New Invoicing - Invoice Contact Groups
Update new Invoicing to allow sending invoices to contact groups as you can in the classic invoicing. It's ridiculous that something so useful has been left behind in the switch to the new style. I need to be able to amend the invoices I send out based on the individual needs of the group. It saves so much time to be able to create a default set of drafts that I can amend rather than having to go to each individual and create an individual invoice within that group. Please guys, piull this across!

Thanks for getting involved and sharing your interest for contact group invoicing, everyone. Our latest updated for new invoicing means you can now create a new invoice for a contact group! 😊
If you've still be using classic invoicing, switch to the new version first through the banner at the top, or link at the bottom of any invoice.
Next time, you create an invoice for a Contact group you'll be taken to enter the details for your group invoice, in new invoicing. We appreciate all your input and feedback through the idea here.
Cathryn Williams commented
I could not believe it when I looked at the help page wondering why I could not create invoices for a group in the new invoicing. It said
You can only invoice a contact group in classic invoicing. If you normally use new invoicing, temporarily switch back to classic before invoicing a contact group.Why would you not keep such an important feature in the new version? I often create 10-30 invoices at once using this feature and it is essential to my business. If I had to create all of those invoices individually it would add hours to my workflow
Anishta Pillay commented
Helen Robertson commented
I also agree, as I invoice to members based on their grouping price. The classic invoicing was perfect for this as it means not doing individual invoices. It is imperative to have this feature.
Kevin Stewart commented
I agree with comments below. Now have to do 100 invoices instead of 1. Saw another comment elsewhere that indicated this is just another missing piece in the new invoicing. Isn’t this supposed to be an improvement? So far I don’t see it. Please keep it or provide a substitute that does the same thig
Sharlene Phillimore commented
Part of the most important feature that drew me to Xero was the group invoicing function. I am the treasurer for a club so I send the same invoice to many many members in each group. This is a voluntary position and saves hours of time. I will need to review whether Xero is what is needed if I can’t use that function.
Torque Accounts Team commented
Same with all comments here!! If I can't invoice via groups I'll need to send 200 invoices instead of 10. This is critical!! I have three companies with you, I'll have to look at different software after September.
ArtistiCat Art commented
If I can't invoice via groups I'll need to send 260 invoices instead of 30 when invoicing students. this is a critical things for me be able to invoicing the groups and the only reason I chose Xero over other accounting systems.
Rayane Assaf commented
Please add the option in Xero Blue invoices to group Invoices by "Group"
Jane Solly commented
I completely agree, having just sent the same invoice to 30 people using the group invoicing in the classic format has saved me so much time! I can't believe this function hasn't been carried across to the new invoicing templates!!! Surely an oversight. Please remedy.
Fern Sutherland commented
The ability to bulk invoice based on group in the new invoicing is a must. It is an option in the classic invoicing and saves heaps of time when doing annual rental invoices based on group type. We send out over 1500 annual rental invoices and have them in 4 different groups. To not be able to do this out of the new invoicing would cause real issues.
Francisca Dale commented
Bulk Invoice creation from standard job costs.
To be able to mass create recharged cost invoices such as Xero fees or standard fees that are charge on a quarterly/monthly basis. -
Francisca Dale commented
Bulk Invoice creation from standard job costs.
To be able to mass create recharged cost invoices such as Xero fees or standard fees that are charge on a quarterly/monthly basis.