4648 results found
Contacts - Add customer's invoice payments to Contacts
Please put the customer's payments on the activity page so it is easier to see what payments went to which invoices. Seeing that an invoice is paid isn't enough information if the customer has questions. It would be nice to see WHICH payment is applied to an invoice.
44 votes -
two fields for e
To have separate fields for invoice number and reference when entering bills.
Providing two distinct sources of information when reviewing supplier transactions and help reduce duplicate entries. Having these as separate fields could make it easier to search, sort, and reconcile supplier bills more efficiently.1 vote -
Unassigned account Code
We need to be able search for items which have no account or account code allocated to them in error. There is no way to search for 'unallocated Accounts' under account transactions.
2 votesHi Charlotte, appreciate your idea however need a but more information to categorise and share with the right team. Is there a type of document you're looking for this information in? For example sales invoices, or bills?
Edit Default Work Week - Xero Projects
Ability to change the default work week for entering and viewing time entries in Projects.
Purpose: Allows us to easily view employees time in the work week that we use for an outside Payroll.
2 votes -
Inventory - Allow changing of an item's Inventory Asset Account
For tracked inventory items, there's no way to change the inventory asset account which can be inconvenient. As the inventory grows, they are put under new different classifications so I want to add a new inventory asset account for each. However, I cannot change it in the item's inventory asset account when it is already tracked. It would be very helpful if this will be allowed. Or at least a way to delete a tracked item if there's no transactions/bills, but only adjustments.
2 votes -
draft bills bulk upload
the ability to bulk upload documents in draft bills
2 votesHi Katrina, when you say you'd like to bulk attach documents - would this be adding the same attachments to multiple bills at once or bulk adding attachments within a singular draft bill?
Contacts - Allow multiple addresses for a single contact record
Ability to create and save multiple addresses for a single contact record
Purpose: Allow customers to map customer & supplier details against a single contact record
1,196 votesHi community, we understand your needs in this feature and want to assure you were taking on board all your feedback.
As many of you accustom to this idea will know, multiple addresses requires a complex solution. It's been something we’ve been moving towards for some time and we’ve done a lot of back end work that will allow us to bring it to you in the future.
We have 12 different products within Xero that rely on contact data, as well as many of our app partners. This means that contacts need to seamlessly flow across technology, products and all connections on Xero. And that’s exactly what we’ve been working on.
One of the reasons we announced the retirement of classic invoicing is because many of the features being asked for, just can’t be brought into classic invoicing. The old technology has too many technology limitations to enable this.…
Xero Practice Manager - Enter Cost dropdown menu and staff selection
When entering a cost create a dropdown selection menu of standard costs that are setup in settings. Current system requires a prompt to type in the correct cost to appear and fill out preset cost and charge figures.
Also include a drop down to select staff member entering the cost. This would be a time saver for mileage and expense claims so you could filter a disbursement report quickly and submit to save double working.
1 vote -
Link Annual Invoice to Monthly Repeating Journal for P&L Allocation
I'm pretty sure many businesses, like us, invoice some or all of their clients on an annual basis for services delivered across that year. In that case, we post the income from those invoices to an 'Income in Advance' account and then set up a monthly repeating journal to allocate 1/12th of that revenue from the 'Income in Advance' account to the correct P&L income account.
This is a slow and cumbersome process that is prone to human error. For instance, when a client leaves, we have to delete their annual repeating invoice and remember to delete their corresponding monthly…
2 votes -
AU Payroll - Set default leave types (paid out/not paid out)
Currently, when you assign a leave type to a new employee, for all leave types other than annual leave and personal leave you have to go into that leave type on the employee card and manually change the leave settings to what should be the default for all employees. For example, RDOs should always be paid out on cessation of employment, but the default setting is "not paid out", and I cannot change the default setting, only each individual's settings.
I should be able to set what the default settings are, to reduce the likelihood of stuffing it up.
7 votes -
Draft Invoice: Warning message
Hi Team, my query is about Draft Invoices. Is there any chance of having a 'Stop do you want to proceed' when it comes to a draft invoice being sent instead of the actual Invoice? I was convinced that I had approved a draft invoice, yet when the email was sent, it was not the Invoice as per the subject reference, but the draft. Embarrassing to say the least.
Just that extra step would be very helpful. Not the first time it has happened to us. Thank you,8 votes -
Sales overview - Show Invoice sent date
Sales Overview Improvement Request: Add "Send Date"
To enhance our efficiency and reduce time spent looking up invoice details, it would be beneficial to add the "Send Date" to the Sales Overview page.
Reason for the Request:
Clients sometimes claim they have not received an invoice and ask when it was sent. Currently, to answer this, we must navigate into each individual invoice and check the history, which is time-consuming.
Our team members occasionally inquire about the send date of invoices as well, and without this information readily visible, they too have to go into the invoice history.
Proposed Solution:…
3 votesThanks for sharing the details that’d help you when chasing payments and invoicing in Xero. We don’t have direct plans for developing this atm, however as we continue to plan further developments within invoicing, our product teams would like to get your input, so they can get a deepened sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. If you'd be interested in sharing further feedback we have a survey here, and we'd love to get your insights.
Revert back to old invoicing. People clearly do not like the new invoicing.
Revert back to old invoicing. People clearly do not like the new invoicing.
1 vote -
Invoice - Send void invoice email
A feature that allows an email to be sent for a voided invoice to the client so they have confirmation the invoice is voided as verification.
This can be as simple as taking the invoice template / previously generated pdf and branding "VOIDED" or "CANCELLED" on top of it.1 vote -
UK Payroll - Download links for Payroll reports
Once Payroll is posted we require the relevant reports (journal and activity), I feel a download link (alike the one for payslips) would be beneficial rather than having to view reports and then having to export download for printing or saving purposes, this would save users time.
1 vote -
Bank Reconciliation - Links to bills to pay on reconciliation page
I feel on the bank Reconciliation page, there should be links to both "Invoices owed to you" and "Bills you need to pay" I feel this would make navigation quicker and simplify the reconciling process.
1 vote -
Repeating Invoice - Updating in bulk an updated product or service price
Bulk price updates for repeating invoices when a price of a product or service is updated.
For example, updating our on-charged Xero subscriptions (which change regularly) currently requires clicking into each and every repeating invoice to update the newly priced line item.
There should be a way to choose whether or not you want these changes to filter through to all repeating invoices or a selection of them (with checkboxes for example, in case you want to keep some as they are).
1 vote -
Notifications - Make audible alerts optional
Please make audible alerts to "messages", tips, etc optional.
I wear earphones and work across multiple devices and it is quite irritating to hear "bloop" when working across multiple tabs.We don't need more vapid sounds in our lives!
2 votes -
Reporting | Current Financial Year by month - actual and budget
This report is great, I love it but we need to be able to customize it more. When you try and add columns it gives a message saying that you have to delete the total column first, then you need to manually add a total column which isn't the end of the world, but you can't select the the new total column in and of the formulas, like if I wanted to add the variance column (Which I would love to) but I can't.
16 votes -
Search Engine Optimisation - More intuitive
I would appreciate the Search engine to be reverted back to how it was. The new "upgraded" search is close to useless. When I search for clients, I expect all relevant clients to come up. I don't want to type in the whole client name, just to get their details to show up. Previously I could type in a few letters and the search would come up with an amazing list of relevance....
1. Contact listed first
2. Invoices listed next
3. Bills listed thereafter
4. then lastly bank transactionsThese searches used to come up with appropriate information and…
16 votes
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