UK Payroll - Payslips - Schedule date for payslips to be emailed
Ability to have an automated scheduled payslip.
Purpose: To make Payroll admin workflow easier, especially when they aren’t working on the day when payslip needs to be sent.

Scott G commented
The Sage payroll portal has functionality to have the payslips emailed to the employees (via link to their portal).
Considering Xero has the 'Xero Me' access, can Xero consider adding this functionality so when a pay run is complete and posted, the payslips are released to the employees automatically on the morning of the pay date so as to save outsourced payroll providers in practice (and also small business) from having to remember to log in and release them manually.
This is proving problematic when payroll staff are on annual leave during times when payslips of client companies should be released.
Thank you
Timea Hoskins commented
Yes... this! We have a few clients we run payrolls for and they want payslips emailed on payday rather than the day you run the payroll. This means currently you have to set a reminder to log back in and email the payslips. Would be great to be able to select a date when processing a payroll :)
Sonja Ballinger commented
Our pays are scheduled to go out on a specific day. Would like to be able to schedule the payslips to be emailed on the same day, not have to remember to do this manually.
Sarah Winship commented
It would be so useful if we could have the option of being able to schedule the payslips to be automatically emailed to employees on a specific day rather than having to manually do this.
Helen MacGregor commented
This time of year we're all off on our hols. Would be great to schedule payslips to send on the day, or day before, rather than having to send a week or so in advance.
Can't believe this is still not a thing!
Heather Russell commented
Please add this feature. It would be very useful for small businesses when payroll may be done in advance. Our bank allows the pay itself to be scheduled and having payslips go at the same time would be great.
Ronald Jansons commented
I can't believe that this has not been added yet. All other Payroll programs I have used have had this feature
Brian Mohabir commented
This would save so much time.
Kay Ha commented
PLEASE add this feature. It will save my time and my sanity.
Rodney Freeland commented
I can't believe that this has not been picked up on and actioned. Such a basic feature for a payroll application.
Michele Grisdale commented
Great idea. The delay can be critical as the clients are notified of the amounts to pay. When payslips are sent before the payment is made the employees expect the payment has already been made. Also, they can be scheduled so they do not hit the employee's mailbox in the middle of the night when we sometimes run pays.
Amy O'Connor commented
would be great for us BUSY bookkeepers/BAS Agents. Sometimes I can complete the payroll on the Friday for the Monday so this would be great for those situations!!!
Lee Phillips commented
How has this not been added yet? This should be a very simple feature to implement and would make life a lot easier for a lot of people!
Rachel Evans commented
This would make everyone's life so much easier - to have a delay timer on mailing payslips on the paydate.
I keep forgetting to go back on the actual day of the payrun and mail out the payslips. This feature would make sure it never gets missed. -
Tara Broderick commented
They don't look at our comments, they don't like to fix bugs, and they don't really know or care how the UX and UI Interfaces work with their users.
It's shame that they don't seem to do what the users want, nor listen to their concerns. They've been contacted about illegal settings by myself, and they've denied it's illegal - in print. Then, quietly, they've make a change because it was indeed illegal, and don't bother to contact anyone to let them know. -
Martina Ford commented
When will you be implementing this?? It is important
claire constant commented
Payslips - Create a schedule (date/time) to automatically email payslips rather than having to complete manually.
Beverley Dela-Nougerede commented
Come on Xero your users have spoken!
I have 9 separate payrolls to run, please make our lives easier by having this simple feature, it will save us all a lot of time and hassle having to remember to go and email payslips!
Dean Outlaw commented
This has been going since 2013?
Fair dinkum, you guys are slow. -
Michael Shacklock commented
Really need this as we process our payruns several days in advance..then have to remember to go back in to send the payslips out on pay the day. What a hassle..Doh
Surely this would be simple to add & make things a whole heap easier!