Email Settings - Specify date/time to send transactions
Ability to specify date/time when users’ want to send emails from Xero.
Purpose: So clients/customers can receive the email during the working hours and not at random time.

Appreciate your input here, everyone. Our team is looking into this idea however, they don't have any dates planned on when they’ll develop the ability to schedule emails.
Totally understand how this feature could benefit your workflow though, being able to schedule an email to send during acceptable hours, so you don’t have to remember!
Rest assured that our eyes are on the ground monitoring your feedback and votes here, so please keep adding them in this thread. For the time being, I’ll move this idea into ‘Under review’ status. And if there's any movement, we'll make sure to come back here and let you all know.
Lou Clarkson commented
I have two invoices that need to be sent on Monday just this month, not on a repeating basis. I have raised and approved the invoice so just need to schedule the send and I can't - surely this would be a beneficial feature to add?
David Zhang commented
Please update this function
Tori Matson commented
I agree - We would like to be able to choose what day & time reminders are sent each week to ensure that processing is up to date (currently we process all transactions once per week on a Monday).
Daniela Zavallone commented
It will be amazing to have this feature.
Fiona Bellars commented
It would be good if we could select a time that Xero sends out automated invoice reminders. Currently in the UK this is between 4am and 8am. Our clients are private individuals that don't appreciate being woken by an email at this time!
Shannon Shull commented
Please bring Xero up to current standard features other ERP systems offer.
Luke Grayson commented
@Kristi Barrow, it's hilarious eh. I have wondered the same thing many times...
Kristi Barrow commented
Idea shared in 2012 it’s now 2022. No comment from Xero.
What is the point of this forum?
Jilanne Holder commented
Would love this feature, it will be very helpful thanks
Pamela McDowell commented
Would be a huge benefit for managing my time
Lauren Shaw commented
This would be super helpful for month end.
Rick Schultz commented
We sell counselling packages with several sessions over 3-6 months. Each invoice is imported from Cliniko (our practice management software) so the set-up is already done; I can't really make changes once it's in Xero, except (hopefully) to schedule the invoice to send the day before the session.
Mark Cattell commented
This feature would be massive benefit
Karen Evans commented
This feature is getting a lot of support and attention, is this something that is possible Xero?
Annie Romanos commented
hullo Xero?
Nicole Willis commented
I am the only one in the invoicing department for my company currently that has the understanding/ability to send out the invoices so it means I constantly have to work on my annual leave to ensure invoices go out on the correct date (for example Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th of this month I am on leave but will still have to work due to this function not being available).However if I could schedule them to go out on a certain date that would mean I can go on holiday and not have to worry about logging in to do this task.
Xanthe Rivett commented
Great idea, would make a big difference!
Magdalena Szafranska commented
This feature would be massive benefit
Siobhan Casey commented
Why is this not already a feature?
Johanna Neuke commented
Very important as our accountant is not a full time employee. Please add feature, shouldn't be too difficult, if it's already possible at another stage...