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  1. Sorting Manual Journal Entries with a specific description or reference for easy search and find

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    Thanks for the confirmation, Ann - I've just updated the idea title and categories to get this showing where others might be interested too. 

    Most recently we released a new Journal report with a lot more flexibility than the older version, and should help with finding a journal you're looking for. 

    You can search for a journal by filtering the Journal report by description 😁

  2. Reference column in the Allocate Credit to Invoice view.

    Purpose: To save user's having to open the credit note to see what invoice to apply the credit to.

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  3. Can the magnifying glass search for anything entered so you can see where an item has been entered before, at present it only searches the information in the reference box. Sage & Quickbooks already do this and its very helpful as a book keeper.

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    Is there a specific field of an item that you'd generally search for, Janie? 

    Being open, we don't intend to allow for the ability to search 'any field' that data can be entered in Xero. 

    However if you can be more detailed in the terms you're searching this maybe something other in community want to see too and we can share with the team who develop Search in Xero. 

  4. Please add a setting option or a column for display details about "Account" in the table shown in "Bills to pay" instead of only showing "Ref" which the information of "Account" is important and moreover we don't need to waste time to entry "Ref" for checking.

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  5. When a shopping cart item is purchased via Stripe (as opposed to via an invoice from Xero), the transaction goes to the bank and then is imported into Xero via the bank feed. Because of this, none of my transaction totals or associated fees come through, forcing me to manually adjust every single transaction to properly account for the fees in my bookkeeping. This is unsustainable and ridiculous. When I used PayPal, I was able to set up PayPal as an account and therefore properly reconcile everything coming in through that portal and then associating the transfers with the amounts…

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  6. Separating out pre & posttax deductions on PDF payslip. At the minute these are all displayed together.
    Would be better if Pre tax deductions where displayed under gross salary and then taxable pay calculated, before displaying post tax deductions.
    Would be easier for employees to follow.

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  7. When doing a search on a bank account for a payment made the search does not include the individual payments which make up a batch payment. So if a payment was made as part of a batch then unless you know the date the payment was made or the name of the supplier it was made to then the search function will not find the payment you are looking for.

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  8. In Australia we are required to check an employee's visa status and keep a record of such.

    Additionally we have to report on this every quarter.

    It would be great to add visit status to the employment record

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  9. It would be really helpful if you can add more filters in the Project Summary reports, e.g.. a date range for "Closed Date" so we can report on Projects completed in a specific month. At the moment the date range is based on time entries only.

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  10. In order to track and approve "Working from Home" requests it would be useful if Xero would enable pay item ("Working from Home") to be created that would function in the same manner as a leave category but was not leave (i.e. would not be reported to the Tax Office as a type of leave).
    That way employees could apply to work from home, as they do annual leave, and approved working from home hours would automatically appear on the leave calendar.

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  11. Financial Details Summary - BSB Number and Account Number need to display seperatly on Contacts Dashboard. They currently display as one string of numbers

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  12. Currently notes need to be updated manually on the financial statements (as far as I am aware). New accounts need to be added to the respective notes otherwise the figure in the notes will not match the figures in the financial statements.
    I feel that this is inviting error as inevitably there will be times where this process is overlooked.

    it would significantly simplify the process if Xero recognises where a note is connected to a financial statement line item, and then automatically fills in the notes with the same accounts grouped in the financials.
    at the very least, there…

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  13. Profitability of projects not correct. We are setting up projects in Xero. We have found the profit figures are not accurate where there are a mixture of GBP and US$ bills. Could you please forward to your development team. It can't be that difficult for projects to pick up a translated figure surely??

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  14. "Purchase order PDFs only include information that's relevant to your supplier. Fields such as the account code or tracking aren’t included on the PDF. "

    It may not be relevant to the supplier but it's critical for the Accounts Payable person to match and code to the relevant account. We track POs based on Property category and also if they are extras to the contract.. A printed PO is attached to the Vendor bill but we have to go back to the PO in the system to see the expense code and if it's extra to a contract.

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  15. When Bank or Superannuation details are changed for an employee, Xero sends an alert to the Admin/Account owner of the account. The employee details who have changed should also be sent an email alert.

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  16. Many super fund member numbers have special characters, eg, dash '-' or underscore '_'.
    At the moment, only numbers can be entered as the Member Number, which means any member numbers with special characters are deemed 'invalid' by Xero. This means we are unable to process super payments for the staff member.

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  17. We would like to know which invoices or contacts are not set up to collect payments via Direct Debit from GoCardless, so we can proactively target them to move to Direct Debit. Whilst Xero knows this information, they've confirmed there's no way to report on it and it will be very helpful to have

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  18. Client wants to be able to include delivery address post code in receivables invoice detail report - can this field be included in the column options

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    Appreciate you sharing ideas from your own clients, David. It'd be great to know more of how this could help their business or the reasons why they'd like to see the post code in this report specifically. 

    Atm, if needing a full list of contacts and their post codes perhaps an export from Contacts would be of use. Thanks 

  19. Does Xero have any plan to put the payment term feature showing on tax invoice in near future? Currently, we setup on each customer record. But the payment term is not printed automatically for each customer. Hope to see this feature soon on all printed invoice.

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    Hi Emily, there's no way or immediate plans for enabling differing payment terms per contact on invoicing atm.

    Right now, if you have differing payment terms for different sets of customers, they way to represent these differences would be through the use of invoice templates.

    You can then set a default branding/template to be applied to each of your contacts which'll be auto applied when you raise and send an invoice for them.

  20. Currently bill costs are not posted to the accounts until it has been approved. It would be beneficial if once a bill was entered/submitted for approval in xero the costs were shown in the accounts. If the approver is not available to approve the bills it holds up finalising month end accounts.

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