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  1. Being able to view previous versions of a quotation to see any changes that have been made.

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  2. I need Xero to have more payment file formats to upload bill payments into the bank. It is such a useful function, but it becomes too much manual intervention to add columns every time you export the file to match your specific bank's needs.

    It will be great to be able to upload a template that can pull the needed info, similar to a Sales invoice templates.

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  3. The VAT reconciliation report is still listed in the menu of reports, however there should be a comment somewhere in the report that says that it doesn't integrate with VAT returns filed under MTD.
    This will avoid staff who are unaware of this, trying to make sense of it.
    Maybe just completely remove it.

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    Thanks for the feedback, Andrew. This is something that's noted within the help for this report but appreciate wanting to see this more predominantly in the product.

    No changes at present but we'll let you know if there are any made, here. 

  4. Have the ability to set default settings for every new Contact you add to Xero.

    Our default tax will always be Tax Exclusive for example. We should be able to set this as the default to all new contacts added, as well as:

    Default account
    Invoice Theme
    Invoices Due Date


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  5. Sales Invoices Additional Line Level Text Field (2nd Description field)

    For businesses that need to record the date, reference (work order/docket number & job number) and also the full description of the items purchased for each line item as opposed to issuing separate invoices for each sale to that same customer through out the month.

    For example: Trucks pick up materials from the local quarry daily. The driver provides a work order that is sent to the office for invoicing. A draft invoice is created and each work order is added as line on the invoice until the invoice is…

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  6. Hubdoc uses a different method of rounding in the "Transaction Details" section compared to the "Destination Section" which causes a "Line item tax amounts do not total to document tax amount' error

    It is detailed in full within this post

    It is due to a calculation error of rounding on the multiple split lines. The two values I have on an invoice are $20 and $3.70 including GST. Therefore 1.818182 and 0.336364 GST, if you sum these up it equals 2.154545. When rounded it equals 2.15 which is what my store receipt says and also what is within the…

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  7. Please make a change so that a .doc attachment (eg against a payment) can be opened without having to downloading it

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  8. Please can we have the option to drill down a project summary/project financial report to only include submitted/paid invoices and to be able to have the option to exclude draft invoices

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  9. Please look at amending the template for customer statements. Its terribly presented at the moment with overpayments being recognised under the invoiced amount section as a negative and balances not cumulating at the end

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    Hi Neilin, I know you've mentioned customising the template, however from the sounds you'd like to change the behaviour of how items within a customer statement is represented?

    If so it'd be good to understand more of the reason of why you're wanting to show overpayments as a positive? 

    If a customer has paid more than expected amount this amount is then a credit on their record and in turn draws down the total amount owed. 

    Alternatively you may want to be looking at recording as a prepayment? 

  10. If the company uses the Go Cardless payment feature, it would be good to have the fuctionality to know if a direct debit has failed

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  11. I have been in dispute with HMRC over an amended FPS submission. Having the employee and employer NI contributions broken down would have been a great help to me.

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     ·  0 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →
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  12. Ability to use BPay reference number for invoice reference number.

    Purpose: Users can easily have an option to utilise BPay reference number as their invoice number.

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  13. We are a meadery that often sells mead in kegs. This idea would also apply to breweries.

    I use a "Keg" inventory item to track the physical keg shells. I use a separate item for the product inside the keg. So an invoice for one keg will show two items: the mead itself and the keg. This helps me keep track of our physical kegs on hand, weather they are full or empty.

    When a client returns a keg, they receive a credit note for returning the keg. In addition to getting their deposit back, this keeps my inventory correct.

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  14. "Compare Tracking Category" in the Old Format P&L Report includes columns for all Tracking Category Values USED in the date range; irrespective of whether the value is ACTIVE or ARCHIVED.

    "Compare Tracking Category" in the New Format P&L Report is different: it includes columns for ACTIVE Tracking Category Values. This represents an incomplete view because ARCHIVED Tracking Category Values USED in the date range are not included.

    Please can you enable reporting of USED Tracking Category Values in the New Format P&L Report before you remove Old Format Reports in July 2023.

    Custom reports don't provide a viable solution due…

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  15. Bring back 'Save' prompts when changes are made but not saved before you navigate away from the tab.

    This was previously existing functionality and has now been removed.

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     ·  1 comment  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →
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  16. To add a tick box when converting from quote to invoice to keep quote date and not for it to default to today's date. Similar to the option to mark as invoiced or not. It would be great if the date does not default today's date if it is revised but stay on the original quote date. Once the quote is accepted and it is converted to an invoice, we please need the ability for the quote to stay on the original quote date and not to default to today's date.

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  17. I have successfully managed to create a custom report.

    I now want to add on rows which give me the opening and closing balance each month to get a 12 month cashflow. Is there a way I can do this from the statement of cash flows (using the cash and cash equivalents at beginning and end of period)

    When I try to add rows to my custom report it doesn't seem to offer to add, but only to group item is this something that could be considered.

    I work for several charities and this report showing money in bank at…

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  18. Produce a Tpar printable Tpar report per subcontractor so we have something to give them when they request details of the amount reported to the ATO

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  19. When entering a bill or invoice, you enter the total at the top then add statement lines, would be great if it showed remaining amount to be charged/ reconciled to reach the desired total. This would cut down admin time when reconciling bills after entering gst amount could show the total remaining as the non gst amount so you do not need to calculate the remaining amount.

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  20. Allow discounts to be +, so we can add £% to an item where we are adding commission for example. Currently I have to manual amend each line. Unless I am missing a trick and there is another way?

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