Global Search - Search items by Description
Ability to search items by description through global search in Xero.
Purpose: To save time searching line items, especially for users who are dealing with lots of items.

Appreciate the interest in being able to search by description. While we're attentive to your feedback, I want to be open that we don't have any immediate plans for developing this atm.
We're staying close to feedback on how we can improve navigation for our customers when using Xero, and I'll let you know if there is any development planned surrounding this, here. Thanks
Doug Reimer commented
Hello Zero. just want to bring this to your attention again that this is important. Critical in fact.
Freya Pieroz commented
Here's a screenshot taken today of how Global Search is currently working for me. As you can see, I've got a contact open, and a Global Search for that contact yields no results. I get a similar lack of useful results or lack of results full stop more than 50% of the time.
Jasvinder Singh commented
Being a software and equipment supplier we record serial numbers for our products so that we can manage our warranties if there are any problems reported.
If we can have a search option for the description field then it will be of great help.
I am pretty sure being a software developer and suppling company it’s not hard to do and implement.
This will increase lot more XERO users and help many current users. -
Mad Harper commented
Please please please make description searchable. It’s driving me nuts.
Paola Torrani commented
Dear Kelly,
I must express concern regarding your response, as it is causing significant frustration among many customers and feels somewhat dismissive. The fact that 112 people have voted for this feature and numerous customers have highlighted the critical need for an adequate search function underscores its importance. This is a basic feature provided by all of your competitors, making its absence even more concerning.
Could you kindly provide a more comprehensive explanation as to why there are no immediate plans to develop this functionality? We are not engaging in casual discussions; as professionals working with Xero, we require clarity on why customer feedback is being seemingly overlooked.
Do we truly need to consider alternative solutions for the Xero team to take customer requirements seriously? This is a pressing matter for many of us trying to carry out our work effectively.
Kylie Royal commented
Better search functionality - it would be very helpful if you could search any field in Xero for a specific item. ie if looking for a particular purchase order & it was entered in the description field of the invoice it would display when that text is searched for
Simon Boyd commented
Is there a practical limitation to why this isn't being implemented? For us, and clearly for a large number of users, it's inexplicable that this isn't a basic function. The strength of feeling is clear, and yet for nine years, this suggestion has gone unaddressed. An explanation beyond 'we're just not gonna bother' would be helpful.
Val Harland commented
I have just watched a You Tube video for Quickbooks on line and the Search facility is very much still available in fact it has been enhanced. So come on Xero sort it. I dread the once a month report day when I am sat at my computer having questions fired at me "where did we get the lime mortar from and how much did we pay" etc and I have no quick answer (that is just an example). It is very stressful when you have the amount of suppliers we have. If Quickbooks can do it why can't Xero?
From Val Harland -
Mark Cherkowski commented
This would be a huge QOL quality of life improvement. Finding specific things referenced inside invoices. With hundreds of customers, each getting monthly invoices, finding a specific invoice by a keyword would be extremely helpful.
Glenn Clarke commented
For Example; I have to invoice 50 different individuals at 3 different companies.. now over a two week period, one person may be invoiced 6 invoices. Now I have to search through each invoice to find 1 invoice of concern. How annoying!
Even more so, because when I cannot locate the correct invoice, I have to then go back.. type the name again.. and search ALL OVER AGAIN! I cannot simply go back to search results, or skip though the searched details. FOR GODS SAKE XERO get it together!! Like this is what you are here for.. to help your clients make business easier!
Brandon Poythress commented
Searching by Description keyword, is critical! Running a real estate business, I want to be able to see a list of expenses by property and currently I can not.
Emma Goodin commented
I can search in outlook for any piece of text and it will look through years of data with an instant result. By using outlook I can find an item by description, invoice number etc etc It would be fabulous to be able to have the search facility in XERO be just as accurate without running reports. This is particularly useful when coding items that do not occur regularly.
Linda Luppino commented
In our previous software we were able to do an advanced search to find specific information on our invoices located in the description field of the invoice. We have not been able to find this information in Xero. Please consider a search by description field be added as it is a very handy tool for our business and I am sure for many others alike.
Linda Luppino commented
To be able to search by description is extremely handy and I can't see why you would not have this feature in place already. Can you please reconsider this?
John McHugh commented
Xero, this is absolute BS. Get your act together and implement a simple search method. Searching for keywords is basic functionality—how are you not listening to your customers' demands? I'm tired of wasting time manually opening invoices and quotes when a search function should suffice.
And to top it off, you've just raised your fees! I expect this fundamental feature to be available ASAP. Otherwise, I'll be looking for other options for my businesses. Get it together, Xero!
Mad Harper commented
This is INFURIATING!! I can't think of any other similar product that doesn't allow a global search. Why isn't Xero implementing this? I get daily updates in my inbox from Xero clients asking for this.
Adam Farrugia commented
Hi Xero Team.
Thankyou for getting back to us all after the 9 years.I understand that this request can be very difficult to implement on a cloud based system but as you can clearly see, there is definitely a requirement which go far beyond the want to have our cash flow represented in various charts and reports.
A middle ground could be to develop a NON-CLOUD BASED application where you could download all your XERO invoices and orders, ( READ ACCESS ONLY) so the subscription based system still applies, this could be done by the user maybe once a month or so and then they have a LOCAL copy of all their invoices and orders in which performing a search function in the description field would be so much easier for Xero to implement.
Please give this some genuine thought as waiting 9 years to respond to the first request is fairly poor on behalf of Xero.
Emma Radbourne commented
When you say atm, do you mean this decade??? I can see that the first request for this was in make other changes, which, quite frankly aren't nearly as important for those who actually work in accounting and have to use/ search for things on a daily basis. Surely, investment in programming should be made on things that customers actually need.
We will most likely be going back to Sage if this is not addressed.
Also, how many request do you have to get (actual numbers please!) to developing your customers' requests.. -
Darlena Slate commented
Xero has a lot of great features but this is a HUGE miss. The ability to search bank transactions by description (bank text) is a no rainer and should be added immediately. This is a huge hold up for processing transactions.
Matthew Barrand commented
For a long while I'd presumed that what I was looking for must not be present (wrongly), so I am amazed to discover that it is not possible to search invoices by the content of the item descriptions, and I must manually go through and open invoices manually instead to find what I am looking for... what century is this!?