Reporting: Customer Payment Performance - payment date and number of days late
Ability to generate a report where users’ can view contact payment activity
Purpose: Users’ can easily see which customer has good and bad credit performance, and manage customer relationships & debt.

Damian Redenbach commented
This information is already available in each customer profile, so it should be easy to add as a report
Andrew Brindley commented
This is a no-brainer and a featured report that should be out of the box. The competition has it; come on, Xero!
Yes, you can report on customer debtor days in QuickBooks by using the "Accounts Receivable Aging Detail" report; this report shows you a breakdown of customer balances categorized by how long each invoice has been outstanding, allowing you to calculate the average debtor days for your customers.
Nicola Barnett commented
How is this not a report in accounting software!
It's critical to businesses, which Xero is trying to make itself?It's a calculation isn't it?
Joe Warburton commented
Not sure i can add any more to what Stuart said really. This seems such an easy fix that should already be standard.
Stuart Mohamed commented
I can't imagine this would be very hard to do at all, nor very time consuming. Considering that Xero is already calculating it and posting it on the contacts page, is it really that much of a stretch to add this to the suite of reports already available?
A status update would be welcome please Xero.
Eve Anderson commented
This feature is very important for categorising customers & credit control! Otherwise you have to click on all individually but this is so inefficient. It already calculates the average, we just need it in a report form!
Alan Gray commented
Oh no - not another important feature that has been sitting in their in tray for a very long time!!
Jenna Ayling commented
We really need this report function to become a reality! Being able to view the average days a customer takes to pay is a key element to credit control, and I don't want to have to go into each customer one by one to pull this information, it should be an optional column on any receivables report. Please make it happen.
Natalie Burkitt commented
Also would be really keen to have this to be able to manage cashflows more effectively. Currently I've been to each customer card on Xero and typed it into Excel, but becomes out of date quickly and is incredibly time consuming. The information is there, so would be great if it could be built into a report.
Julie Sutton commented
Been asking for this for 10 years now - really don't understand what is so complicated ....
Come on Xero - this is such a basic requirementAll we want is a report of a filed that already exists in Xero
Fern Bradford commented
It would really help with reporting to be able to view customer debtor days per customer in one report. As we have a lot of clients it is not practical to go into each client to view the payment days. The average payment days on the executive report is not enough detail.
Vanessa Lim commented
It's nice to be able to see how many days on average a customer takes to pay you but ideally, if we could have a report to extract this information for all customers so we can compare to payment terms, that would be even better in order to manage debt and giving customers a bigger or smaller credit limit. It will also inform on whether there's been a downward trend which could be a red flag on how well a company is doing.
Ruth Taylor commented
Please add Customer Payment Performance / debtors days to the basic product as a customer report, the data is already in each customer's record.
Is it correct that this requirement was requested in 2014, 10 years ago? What is the hold-up for Xero in adding this? It's a simple report field to add surely?
Kate Sanders commented
Essential to be able to compare payments times of different accounts rather than going into each customer individually.
Jim Murphy commented
Critical to have average payment days per customer report. Please explain why you can't do this. It should very easy as the information is already there to see in each customers record.
Atelier Accounts commented
Essential for me. Currently having to go into every contact to see the average
Richard Chambers commented
Is this report available now?
Jarrod Rogers commented
Just echoing the comments below. It's important for a business to quickly tell who are their good and bad customers so they can continually drop the unprofitable bottom 10-20%.
The data is in Xero. A report should be pretty easy to generate.
Yener Adal commented
Hi everyone. I initially voted for this feature about a year ago but found an easier way to extract the info from a different system. But I've noticed that demand is still very high.
I run an IT business, and we are a Xero developer, so we are considering building this report as an add-on for Xero. The initial idea is the site would have the contact list just like Xero but with three extra columns.
1. Average days to pay for the lifetime of the contract
2. Average days to pay in the last 12 months
3. Average days to pay in the last three months.This would allow you to see trends across your contacts and how they pay
Building this would take some initial capital investment by us and a risk that Xero could turn around and implement this feature (although it has been 10 years!), and we'd be left holding the can.
We've done the maths and calculated our risk, and we're willing to take this on for a price of $7/month.
If you are interested, please let us know here're not looking for a commitment or money, just gauging interest.
If we get enough interest and decide we want to build it, we can start an external discussion group to keep everyone updated.
Just an idea we came up with that might be helpful.
Jo Roberts commented
Average days to pay is listed for each customer, so this should hopefully be an easy win for Xero to produce a report that lists this figure across all customers.