Xero Expenses - Set a default mileage rate for reimbursement
Set a default mileage rate for reimbursement in Xero expenses

Thanks for sharing and supporting the idea here, Community. We understand the needs and desire to set a default mileage rate for Xero expenses, however want to be upfront that this is not something we have plans for in the short term.
Our product team are staying close to the feedback, and will continue to review this idea, so if there's any changes planned we'll update you of this, here.
Kevin Storm commented
As well as what's being asked for, I think the default HMRC rates should be included to be allocated to each staff member - e.g. cars/vans, motorcycles and cycles in the UK.
Also, spitting the cars/vans rate between the first 10,000 miles in a tax year and thereafter. A YTD calculator would be good.
LornaLi Yao commented
At the moment, when lodging mileage claims, users have to enter $ per km themselves. It would be good if it can be pre-set to avoid confusion and mistakes.
Angela Spillane commented
Has this been done yet? is absolutely necessary
Joanna Chin commented
Agree. Each organisation should be able to set a default mileage rate in Xero Expenses. Otherwise, every mileage claim requires the employee to know what the rate is and manually enter. A default rate in Xero would reduce the number of errors created by this manual input.
Pete Whiteley commented
This would be much easier. Am being switched over to Xero Expenses from Zoho and had to check what the mileage rate is (it was the base HMRC rate) before i submitted, but it should be possible to set default rates like £0.45 and £0.25 so that users can just select the relevant rate.
Brad Stevens commented
Thought this would be easy - but staff having to enter the rate/km just makes it harder and turns them off using Xero Expenses.
Nicole Webber commented
I am about to switch 50+ staff over to Xero expenses for mileage claims and am amazed a default rate cannot be set. We use the ATO rate (85 cents per km from 1 July) for the year - being able to set this centrally and not have to check that each employee is not inputting a different rate is critical. This is a basic function of every expenses app I've ever used. Please add it as a priorty.
Jo Whapham commented
The Xero team need to remember who is paying their salaries and take more notice of what the subscribers are asking for.
The notes below are a very small % of the people who are frustrated about this basic request -
Jo Whapham commented
This needs to be added ASAP. This is a basic requirement as staff shouldn't have to try to remember the mileage rate.
It needs to be able to be edited whenever the client chooses.
In NZ, IRD set a mileage rate which is the relevant amount each year but clients should be able to set their own rate as they may choose to pay their team more than the IRD rate. -
Fanie Meades commented
plse add it.
Maritza Dalton commented
Our clients are already paying (overpaying) so much to have expense claims available, I feel this is a non-negotiable function that needs to be added, asap.
(How I see this work: it is like setting up a product/Service, with an amount popping up, but one you can still edit if need be?)
Alize Hough commented
Our clients are already paying (overpaying) so much to have expense claims available, I feel this is a non-negotiable function that needs to be added, asap.
(How I see this work: it is like setting up a product/Service, with an amount popping up, but one you can still edit if need be?)
Stephanie Anderson commented
This is very important to clients. Is there a way in Xero to automatically apply the current IRS mileage rate under mileage claims? Right now, everyone has to manually enter the rate when they submit a claim.
Roz Lake commented
It would be great to be able to add the amount paid per mile in settings, so employees don't have to enter this on each expense claim.
Monica Gilbertson commented
Yes please - should default to the latest HMRC rate (45p) - but also allow Admin to override this if company does not pay full rate (we do and so will 99% of businesses I think)
Terrence Chambers commented
Yes add it
Paul Ritacco commented
The amount of work to review AND CHANGE the mileage rate if it is not able to be established as a standard policy makes the expense app useless for a company with many people submitting mileage reimbursements.
Deb Prinzi commented
This is quite urgent.
Thanking you,
Deb Prinzi
Summit Bookkeeping -
Deb Prinzi commented
I have a customer that pays (not reimburses) their employees by no. of km's travelled.
Is there a way to create a Travel Allowance Pay Option that will enable km's as an option - not Hours?
The staff submit Timesheets and have to do numerous lines if they travel over 59.59 km's. The customer is regional. -
Megan Shell commented
Why is this not already a thing? I have to check the mileage rate every time someone makes a submission when I should just be able to set it.