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  1. Ability to have options to select different fonts for outgoing emails.

    Purpose: To make users outgoing emails more presentable when they send it to their customers/clients.

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    Hi everyone, we've released a new send modal for new invoicing in Xero. As part of this update you now have a rich text editor that allows for small formatting changes such as bold, italics, underlining and the ability to insert emojis. 

    You'll also find other improvements like the ability to cc and bcc emails, and have more visibility of your emails and the PDF of the invoice with a preview on the left of the screen. 

    While this is limited to new invoicing at present, we will look into surfacing this to other areas of the product over time. We'll let you know of any further change for this, here. 

  2. We have started working with a new bank and they use OFX v2. It seems Xero only supports v1.
    Would be great if Xero can support this new version of OFX.

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  3. atm if a client asks what is included in a figure in the accounts, I can only manually deduce that, or generate a spreadsheet analysing all the Trial Balance into the headings (the tagging screen is quick reference for generating this) but surely it should be possible to run a report.

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  4. I would like clients who prepare their own BAS to be able to lock periods - as this is good practice for obvious reasons. Currently if they are a Standard user they are not able to access this area to lock periods. If I make them an Advisor they have access to unlocking prior years and make changes (been there done that - never again).
    Please have the option to give standard users the ability to lock periods (i.e. the first lock period date, but not the second date), or provide a solution to address the above issue.

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  5. I want a negative Reimbursement line item in the Employee Template.
    This can be done in a Payrun, but cannot be done in the Employee Template screen.
    With STP 2 we have some payroll reimbursement entries that need to be processed every pay. They need to be positive and negative entries so that the Wages Payable account does not go out of balance. This can be done in a payrun - why not in the Employee Pay Template. Please see the screenshots.

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    Hi team, while it isn't possible to make a negative reimbursement line in an employees pay template, you could set up a deduction pay item.

    A deduction item would function the same as the negative reimbursement line, as well as being able to be added into the employees pay template.

    It'd be good to understand more if there's a reason using a deduction wouldn't be adequate here.

  6. I have clients with multiple projects and multiple contractors billing for each project. If I want to sort the cost of the contractors by contractor, to evaluate the individual profitability of each person working on the project, then I have to create an estimated expense for each contractor. Easy enough - their contracts have the maximum hours they're expected to be billing my client.

    But if I forgot to assign each bill to a tracked expense before I on-bill that expense, then once the hours that the contractor has worked have been on-billed, I can't assign them to a tracked…

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  7. Can we have both CIS deducted by clients and CIS that we deduct from sub-contractors on the P32 report. I use the P32 to tell me what I need to pay across to HMRC but then have to do a separate calculation for CIS that I've deducted from subbies. The way Xero handles CIS deductions from sales invoices is difficult enough already!

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  8. have a button that allows you to be able to create a payment/receipt from the contact page - so you don't have to go out of the contact to process

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  9. Hi Xero.
    Currently, User's with Invoice Only Access can only approve invoices and bills. However they are unable to remove a payment (or part thereof) from an invoice.

    This is a problem if the User accepts a payment, then realises that there is an error on the invoice, as they are then unable to remove the amount and fix the invoice.
    It would be great if these User's could have this ability without having access to the business bank accounts

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  10. When you're in the pay run screen, you can only download ALL payslips as one PDF file. We need to be able to download payslips by employee group so they can be sent to the individual managers of the employee groups for review/approval.

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  11. desarrollar el informe de Aged Receivables Detail para que por linea por factura.

    adjunto encabezado deseado.

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  12. We regularly use Tracking Categories to allocate bills to Projects. The Account Transactions report is great for showing bills and payments by Project. However, each line has to be individually accessed to see the underlying uploaded document.

    Accountants regularly ask for these receipts which need to be individually downloaded and we have to manually create a spreadsheet linking each receipt.

    This would be hugely easier if the Excel export of the report allowed a field for a URL linking to the uploaded document, like all good receipt tracking apps allow.

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  13. Our company recently combined all departments onto one Xero account. It would be great to be able to see a 'Department' column on the Business - Quotes / Business - Invoices / Business - Purchase Orders pages so that we can see which departments have raised which quotes etc.

    In general, it would be great to be able to customize the overview/summary views to tailor it to which columns are relevant to our business.

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    Hi Janice, appreciate the suggestion in community here. Although each of these areas have a similar page, being open they would each be developed by separate teams and it'd be good to understand the interest in being able to see tracking for each separately to be considered by product. 

    I've slightly changed the title of your idea here for Sales invoices. We have one for Bills across here you may like to support, and you're welcome to create others for each area of Xero you'd like to see this in. 

  14. We operate two Companies on Xero - the manufacturing company sells to the retail company - so we use the Xero to Xero function for this.
    I understand from the support articles that item codes are not transferred from Xero to Xero transactions. Is there any way to enable this, if we were to use the same item codes in each company? When the sales invoices are shared and received as draft purchase invoices the Item codes and COGS/expenses codes have to be re-entered - we would process about 500 per annum with up to 50 lines per invoice -…

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  15. Remove option to send remittance advice when posting batch payments

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    Is there a specific reason you'd like to remove this option from your organisation, Ben. For example would this be for certain user roles, or based on your business processes would you want to remove this for everyone? 

  16. When items get posted into fixed asset module from bills, why isn't the asset type automatically fed from the account it was posted to? This just creates unnecessary work having to assign them manually!

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  17. The only way of moving (using the keyboard) within an invoice or a bill table at the current moment is by using the enter or tab key. These two keys allow you to move horizontally.

    Many times I found myself wanting to move vertically instead! Could we have one key that will do just that?

    A similar feature is already present in 'cash coding' and makes the experience of reconciling way smoother. What about invoicing and bills?

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  18. Editing the header of generated reports

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  19. Invoice - Add ability to "Print PDF" button to select which Invoice Branding Theme to print regardless of the Branding Theme assigned to the Invoice.

    Use Case: Business has products which are legally required to be sent to a third party. White the invoice being sent to the customer is a full invoice, a reduced version is included for this third party. With current functionality, we have to Edit the Invoice, Change the Branding Theme, Print the PDF and then edit the Invoice and revert the Branding Theme back to our standard.

    Unlike the "Invoice Options" dropdown button, I'm suggesting…

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  20. Accrued Earnings Payroll item in Payroll

    We need to record a Project Incentive Payment as an accrual on payslips. These accruals vary per project with some accrued hourly, daily or weekly and are paid at the end of the project.

    The Accrued Earnings payment would be setup in Payroll Settings, with a running total displayed on payslips.

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