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  1. When entering invoices and the account is always "sales" (for example), I would like the option to set up invoices to automatically use the "sales" account? It is currently only an option by setting up item codes and/or setting up through contacts. I would like to see it automatically assign the account at the time of entering the invoice, instead of having to type in an item code. It will save so much more time and avoid errors by users selecting an incorrect account from the chart of accounts.

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  2. The ability for Xero to automatically update pricing or changes that were made to items in products and services, when a quote is converted to an invoice.

    Or to at least get a notification that changes were made to the items in the quote when it is converted to an invoice.

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  3. A note of outstanding, unreconciled statement lines before completing a VAT return.

    Currently you click review and can see the VAT return; however, it would be useful to have a box that would flag if there any unreconciled transactions within the VAT period.

    This would help to ensure no transactions are missed when completing a VAT return.

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  4. It would be great if Xero could automatically attach the remittance advice to each invoice after making a batch payment?
    This would save time when we get queries from suppliers as to the status of their payments, rather than searching for the batch remitttance and emailing it to the supplier again, it can be easily found as it will be attached to the paid invoice.

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  5. Hi

    On the repeating invoices tab, can we please have the total amount showing of repeating monthly invoices.. Just as it shows the awaiting invoices value on that tab.

    This will help business keep an eye on their recurring value income.

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  6. In the new reports you can run a report, by supplier, of invoices that are due and planned to be paid, which is great. There is a differentiation between due and planned in both screen detail and reporting. The schuduled/planning option enables users or managers to plan which invoices they wish to pay either by viewing on Xero or running in a report. However, the reporting option puts the two together by adding in an invoice wiht the same due date, if a planned date has not been entered. This means that invoices not scheduled/planned to be paid are included…

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  7. It would be great if in Blue Xero in the Contacts list the "Mobile number" can be displayed when there is no actual phone number, currently you need to open the contact to see the Mobile Number. a bit frustrating.

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    We've just released a recent improvement to searching contacts where you can now search a contact by any phone, direct dial, mobile or fax number saved in their contact record.

    While you won't be able to see a contacts mobile number from the screen, you'll be able to search for a contact by a mobile number that's been saved for them.

    We don't have further change planned to add more detail to this screen atm but we'll continue to track the support of the idea here.

  8. It would be very useful if the cashflow report could intelligently add VAT payments to Cashflow automatically.

    For example when a VAT return if filed, automatically add the payment amount and date to the report, learning as it does with repeating outgoings what the date might be - if you're paying by DD this is pretty predictable.

    As invoices are generated (payable and receivable) the report already picks up the amount of VAT payable to HMRC and it would not be a stretch to calculate what is due back on purchases, or to use the known VAT reporting date to…

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  9. We would like to be able to go next and back through GST periods/returns on xero. At the moment you have to got back into the GST report tab to see the next/previous period. You should just be able to click next or pervious off to the side

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  10. Is there the ability to make the cashflow report into an accrual report also so we have one report that can show p&l and capital expenditure with an area for adjusted accounts payable/receivable still outstanding and then projecting the bank balance.

    Currently we use a 12-month P&L and then have to do a separate balance sheet and it doesn't quite hit the mark.

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  11. I would like the field 'Branding Theme' added to invoice report as a column that can be selected.
    Any invoice report - aged debtors by detail would be great. I need to be able to analyse outstanding invoices by this field and cannot.

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  12. The old Xero version of Products and Services was really useful, as would show individual pieces costs to 4 decimal places.
    The new version only shows 2 decimal places - we would really like to be able to see the 4 decimal places again!

    The old version was also more user friendly, as you could 'tab' shortcut from one section to another when making adjustments. The new version you need to use your mouse and select everything which takes much longer.

    Would you be able to update this?

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  13. Develop report that lists customers with date,type and amount of last statement sent.

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  14. To be able to view at a glance the 'period taken from a customer to pay invoices' from the Due Date to when the funds have reached the supplier's bank account. This is instead of exporting the Xero report in an excel sheet and then adding a formula to calculate the difference between the two dates. Surely with all the information already stored in the Xero account, this option shouldn't be too difficult to add. Thank you.

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  15. I need to report on employee timesheets against my tracking categories. For example how many hours have employees recorded against Job A, Job B, Job C etc in any given timescale. In the transaction/payroll activity report it only gives £ and not into tracking categories.

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  16. It would be helpful if the quote number was automatically picked up and featured onto the converted invoice.

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  17. ATO Category pay items of Directors Fees should be able to be the Ordinary Earnings Rate for employees. Currently only the ATO category Ordinary Time Earnings can be the Ordinary Earnings rate for employees.
    Whilst adding a zero Ordinary Earnings Rate solves the problem, it leaves the processing of pays open to input errors unnecessarily

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  18. Please can Xero consider adding a Customer Statement option that shows payments as totals (not splits per invoice allocation) as found on the bank statement.

    Many businesses have customer accounts that are paid towards or caught up regularly in round bulk amounts that do not neatly match individual invoices.
    In these cases customers getting statements showing their payments as splits cannot easily or intuitively see the amounts that they paid on specific dates.

    In dealing with queries ourselves we find that many customers find the Activity Statement format frustrating or confusing, especially when we have to capture part of a…

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    Hi Jessica, it'd take some customisation of the Statement advanced docx. template but it is possible to remove fields from showing that may cause confusion or are unnecessary for your customers. 

    You could look at removing the 'PaidAmount' field if this is not required and just keep the 'Balance' and 'Amount' fields. 

    There's a discussion over in Xero Central where there are others in community who often help with making changes ti advanced templates and maybe of help here. 

  19. Cost analysis by group type, e.g. we have a group for DD suppliers. It would be useful to analyse how much we spend by group over a set period. We are looking at setting up other groups soon so this would be very helpful.

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  20. When doing a catch up job it takes forever to have to click into each pay run then back into pay employees and repeat. It would be great to be able to tick each one on the payroll > pay employees screen and then submit all at once.

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