really useful function.

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  4. hi I just spoke with one of your officers they advised I make a suggestion to improve your invoice layout

    my issue is on the contact invoice contact details I would like ability to have two lines for the addressee of the invoice for example on the first line you director name and on the second line the organisation name is your department able to assist with this adjustment in the system look forward to hearing from you

    directors family name line 1

    organisation name Pty Ltd online 2 of the invoice

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  5. Where you have multiple legal entities that are able to lodge a consolidated BAS/GST return for the Group, having an ability to lodge the one return from Xero, without having to manually consolidate the various legal entities data outside of Xero via excel or some other means.

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  6. Expense claims - Download all pdfs submitted by employees

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  7. Sometimes I need to add the same tracking category to multiple lines of the invoice. CLASSIC invoice allowed me to simply paste the category in the box and that's it. NEW invoicing now requires me to CLICK after pasting which doubles the amount of time I'd need comparing to CLASSIC. Please bring that possibility back - OR, EVEN BETTER, maybe let us drag the options to apply them to cells below (like it's done in Excel).

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    Appreciate your feedback on this, Larissa. It's not something we have immediate plans around but I've shared your feedback with the team. It'd be good to get a sense of other users that often do this through the idea here, and I'll share if there are any developments.

  8. Under all the new rules and regulations set down by the Tax Practitioners Board, it is a requirement to keep a backup copy of the data file. We do not want to start a new Xero file from a backup - that is not logical. We need the ability to click on a button and run a backup to comply with the new rules. Using another app is also not a solution. It must be built in the the Xero program that we can use as bookkeepers. This is an essential feature if we are to comply and do regular…

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  9. Xero can currently accept online payments however most methods have quite large fees and can result in chargebacks. BTC lightning payments have lower fees (almost nothing) and no chargeback risk. The ability to offer customers this would be great.

    There are a few SDK's to implement end-to-end lightning payments that are apparently pretty good such as this one:

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  10. Ability to edit GST line by line on bills in order to agree balances to supplier invoices (Due to rounding issues)

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  11. It’s not possible to view the original invoice exchange rate in New Invoicing. New invoicing only shows the current exchange rate. I have to revert to classic invoicing to see what rate was used when posting the invoice.

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  12. Would like to be able to add users with only access to invoicing, without them seeing any other part of Xero. This would be a huge benefit so I can have team members invoice customers without seeing company financials.

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  13. Quote- Multiple formatting options in the "Summary" section.

    In the service delivery business the quotation is also your proposal. Having the ability to use bulleting or numbering as well as bold text or underlining would greatly improve the look and feel of your proposal when the "Summary" section is used to describe and summarize the work or project you are quoting on.

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  14. For volume based businesses, we lose money (30c per transaction) on the stripe fee we pay vs what we can pass onto the customer (because there's no option currently to just pass on the full fee, just a %). That % can't legally be higher than what we are charged, and we can't add the 30c fee to the % anywhere in settings. When we're processing 1,000 transactions per month, we lose $300 to fees. For a small business, this isn't justifiable. Most small businesses that have high volumes are low cost, so they rely on volume of sales to…

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  15. Show that vendor's previous bills on the screen when entering a new bill. This helps to see prior amounts and dates to make sure month-to-month expenses are in line.

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  16. xero online invoices show rate & quantity even when posted from XPM which do not show rate or quantity
    automatic invoice reminders from xero online are sent with rate & quantity even though invoice settings in xero exclude rate & quantity
    xero online invoices should be aligned with XPM in all formats - pdf version & online

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  17. When in the Files Inbox, we need to be able to highlight multiple files by holding the shift key. (This works in other areas of xero already, like batch payments)

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  18. Users who are 'invoice only - sales' need to be able to view prepayments when they look at the individual customer's activity tab. Currently prepayments do not appear at all.

    They only appear when they open an invoice in the old invoicing (this feature has disappeared with new invoicing but is apparently being fixed)

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  19. When going to Payroll -> Pay Employees -> (inside your payrun) -> (Inside an employee's pay)
    There is an option to drop down the list of employees included in the pay-run to change between. Could this be made much bigger please.

    Same goes for teh Drop-Down in the Employee Setting Pay-Template tab

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  20. Average Employee Numbers in the Year

    As part of preparing accounts, the average employee number is often required. If this could be generated within Xero that would save time collating the number of employees per month and working out an average for the year. It could subsequently be used as working out the amount of revenue attributable to each staff member.

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