4686 results found
Bank Reconciliation Summary - Filter by source
Filter Bank Feed By Source
When looking for bank errors because a bank balance is incorrect, it would make things quicker to filter by bank transaction source
Many errors are caused by the source being imported manually but the transaction has already been imported by bank feed
to filter these ones out would make things quicker3 votes -
Shopify Integration - BNLP providers (such as AfterPay)
Better integration with Shopify including BNPL providers like AfterPay including syncing across their fees.
7 votes -
Receipts - Add payment date on Custom Receipts
For invoices/receipts that are created by a custom branding theme, change the 'issue date' to 'invoice issue date', and create a separate field for 'payment date'.
This is so that when an invoice is sent in 2021, and payment is made in 2022, the receipt that is automatically generated will clearly show both dates, instead of just the issue date which implies that the receipt was issued in year 2021 when it was actually issued in year 2022.
11 votes -
Reporting - Common format for Working Capital Balance Sheet
It would be helpful it Xero could create a Working Capital Balance Sheet, which also includes working capital ratio. Right now you can customize balance sheet layout to do this but a report from Xero would be helpful.
1 vote -
Multicurrency - Ability to change the setting of Unrealised forex
CX0012821665 refers.
It would be good if Xero could turn on the functionality to post the theoretical Unrealised forex entries that it is calculating as a reversing entry. It would be a bonus if Xero gave the business the option to have it posted. Without this, because its not a journal, it doesnt reflect in my BI system. To post a manual entry is not a solution as then both entries appear on the TB
3 votes -
Xero Accounting app | Invoice creation - Add payment preference
When creating an invoice using mobile app being able to change a customers payment preference on an invoice through the mobile app not waiting for main computer or laptop instead of automatically being set to direct debit which for one off customers or short term contracts which differ in each payment is not applicable using a mobile. Normally everyone carries their mobile not always a laptop! It would be nice if the mobile app was in sync
1 vote -
UK Payroll - Custom periods for P11s
We have requested Downloadable P11's to be made available so we can correct a mistake a previous Xero payroll provider made.
This is not available in Xero which is causing considerable inconvenience and a lot more manual work.This would be a really good idea if this was brought into the payroll package.
1 voteIt'd be good to better understand your needs in running the report for a custom period, Lisa?
In terms of correcting a mistake to what's been previously reported through payroll, we'd generally recommend posting an unscheduled pay run.
Find and Recode: Filter by currency
I find the 'Find & recode' tool very useful, but it would be really helpful if the condition 'Currency' could be added, so that we can choose to see only transactions in a certain currency.
Since MTD for VAT, more and more clients are using digital links as software that automatically extract the VAT amounts from receipts (e.g. Dext), including receipts from other countries. They publish them to Xero and are not aware that they are overclaiming VAT. To make corrections and change these transactions to 'Zero Rated Expenses' we use 'Find & recode'. It would be much easier if…
3 votes -
Products and Services - Statement lines
Hi, Is it at all possible on the Product and Service where we create codes for the invoices, that under Purchase and Sell there is an option to add another line. By this I mean there are time when I create an invoice to a client under the same heading i want to have a line that show the price, the sales account and vat at 20%. Then another line to state a filing fee is zero rated. etc
1 voteHI Karen, trying to better understand your idea here - would you expect this additional line to be visible to the customer on the invoice? If so you could simply enter this in the description field of the new line. If it's a process you see yourself often using you could save this as a new 'untracked' item where the price would be $0.
Invoicing - Support for Fixed Tax Amounts
Support for fixed taxes such as the Colorado Retail Delivery Fee Tax of $0.27
1 vote -
Bank reconciliation report - Show bank account number
In addition to the bank account name showing on the bank reconciliation report, it would be good to also show the account number. This would make it easier to match the bank statement with the bank account in Xero.
For example, my client may have it as Business Account 1, Business Account 2 in Xero but the actual account name is ANZ Transaction Account, NAB Cheque account - so easily being able to match the account number when checking period end balances would make it much quicker and easier.4 votes -
Projects - Ability to assign time entries from Outlook
Ability to assign appointments from outlook into projects as time entries. Narrative of work completed could be put in the appointment and then assigned to the project. The colour of the appointment in outlook would change colour to show its been assigned.
5 votes -
Batch payment | File compliant with CPA005 for Canadian banks
CPA005 compliant so that a payment file can be uploaded to a Canadian bank instead of having to manually input payments.
8 votes -
Fixed assets - View totals for purchase price and depreciation when importing
When fixed assets are imported or even just entered and they are first draft assets, this screen should total the purchase price and accumulated depreciation (in case of migrating from existing ledger) for a quick check before 'registering'. I don't understand what the point of making draft first and then having to register when a registered asset can be changed anyway. But if this screen totalled the $'s - this would be a more efficient check against source documents than currently one by one. I have just uploaded multiple fixed assets in mulitple ledgers and I am simply going through…
1 vote -
Projects: Remove staff from project
Being able to remove or delete staff in Project Timesheet
2 votes -
Sales Overview - Make Tickboxes available in the All tab
Add the tick box in Sales Overview > Invoices > ALL tab
We want to bulk upload all invoices for the week in 1 file regardless of the status (paid/unpaid). We couldn't at the moment because of the absence of the tick boxes in the ALL tab.
6 votesRounding back on your idea here, Abigail - It'd be good to get more understanding of your business flow and why you'd be wanting to create invoices of another status. For example is here a specific reason you'd like to import invoices that have already been paid for? Could these potentially be entered as Receive monies or is there a reason they need to be raised in Xero once they've already been paid? TIA
Projects - Ability to export all of the lines/tasks in a project to an invoice
Ability to export all of the lines/tasks in a project to an invoice. Able to see detailed tasks, time and cost for each task to send on to customer
9 votes -
Payable Invoice Detail report - Total invoices payable per contact
Enable the Payable Invoice Detail report to total the invoices for each contact. At present the report totals the GST component of each contact's invoices, which I find not at all useful. It would be possible to export the report to Excel, and calculate the totals in that format, but this would be time-consuming.
I use the payable invoice detail report to get approvals for payment. It would be useful for the person doing the approving to see how much each contact's invoices add up to.
5 votesHi team, returning to the idea here I wanted to check if this is still an issue? With the Payable Invoice Details report you'll find you can 'Group by' Contact and there are options to include Balance, Gross Tax and Net columns within the report so you can get a full break down and totals for each.
Customer Statements - Ability to choose invoices
Send Statements, Outstanding, Select Date.
We want to send statements to our clients for invoices that are 30 days overdue - so if I put in the 28th February 2022, Xero brings up a list of all overdue invoices as at that date however some of those invoices have been paid so if I send out the 'Activity Statement' its not a true record of the invoices outstanding.
I would like Xero to change this so that you can either click on each invoice you want to send out ie the ones that haven't been paid or Xero only shows…
6 votes -
Organisation Details - Add Instagram organisation field
As an Xero customer, I would like to be able to add Instagram as a contact field within organisation details, so that I can easily direct customers to my Instagram page.
Instagram is becoming more popular than facebook, twitter and websites for certain industries.
5 votes
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