Reporting - Show average Days to Pay by customer
Ability to show average days to pay by customer.
Purpose: User can sort into the customer that habitually pay late and take appropriate action.

Hi community, thanks for your interest in this idea. Just wanted to pop in here to share, for those who aren't already aware, that you can export the Receivable Invoice Summary report. The report has a 'Last Payment Date' column that you can add to it which is useful for finding customers who habitually pay late so that you can take appropriate action.
To be transparent, building a feature to show the average days to pay by customer isn't on our roadmap at this time, but we'll be sure to update this idea if that changes in future.
Andrew Brindley commented
This is a no-brainer and a featured report that should be out of the box. The competition has it; come on, Xero!
Yes, you can report on customer debtor days in QuickBooks by using the "Accounts Receivable Aging Detail" report; this report shows you a breakdown of customer balances categorized by how long each invoice has been outstanding, allowing you to calculate the average debtor days for your customers..
Verity Lamb commented
Why cant you produce a list of time taken to pay, you used to?!
Yes, but then you moved us from Sage to Xero.......
Julie Sutton commented
The most ridiculous point about this is that the field is in the system on each clients CONTACT record - yet they cant seem to pull together a simple report that pulls this field out of each clients record ....
You couldn't make this stuff up .....
Neil Huntington commented
Av. Days to pay is a fundamental requirement in accounting, on the same spreadsheet as current, 31-61 Days, 61-90 Days and older
lets hope we can have this report soon ! -
Yolanda Leon commented
Agree with this Idea. I believe it's imperative to get this in Xero. It's a very helpful insight for a business to know average pay by their clients and average pay to their suppliers to be able to take decisions to keep a healthy cashflow. Currently I need to make it manually, checking one by one for our stakeholders which takes me ages.
Julie Sutton commented
Tim - yep totally crazy! Weve been lookng at laternaitve systems to move to and when demo'd the sales teams cannot believe why I would even ask if this report is avaialable as "of course it is" .. haha - if only - welcoem to the world of Xero!
And yes - I spend probably 2-3 hours a week checking up between the outstanding invoices screen and each inidividual customer record for average payment days then updating as neccessary.
Such a waste of time for somethnig that would be so simple to implement.
It all adds up - I'm currently working on a costed business case to move to an altentive platform and its crazy when I look at the cost of the wasted hours in Xero for this along with so many other issues
Tim Sneller commented
The AVERAGE DAYS TO PAY is SHOWN on the customer details screen, but if you have a large number of customers, extracting and using that data is painful.
The LAST payment date does not really help. A customer may have paid their last invoice LATE or EARLY, which skews the information. What is needed is a REPORT/EXPORT of the AVERAGE days to pay, which is shown on each customer tab, but is not available in any reports (AFAICS).
If a customer ALWAYS pays late, then I need to reduce their credit terms, or even ask them for payment with order.
FURTHER to this, on the outstanding invoices screen, where it is possible to enter an EXPECTED payment date, why can that not default to "Invoice Date + Avg days to pay".
This is however made MUCH more difficult, because the customer name is not exported on every line.
Ben Spence commented
Where are we with this please xero? Surely it's a fundamental function of accounting software, average time to pay report for all your clients.
Julie Sutton commented
@ashleigh - you don't - its a line by line report. All you can do is work out the days for each invoice then average them out at the end. Its a rubbish workaround that Xero thinks is acceptable! Crazy omission that should be standard in any accounting package
Ashleigh Roche commented
When you pull the Receivable Invoice Summary - how do you include all invoices for one specific client on one line? - mine appears as all individual invoices
Julie Sutton commented
@xero - it seems every idea on this forum gets the standard Xero response of "not on our roadmap" - does make we wonder what is on the roadmap ?
It certainly doesn't seem to include anything that any of your users actually want or need! -
Theo Francis commented
Howard your a star! Thank you
Marc Sax commented
This is important in order to take action on a client account terms going forward.
Howard Robbins commented
There is a workaround you can do that is a good substitute until they implement this feature. Export the 'Receivable Invoice Summary' report. The report has a 'Last Payment Date' column that you can add to it. Then if you subtract the last payment date from the invoice date you will get the days to pay. Make a unique customer list and average the results over a period you determine when you set the date range for the report e.g. 1 year, 2 years, 5 years.
Lloyd Prout commented
This is a fabulous idea and is critical to strong working capital management.
This is one of my top requests for Xero. -
Katie Stubbs commented
If you're already focused on the above type of report then it needs to have the current overdue sales invoices on it as well.
Katie Stubbs commented
Even if it's just a column on the sales on the sales invoices page - "days overdue" is useless. "average time to pay" column on the sales invoice page? and "days from invoice date" would be much more useful.
Atelier Accounts commented
It would be easier to see this information on a report instead of looking at each contact individually.
Angela Griffin commented
Lesley Christian commented
This is a standard accounting report that is required.
I'm astounded that we have to use a workaround because the accounting software doesn't provide this. We have to export data to Excel and add a formula to calculate this average days to pay figure for us.
The Business Snapshop gives a snippet of average days to pay but it is not based on each customer invoice, it is across everything that you have outstanding in accounts receivable:
'How we calculate the average days
(Average accounts receivable / Sales) x Days in period'
This is a very generic piece of information and doesn't empower you to target any customers for persistently paying 'x' number of days past the invoice due date