Xero Expense - Assign Approver for multiple submitters
Would love to see the option to assign an expense approver to multiple expense submitters or even an 'Approvalmax' approver matrix function added to Xero Expenses. Currently using Xero Expenses to administer over 100 employees expenses and need stronger controls than central finance approving all. Happy to help design/ test!
Angela Sayer commented
At the moment, all approvers are getting notifications for everyone. Great functionality to submit expenses and XeroMe but we need to be able to send to an approver. Part of the expenses monthly fee?
Allan Holmes commented
Hi. I would like to support the comments / needs raised below re an approval matrix in Xero. Is there any update on this? Approval Max does not work with Xero expenses (Xero have not shared the API). So we need a Xero solution. Thank you.
Evon Wu commented
Please this is critical to maintain system control of users, especially for reimbursee expenses. Hope to see this function being implemented soon.
Charlie Spalding commented
Stops All approvers seeing all submissions
Damien Welsh commented
I need to stream expense claim approvals to line managers, and so need a matrix that indicates for each user who the expense approver is.
Graeme Sloan commented
Is there an app that we can use to allow delegated authorities while we wait for a Xero solution?
Luke McLean commented
This issue has been going on for years. Can we please get an update from Xero to advise if, and when, this feature will be added? It seems like a basic feature that Xero is missing.
Katherine Joyce commented
Our Submitters code their expenses to different tracking categories / budgets. We need to be able to have the Budget Holder approve expenses coded to their budget. Finance cannot do this (although at the moment we are forced to due to the limited Xero Expenses functionality).
An approval workflow such as that in ApprovalMax would be ideal. -
Deborah Plant commented
This is critical to us, it is ludicrous that anyone assigned as an approver can see ALL expenses waiting for approval, an approver should only be able to see their team. This needs to be broken down by employee group and approver allocated to each group
Karen Foster commented
To comply with financial processes we need to have clear levels of approval for expenses and an approver being able to approve all, as well as their own just isn't suitable for our business.
Elaine Connor commented
Not being able to specify who can approve claims is crazy and must be part of set up.
Tim Craig commented
Please this is critical to maintain system control of users, especially for reimbursive expenses.
Francois du Plessis commented
Yes, need to assign an Approver to all users. So user X claim is approved by user Y and user A is approved by user B.
A much needed basic addittion. -
Carol Dovener commented
This is important to our organisations as we have multiple teams that have their own budgets and their own approvers.
John Vincent Domingo commented
This is important to our organizations as we have multiple teams that have their own budgets and their own approvers.
Alexis Luayon commented
This feature would help us segregate and group submitters to specific approvers. It would be best also that approvers will not see the other approvers assigned team.
Charles Brudon commented
Same comment as what was said below by fellow users. I think this is a critical and urgent matter for Xero to address and develop (same as embedding a delegation of authority matrix in payables).
Sarah Eagar commented
Xero Expenses - you should not have the option to approve your own expenses. If you are a manager who approves others, it means you can approve your own which is crazy. There are no controls, which is a standard requirement in Finance so should be in a finance system.
Lisa Ford commented
I have just asked the same question! This would make Expenses more compliant with financial controls in organisations as other users have said. Also more streamlined and user friendly for Approvers in particular.
John Vivian commented
Also, if not explained above, add in limits to each Expenses User under which approval is not required.
Happy also to help to design/test this function.