Reconciliation - Allow credit notes to show and be selected on the find & match screen
Ability to show and can select credit notes on the find & match screen.
Purpose: To save time rather than having to go in and allocate the credit note against an invoice then going back to the bank reconciliation screen.

Hi community, first off thank you for the continued interest and feedback surrounding this idea. We’re continuing to build on the bank reconciliation experience in Xero and recognise the ways this feature will help improve the efficiency, flexibility and transparency of transactions in your business. Our team have done a lot of exploration into being able to surface and match Credit Notes when reconciling your bank account in Xero, and this is now in development.
We’ll shift the idea here into ‘Working on it’ and continue to update as there’s more detail of this to share.
Sarah Jacobs commented
agreed. you don't necessarily want to allocate a credit note to a bill, but just want to reconcile it against the payment
Sylvia Large-Lindsay commented
Very disappointing that we are unable to pay multiple credit notes (over 100) via batch payment. Come on Xero this is not good enough.
Duanne Nicholas commented
Please bring this feature in. It's a shame that it is not already there
Roshan Richards commented
Currently the Match Reconciliation Adjustments functionality is limited to Bank Fee and Minor Adjustments. This creates a time-sucking nightmare if there is a refund issued to a customer.
I would love it if you would allow us to enter a refund in this area (because it shows in the total but nothing to reconcile against) instead of making us go back out and figure out how to account for it. We can already assign an account so why not?? Also, we need the ability to have more than one adjustment. I could do this now, but then I can't enter in the Bank Fee, too. This should be a simple fix. PLEASE!!!
Emily Hargreaves commented
Please bring this feature in
Nicola Pulle commented
I also raised in the quarterly update and was given a guide on how to allocate credit notes totally missing the point! I was then advised to put a suggestion here! I am struggling to get excited by the new features when this basic request is being ignored.
Christine Davis commented
Everyone needs to share the link to this idea on one of the Xero Facebook pages. Hopefully it will get the votes up.
Rob Winder commented
Just watched the quarterly updated and asked the question again and didn't get a response. On a brighter note I can now sort my contacts in a million different ways...... which is totally irrelevant to me.
F C commented
This does not look hopeful given it was first created in 2012 - shall we celebrate the 10th anniversary?
Debbie Savill commented
Yes, please much needed feature!
Cheryl Cook commented
Being able to allocate credit notes when reconciling the bank against a bank receipt
Raewyne Paterson commented
Hi there,
Our client receives many many small automatic payments which are recorded as overpayments until an invoice is done. (this is just required in their line of business)
If a refund is required all of those small overpayments need to be manually entered as you cant apply the bank debit to overpayments. It would be great to be able to bulk record cash refunds on overpayments/prepayments.
Terri Martin commented
Yes please! The current method of allocating one credit note a time is so time consuming and inefficient. Thank you!
Jenny Glanville commented
Agreed, I need to be able to pick up multiple Sales Credit Notes and create a batch to pay in one go.
Jo Carr commented
Something that would speed up my workflow and I'm sure a lot of others. When I approve a batch (25) of Invoices, I then click 'View' and click on each Invoice one by one to allocate any credits to the Invoices before emailing. It would be so much easier if there was a flag beside the customer name of those customers that have credits so that I could go directly to those customers, rather than having to open each Invoice to see if there is a credit.
Cathryn Adamson commented
When allocating payments from the bank, it would be very useful to see and allocate the credit notes at the same time as selecting the invoices, at present you have to go into the supplier and individually select and allocate each credit note to an invoice, this is very time consuming and it would be better to be able to see and select them at the same time when matching off a payment from the bank account, serveral times I get to the end of a remittance and find it doesnt match because of a credit note, so it creates more work and the reconcilliation has to be started again, once the credit notes are manual match off.
Heather Barclay commented
At present, the only way to allocate a credit note or overpayment is by opening the CN/OP, then selecting an invoice from the list that appears. When there are a lot of credit notes or overpayments from a particular supplier, mostly for small amounts, this is very cumbersome and time consuming. It would be helpful to add an additional method of allocation by opening an invoice, selecting a newly addded option to "use CN/OP" then allocate all credits or overpayments on the list that apply to that invoice. I have a client with a supplier who demands he pay upfront for his orders, then periodically allocates the credits and overpayments against an order which can be hundreds of pounds. This can mean opening up to thirty or forty overpayments and credits to clear the invoice. Being able to work directly from the invoice would save a lot of time.
Debbie Bradley commented
Totally Agree! Having to allocate a credit - possibly to an unrelated bill, as that had been paid, such as rebate is ludicrous. Allowing credits this way would directly match any supplier statements - great audit trail, and save a lot of confusion
Ashley Walker commented
This is crazy. It’s a basic requirement. I can’t believe you cannot use credit notes in the bank rec!
Sarah Sidaway commented
Please, please fix this!!