Expenses - Specify approver for expenses
Ability to specify a set approver for a specific employee when they submit expenses
James Bevis commented
I also request this is implemented ASAP, such that users can approve their own expenses, but not other user's expenses.
Magdalene Dunham commented
If Xero is able to allow the selection of approver for leave requests and timesheets, I would think it isn't too hard to also allow the selection of approver for Expenses. I would think Xero would prioritise this given Xero charges for the use of it.
Allan Holmes commented
Any update on this from Xero?
Angela Williams commented
A question that is continually being asked by clients , not only for expenses but POs and invoicing too. This suggestion was posted in 2022 and we have no updates on this...larger companies will go elsewhere.
Hayley Li commented
urgent issue and will determine whether we get onto the Xero expense platform or not
Charlie Spalding commented
This is a really urgent issue as all approvers can see all submitted expenses and it causes confusion - please implement ASAP!
Charlie Paviour commented
Agreed this functionality would be useful. Both a function to set a specific approver for specific employees (and that approver therefore can't see other employees expense claims that aren't relevant to them), and also I'd like to see a change that removes the option for employees who have admin access to self-approve their own expense claims.
Anne Benison commented
If you are really interested in becoming a market leader then you need to listen and implement requests that are marked as Critical!!!! this is a basic need in business teams and needs to be done NOW!!!
Ann-Maree Carrazza commented
Hi Xero has this feature been implemented?
Allan Holmes commented
This is a really urgent feature - Xero please implement.
Vince McKnight commented
This is very important. I might have to add another software just for expenses.
Chad Leembruggen commented
To add to this, surely the current situation constitutes a confidentiality breach potential. It is not feasible for one person to sign all expenses all of the time and yet allowing other approvers to HAVE to see what expenses other people have submitted who are not in their team, is potentially a GDPR breach.
What if someone submitted an expenses for medical treatment or checkup and didn't want every approver to know? What if one staff member was permitted to claim an expense personal and private to them, then all approvers would see it.
This must constitute a GDPR and Privacy breach.
Xero need to do much better on this. -
Ross Lynch commented
Xero are you listening?
Chad Leembruggen commented
It's baffling that there is no hierarchy based expenses approver option. Even in a small business, there is often a team manager who should be able to approve expenses of their team, before being sent to their manager/or business owner to finally approve. The current method is only slightly better than a spreadsheet
Courtney Dziuma commented
It would be great if there was an 'Approval Workflow' implemented where a cost centre manager could be the only one to review and approve an expense claim submitted by their employee, each cost centre manager would be incharge and see only their employee expense submissions.
Also, the idea for an email sent out notifying approvers there is an expense pending approval is a necessity. Currently you need to login and check if there is anything when all you should receive is an email notification, or even a email with a link taking you to the expense and you can respond approved and it registers in the system. Concur have this feature and the workflow feature, would be great if Xero could do this also.
Kelly Thompson commented
Please implement this feature so we can assign one approver. Is currently very clunky
Jo Whapham commented
We have multiple approvers throughout the organisation and it would be preferred if they could only see their own expenses and those of the people whose expenses they approve. If they are getting notification of another expense entered, they only want notification for those they approve as well, not all users of the app as is currently the case
Pam Gove commented
Agreed that as our business grows we would appreciate the option to have certain people's expenses approved by their relevant manager.
Bronwyn Woods commented
This is essential. Not being able to set an approver for submitters means we will look elsewhere to manage expenses.
Paul Granier commented
This will not matter much to very small businesses, but the larger the company, the more critical this feature is going to be. We are new to Xero and the only feature that we are needing from your top tier license is Xero Expenses. And probably half of the value that I was wanting was to be offload the expense approval process to the employee's manager. But without pending approval notifications to an employee's manager, this really is not possible and the burden of manually getting approvals for employee expenses will still fall on accounting. This is definitely not where it belongs and hope that Xero enhances this functionality soon.
I will also put a plug in for adding a default mileage rate. This should be very simple to add and would prevent the employees from having to remember the mileage rate each time they enter a mileage expense.