Inventory - Record stock when Purchase Order entered
Currently, the stock is not updated until the bill is entered. Many times the deliveries can be part-deliveries or billed on multiple bills. It is impossible to part bill and update the stock for the delivered items
Also, we can get billed before any order is even processed by the supplier. To match the bill with the purchase order, it needs to be entered through the purchase order, which updates the stock before it has even arrived in store.
We need the ability to update the stock record in Xero at the time of delivery, not on billing date.
This also requires the ability to show backorders. Currently, the only workaround is to copy the purchase order to a new PO and remove the delivered items. This is inefficient.
There is currently no way to mark off part deliveries against the purchase order, other than the way I have used tracking categories, however the stock record does not get updated until the whole purchase order is billed

Nadina Harvey commented
We should be able to recognise back orders.
Tracked inventory items need their quantities updated when the items are received, not when the purchase order is billed. -
Steve Ludlow commented
Or, more convenient, add the ability to enter the quantity received for each PO line item. Add a report to show all POs with unreceived items. This is the only thing I still need with Xero. Otherwise, quite happy!!
Maneesh Patel commented
Also Xero should be aware that this idea has been posted multiple times in slightly different ways, so they should accumulate the votes and do something about it. Every single person that has commented on any “backorder” related idea is saying the same thing and we all cannot understand why this is such a hard thing to implement. It would reduce the need for any over-complex, over-priced, over-engineered inventory plug-in that is overkill for most small e-commerce or trading businesses. We just need to be able to handle backorders in a simple way and that surely is not beyond the Xero developers to implement quickly and once and for all as it has been asked about over a number of years without progress. Like others have said, AccountEdge (MYOB) did this backorders job very well in a simple way.
Maneesh Patel commented
Lisa Beech commented
It would be a very good addition to xero to be able to note part supply
Craig Byron commented
I have issues with this too. There are a couple of fairly minor yet critical changes Xero needs to make to their inventory to make it useable for even the most basic of business requirements. While I understand they are not in the business being an all encompassing product, the inventory suits almost nobody and is not useable in its current form, meaning every business neds to get an inventory add-on.
Our company imports products
We make advance payment; value enters the Advance to suppliers account.
Afterwards, the supplier issues the Commercial invoice and releases the container at the port of origin.
90 days later, the stock arrives at our warehouse.
If the BILL is included without stock and the stock entry is in the following fiscal year, this changes the Income Tax payable.
So this is not just an idea, but an urgent demand for operational and financial importance.
Our accountant does this manually because the system does not automate the function. -
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
This idea is right! At the moment, the stock isn't being put into inventory until the item is billed, which is inaccurate. We also have many deliveries that are part-delivers. If anything, this happens more often than not.
Sometimes we are also billed before the stock has arrived, again causing inaccuracies.
Not being able to show what is on back order is also creating many dramas in our company as well...
Debbie Yeomans commented
This is a most important feature and I cannot understand why it isn't there. When importing products you get invoiced and have to pay before goods arrive and will often have part deliveries as mentioned. MYOB have a receive button - maybe you could have something similar? Please update it is a must fix problem!
Nigel Clark commented
On a purchase order i would like to see a checkbox so as i can mark the
items received, leaving the items back ordered clearly outstanding on the purchase order.
This would also prevent ordering the same item again. -
Deepak Sharma commented
Last year when XERO acquired LOCATE, then i believed that this will be most important feature XERO will update at the earliest.
Having ability to dispatch/create multiple shipments/ deliveries against single Sales Order/Quote and Invoice only 1 time.
Similarly, having 1 PO and receiving the items in multiple GRNs, but still no improvement...In fact this functionality will take the XERO itself to next level in terms of clients reach... Hope they act soon on this
Helen MacGregor commented
Part delivery would be awesome. We have so many that come in parts. Amending the PO twice is such a pain!
Julie Morris commented
This would also be useful when matching the invoice to the PO to know that the goods have been received and that the right amount of goods have been invoiced so we don't keep having to check with the warehouse and interrupt them.
Joff Cannington commented
Yes - just use a traffic light system next to each line (item) green (arrived) and red awaiting receipt
Edward Henry FIPA FFA commented
Also, there is no way to allocate the invoice to the Stock account if billed before the purchase order is complete
Andrew Syme commented
A seperate screen for Goods received would be great.
Natalie Richardson commented
After creating a purchase order, sometimes the stock arrives before the purchase invoice arrives (or the bookkeeper is only in for a day a week and so the purchase invoice cannot be entered for a few days). I would like to see a button on the purchase order page to be able to add the items to stock, so that the items can then be sold.