User Role - Access to Products & Services (Inventory) and Purchases/Sales only
Ability to allow individual access to inventory(products & services) and sales in Xero.
Purpose: Enable ability to view different sets of information within an org.
Thanks for all your input and sharing how we can improve Xero's user roles to cater for the needs of your business and staff you'd like to provide this access for.
As you may have seen in other ideas we've been conducting some research into user roles across all of Xero. As a step on from this, one of our teams are beginning a deeper dive into solving this idea here and enabling more roles access to Products & services (Inventory) in Xero.
While this may take sometime to accomplish we wanted to provide an update to you all interested in this, and we'll keep you informed of further progress as the team begin looking into it.
Clare Heaviside commented
Without this feature this product is no longer fit for purpose for my business
Yegor Sak commented
+1 how is this not a feature? This suggestion is 9 years old now.
Diane Mooney commented
I am shocked this isn't allowed, took me by surprise when went to do it. Assumed it would automatically allow it.
Con Strydom commented
This is critical for our business, can we please have an update on when this will be implemented?
Chris Henderson commented
I have had a look around at the list of add ons available for inventory where we can integrate to Xero and either they are too big for our use, charge two or three times what we are paying for xero monthly, or are designed for specific industries that dont work for us. I could spend some money and have a programmer develop our own inventory module and integrate but that seems quite an expense and with it being specific would have maintenance costs I don't want. MYOB has inventory and maybe we should just go and use that. MYOB has shortcomings, but so does Xero. Different application but same story in a different shade. At least we could maintain our products on our shelves.
sincerely, frustrated with Xero
Katie Emerson commented
Can we have an update on this please?
Yvonne Tay commented
This is a very important function for our organisation.
I have 3 staff appending invoices, and they need to check the inventory and also check inventory report function.
This is to ease their responsibility in creating invoices and checking items.Please add this function asap.
Please let us know when will this be available?
Tamzin Smith commented
Has anyone found a software that has this feature? Please advise what other options are out there as my client is so frustrated with Xero and I would love to know what else to suggest to him as he needs to move asap, this function is a deal breaker.
Adrian Lucivero commented
This is a serious issue within our business. As our business grows this issue will become more & more prevalent.
If Xero doesn't address this issue, we will have to seek an alternative ERP package.
Sort it out XERO!
Alexandra Hellawell commented
Please please Xero have this done! It is so important for people who deal with Sales and Bills to have the ability to change the product and services details.
Brendan Watt commented
xero arent going to listen until new subscriptions slow down.. post these issues on their ads that pop on facebook or instagram so new users see the massive downfalls...
#User Role - Restrict access to specific Settings -
Tony Hathaway commented
Why is this not implemented yet ? With workflowmax being removed I wanted to transfer quotes to Xero. Our estimator needs to be able to amend products and services but as an employees doesn't need access to any of the accounting. If this isn't done soon we're off to Sage
Ioanna Vakoula commented
This is a critical function and should be segrarated from other roles. Can you please provide this as an option to have accesss only to sales and purchases and also to products and services? It is urgent. We need the team member who orders products to be able to update purchase and sell price information, but she does not need access to the bank account or accounting functions.
Simon Wareham commented
I wholeheartedly support this idea. I need to be able to enable the person in our team who raises all of our invoices to be able to maintain products also in order to make periodic updates to prices. We have an annual change to some of our prices, dictated by an external party, it can't be done until I have the time to go in and do it, this is very frustrating, when the person with sales access could just as easily do it if I could grant her the right access. Please can this change be implemented as soon as possible.
Magali Mueller commented
This is so important. Updating products is time consuming, we ask our junior staff to get this sorted, hence why they don't need financial access.
Lorraine Adams commented
........ho hum. I've lost track of how many times I've voted on a 'new stream' for this kind of feature that all other leading accounting softwares have.
This has been on the menu for more than 10 years now, from before I started using Xero. It's an unbelievable & fundamental hole right in the middle of this platform that compromises GDPR and prevents business departments functioning separately/efficiently. I don't think Xero can do anything about it as the current set up is totally embedded in the very original platform, and to even introduce separate 'mini' reporting access modules or areas as add on isn't on the table. And besides, they'd get no extra income for all that effort. Rather produce something new & 'buzzy', to justify year on year price increases.
Said with intended sarcasm - why shouldn't every staff member have access to every bank payment that the business makes? Including payments of all kinds to directors, wage payments to the guy sitting opposite, their manager, HMRC, .....I wonder if staff at Xero have the same access to the whole companies C of A, reports and banking information...suppliers and client, taxes, debts, liabilities, assets.....I doubt it.
It's an unbelievable situation & a sad reflection of many big businesses run today. Allowing us to vent our frustration here is as good as it gets.
Xero have commented on very rare occasion in the past, but only to say 'not happening now or in the forseeable future'. I'd love to be corrected on that.There are several different voting opportunities covering this issue - and a revamp & resetting of the system a few years ago cleared a lot of vote history out, on this & other issues. I feel sure the number of people needing this or blissfully unaware of what their staff can see, is far higher than this counter would indicate.
Don't hold your breath.
At least it's beautiful.
Yvonne Churchman commented
Hello Team @ Xero
A reminder for you that we are your future business, please listen to your customers and act as promptly as possible. We are needing to add to our team and are finding Xero increasingly time consuming for management to use when our sales team do not have access to Inventory without having access to the financials of the business. It is unprofessional for our sales team to have access to this information. Surely this is a simply fix in permissions settings which so many of your customers are calling out for.
I am sure that Xero can be taken to a whole new level when the permissions are fine tuned to your customers needs.
Please act as soon as possible, New Year, New Xero.
Candice Tootell commented
I have the same problem as all the others: I only have myself and a sales man in our team. I want the sales man to have access to view the inventory on hand and on order, however not be able to edit any inventory or order etc. I have looked through all the various user options and none provide that or even a decent workaround. I get that xero is not a stock system and that inventory is there purely for accounting reasons, but it's a simple fix Xero! Please do!
Jody Burton commented
This is critical for many users that only have Sales/Purchases access. Please provide this option urgently
Fiona Rainer commented
We are new to Xero and have only just been made aware that to have access to the inventory you must also be granted access to financials. We cannot understand the rationale behind this and it is an absolute deal breaker for us.
Our sales, and sales admin, staff must have access to the inventory to allow them to perform their roles effectively but to give them access to the financials would result in a breach of highly sensitive information such as wages.
Please can you amend the user settings process so that each feature is available as an individual permission. Surely this would not be a difficult change to make? Every business is different so the process should reflect this and give customers the flexibility to manage access accordingly as the current set up is just not viable.
It is also disappointing to see that we are not the only ones to have raised this vital issue over the past year or so and yet no changes have been made. Even an explanation as to why this may be would be appreciated.
As it stands, if no changes are planned for the very near future, we will have to revert to our previous accounts package which would be a real shame as this issue is the only problem we have with Xero.