4648 results found
Invoice reminders - Custom date and time
Being able to customise the invoice reminder so it only goes through during business hours and during working days M-F.
5 votes -
Email template | Sales invoice - Ability to remove due date
My client does not want to show due date on the email template on a sales invoice that I send to them.
5 votes -
Bank Reconciliation - Option to Save a draft reconciliation for completing later
Reconciling funds - I need to be able to save Reconciling items while I'm half way through reconciling.
eg - I receive large amounts via bank statement - eg $16,000. That $16,000 will be made up of 10 holiday home bookings. Then I break down each booking into cleaning, credit card fees, our company commission, Airbnb commission, etc etc. Sometimes there may be up to 80-100 lines of items. Currently I can not save and it is really frustrating as it can take an hour to do and then if I have to leave or can't reconcile I need to…7 votes -
Reporting - Remove Unrealised Currency Gains opening balance from Gains and Losses report
Foreign Currency Gains and Losses - remove opening balance from P&L account 498
Revaluation of the open positions is calculated from invoice/bill issued date to the report date and it is correct. Not sure where from opening balance are coming and are impacting the P&L balances.2 votes -
Invoicing - Ability to bill/charge a different contact
Some of my customers utilise my services through a scheme where their employer or a separate 3rd party will pay their invoice.
Often this same employer or 3rd party will be paying for many of my different clients and they will often pay me in one payment.Think of something like an insurance company paying for repairs on many different vehicles, or NDIS payments for the provision of health services to many different customers.
I quite urgently need a way to keep each customer separate so that I can easily retrieve sales history and data based on individual customer, and…
2 votes -
Bank Accounts | Account Transaction - show related account codes
It would make a quick check of allocations so much easier if the dashboard for bank accounts allowed you to customise the "account transaction screen" so you could toggle between options like you can under reports - account transactions. By enabling account codes to show in the "cash book side" would help us identify misallocations so much quicker and the data is there ...
2 votes -
New invoicing - Send invoice via sms from laptop
I like to be able to send an invoice to both email and SMS at the same time from both laptop and phone
2 votesThanks for sharing how we can improve sending via SMS for your business use. This is something our team ave started exploring, so we'll keep you updated of any news of being able to send both SMS and email at once, here.
budget variance report
Variances for expenses to be correct, ie, an underspend is a positive variance and and overspend is a negative one. This will require a slight change to the variance formula in the report.
1 vote -
Aged Receivables report (detailed) - add colum for "COMMENTS"
Aged Receivables report - Include collector notes. Or even a "flag" to show there are notes in the background. (similar to the * expected date * which is on the "invoices owed to you" report)
But to allow free text.
To have a column in the aged receivables detailed report where you can add a brief note of most recent contact - to provide update when reviewing the clients
Curently we export the report into excel and make notes in excel (outside of xero).4 votes -
New Invoicing | History - record when invoice has been copied
History needs to show when an invoice has been copied and which invoice it has been copied from and to.
6 votes -
UK Payroll - SMP advance
UK Payroll - allow employers who have received SMP advance funding to enter the amount received so that the SMP paid is not recovered, and the correct amount owing to HMRC shows on the Taxes and Filings page.
4 votes -
AU Payroll - Two employees on Grow plan, or the ability to tack on employees
The new Grow subscription only allowing for one employee is really tough for accountants operating in the micro-business space, as many of the small businesses that I have been working to get onto Xero are either married couples or two business partners who need exactly two payroll employees, with no intention to grow beyond that number.
Having to jump from Grow to Comprehensive just to add a payroll user is prohibitive for a lot of my clients, and knowing that this is the case is stopping me from recommending Xero as a product where it would have been a no-brainer…
3 votes -
Xero Projects - Allow Users to print their own timesheet
Limited Projects Users should be able to print a timesheet. Those who are subcontractors require their own records, and this saves duplication. Clients often require timesheets to be signed, and the person who entered the time is usually the best person to arrange this, however they cannot do so unless they can print their own timesheet.
4 votes -
Repeating Invoice - automatically calculating days of the month in the qty field
Repeating Monthly Invoices:
Can we have a feature where monthly invoices have the ability to automatically calculate the days in that month based on the date in the "next invoice date". Therefore it doesn't need to be manually changed. Eg Monthly repeating invoice. next Invoice date - 1 November 2024. Qty - 30
3 votes -
Invoicing - Import with Sent status
Make it possible for imported invoices to be marked as sent when importing them.
Perhaps an additional column in the template Mark as sent status "Y for sent N for not sent"
If this is not possible the ability to bulk "mark as sent"
this would eliminate the issue of individually opening each invoice to manually "mark as sent" to activate the auto invoice reminders2 votes -
AU Payroll | Pay Items - Date driven (add start & end date)
Can we please have the ability to add effective start and end dates against pay items. For example, a deduction may only be for 10 weeks at a set amount. Rather than having to setup multiple notes offline to remind us of this, can't we have this function setup in the payroll system so it only deducts the amount over the set period specified?
2 votes -
New invoicing - Attach more files to invoice when sending/resending
I'm currently re-sending an invoice (manually sending a reminder) and I'd like to attach the email delivery receipt (which I have because I originally sent the invoice to me and then forwarded to the client from Outlook but that's a different set of bugfix/feature requests) as a file to the reminder. The only way to do this at the moment is to back out of the invoice sending screen, attach it to the original invoice and then send the invoice with the attachments both old and new.
I'd like to be able to attach things to the invoice email when…
2 votesAaah I see, thanks for the extra detail, Freya. Appreciate where you're coming from. With a few other items of focus for the team in this space atm, I do want to be open that there aren't any plans atm, but we'll track the interest here, I'll make sure this extra detail gets back to the team, and can share if there is any change to update you on, here.
Bills - Batch payment report account number and sort code
When processing a batch payment report on Xero and exporting to excel to upload to the bank, separate the Account number and sort code - it currently processing them as one number omitting any zero's and this creates an incorrect bank account number, so makes the report useless.
2 votes -
Login - Account Settings - Log in to - BUG FIX
Please fix the Account setting for the Log in to preference so that it works as advertised.
Currently the option to log in to "The organisation I was last in" does NOT work as advertised. It will log me in to a seeminly random organisation from the list of my organisations.
I believe that it is logging me into the "Last organisation that ANYONE was in"9 votesHi Andrew, have you come into our Xero Support team about this? This setting is at a user level so should be based on the last organisation you were in.
It would be good for our specialists to take a deeper look into this with you to determine what's going on. If not already could you please raise a case through Xero Central.
item code duplicate
Item code duplication notification prior to adding all the purchase and sales details or if it is duplicated make it editable while entering invoices without having to go out and into the inventory tab.
1 vote
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