AU Payroll - Ability for Business Owner/Payroll Manager to view & complete draft timesheets
We want to be able to open and complete the employees draft timesheet, if it has already been started. We have enough to do without starting again from scratch what the employee may have already done but just not clicked the submit button.
It is idiotic that, as the owner and payroll manager, that we cannot see an employee's draft timesheets.
As the business owner and Payroll Admin, we should:
- not have compromise our recordkeeping by putting hours directly into the pay slip.
- not have to rely on our employees being available to correct the timesheet at any point in time; and
- certainly not have to rely on Xero Support to correct anything (simply because they will never be able to correct it in a timely fashion when we need them to - not their fault, just reality.)
What we should be able to do, is see any and all draft timesheets, regardless of who created them and alter them as necessary without having to mess around, wait on support or interrupt our employees during their down time.
As an employer, the absolute least we can do it make sure that our employees are paid correctly, on time and with the minimum of fuss.

Jim Morris commented
Yeah, it is a joke that this is still an ongoing and unaddressed issue.
HAPY Studio commented
Not having this feature causes me so much hassle every week chasing up the ones who forget to submit. Or if i end up creating a payslip and then they submit it late - it then throws off the reports.
James Wilkins commented
Agreed. I recently joined xero, but little things like this are really making me regret it. I have a lot of casual employees with varying hours. I have a manager who does a roster, so I thought I would just a draft timesheet for every employee, then the manager can correct any variations at the end of the week, but I'm the only one who can see the draft. What's the point of that? Even if I grant "timesheet access" they can't actually see the timesheets I make. Now I have to give them payroll access which is completely unnecessary for a roster manager, or just get them to text me the actual hours and I fill them in myself, creates two jobs out of one.
Rebecca Pryor commented
I agree. I have a client that has recently moved to Xero Payroll. Their previous payroll software allowed the client to view the employee draft timesheets and track their hours. This ensured employees weren't completing too many hours. On a large agricultural property where employees are not always in sight, this is crucial. Currently my client now has to wait until the timesheets are posted to see the hours for the previous pay period.
Tammy Street commented
I have nearly had to delay paying my employees as i couldn’t get hold of one employee to submit his timesheet. It’s crucial for small business to be able to access drafts created by employees or override drafts with a new timesheet in this case.
Lee-Anne Smith commented
I agree with this. I have 3 Aboriginal Elders that cannot access their phones and now I as their Manager cannot complete their timesheets.
Jim Morris commented
That is wonderful Caryn, IF the employee has submitted them to begin with. We want to be able to see the timesheets and edit them while they are still in draft and be able to submit them ourselves if the employee has not. I should not have to hassle an employee on a Sunday night or, on a Monday morning, find myself and the entire pay run held up because one person has not hit the submit button. Xero is making this unnecessarily difficult by not making a simple function available, all the while introducing stuff none of us want (new reports and invoicing) and jacking up the monthly subs.
Caryn Hill commented
We can easily revert these to draft when they come in from a roster program, and have noticed we can edit them when the employee submits them prior to approviing and now even after approving
Pete Lawler commented
Come on Xero this is a huge huge problematic issue for payroll & business owners & one I had raised when swapping using Xero some years ago.. it is just totally illogical that the business owner has lost control of daily functions because of your inability to allow actions to be resolved internally rather than submit a request to the employee to rectify a timesheet input, then wait to re submit & so it can go on.. Xero you should be aware that employees have their own schedule of importance & by & large responding to payroll request for actions ain't at the top of their list! Fix please as this is the biggest pain in the rear end payroll have to deal with & it seems to be a really easy fix from your end for the tech guru's....
Jim Morris commented
Every time someone comes across this it gets support. Obviously, there is a perceived need in your userbase for this functionality. WTH is stopping you @xero?
Jeremy Mansfield commented
100% agree
Jim Morris commented
@daniel Yep, totally. Xero's "solution/workaround" is to manually do their payslip...which, of course, totally ignores our own record-keeping requirements.
I guess they don't care as long as we keep paying their ever increasing subs...
Daniel Squires commented
this is ridiculous I have one staff member not submit a timesheet and i cant do payroll. basic functionality!
Pamela Anderson commented
My client is looking at going outside Xero to keep track of his employees hours on different jobs. Now that says a lot as he is a BIG fan
Beechwood Farm commented
Bugga!! I have this same issue.
I sent a message to Support and they have given me the run around.I was encouraged to change to Xero from Quickbooks as the accounting functions were easier and faster, which meant less time doing admin.
However!!!! Xeros payroll does my head in. Trying to keep track of Employees hours is ridiculous. I'm not saying staff are logging more hours than worked, but I have no way of checking details. We have 3 different locations staff can start their workday from, so sometimes I believe the start or end times are incorrect.
Xero this needs to be sorted!!!
Seriously, the fees I pay for your product should allow you to enable this feature.
Keith Maclaughlin commented
It would seem silly to write the same thing as MANY have written before. I can only assume Xero is not interested in resolving the issue of not being able to view a draft time sheet opened by an employee.
In todays world of programming and technology it is pretty ordinary
Belynda Redding commented
Agreed, we have encountered an issue (known issue for a few years) where an employee is unable to select the current pay period for the timesheet function. As a business owner and payroll officer I have no way of accessing any potential "draft" timesheet that is causing the issue. Only response to this issue is a generic either they have a "draft in their app" or basically nothing can be done. I know as a business they have a lot of moving wheels so to say. But this is a pretty big glitch that is negatively impacting businesses.
Won't be able to start this employee on the Xero Me system until the next pay, not the end of the world but what if this happens again?
Very inconvenient
Jim Morris commented
The only time they comment is to offer up useless suggestions, totally miss the point of what we are asking for or to tell us to make a (this) suggestion in the ideas/feedback forum for new or additional features...
The most infuriating part is that they don't have to add anything! All the necessary systems are already in place and they just need to turn on the right switch so we can see draft timesheets!
Ravi Sood commented
It is strange no comments from Xero on such a long outstanding issue
Jim Morris commented
I'm normally all for automating things but, in this instance, it could potentially cause more issues than it solves.
The main solve here is easy - Xero giving us, payroll managers and owners, the ability to see and edit draft timesheets...It's been an ongoing request/issue for literal years now and, given the recent sub increase (now $99/month), I think this is the least they can do.
If I'm going to have to pay more each month, I'd much rather have added functionality rather than pretty accounting reports that I don't even use in the first place!