Sales Invoices- Flag as 'in dispute / query'
Ability to flag an invoice or bill when it’s in dispute or query.
Purpose: To ensure users do not pay an invoice/bill when it is currently 'under query/dispute' in error.

Michelle Risdon commented
This function is seriously missing from Xero! I don't understand why this request is constantly being ignored!!!!
Penny Southern commented
This would be so helpful, especailly for Bills
S F D commented
This is a basic function and I am astonished that Xero have failed to recognise its importance. It's vital for efficient business processing.
Evelyn Yeo commented
hope xero can look into this important and helpful function
Cassandra Johnson commented
This is a REALLY important function that XERO is missing - please introduce it ASAP :-) could not have said better than Louise below!
Kate Hughes commented
Would love to see this added!
Clare Grain commented
i agree with the below comments, this seems to be the only way to not let invoices be chased by the auto reminder system and as such upset our customers if they have placed an invoice in query
Claire Coxhill commented
This is a pretty crucial function necessary on both the sales and purchase side.
Please can you add this as soon as possible. -
Louise Williamson commented
This is a REALLY important function that XERO is missing - please introduce it ASAP :-)
Melanie Sullivan commented
Full agreement with Sara's comments
Sara Sherriff commented
Easier reconciliation to supplier statements, having a flagging system like green = ok to pay, red = in dispute, amber = ok to pay but not yet due. but also shows total liability, especially for VAT qtrs, if invoices need to be recharged interco etc. Currently we leave our invoices in dispute as drafts, this isn't ideal especially as one invoice is 90% approved and we need to make a part payment, however we mark the invoice as approved it could be paid in full in error.
Samantha Finch commented
Allows invoices that need only to be part paid to be put on hold until job has been finished and cleared by the site officer. The due date then does not have to be changed and sometimes we pay all invoices regardless of when due, so having a delayed due date will not help.
Steve Wheat commented
Would be very beneficial, would avoid invoices been paid in error and provide a clearer idea of current supplier liability
Bret De faria commented
Very beneficial, would avoid invoices been paid in error and having to go through additional processes.
Natalie Stokes commented
This would allow bills to be included in the correct VAT quarter as well as see what is owing to a particular supplier and be able to keep track of any queries easier as they are all in one place and easier to chase them up if supplier doesn't reply.
Katie Oppy commented
This would definitely be beneficial to our business
catherine lyons commented
This would be so beneficial - please action
Natasha Hamlet commented
This is such an important feature for Bills. We approve the invoice when the item comes in, but want to dispute it if the item is faulty but there is no way of making this bill stand out to avoid being paid.
Cathy Reardon commented
Yes I would love this feature to be added as I have a supplier who regularly invoices incorrectly