Bank Reconciliation - Sort and Filter
Add Sort and Filter to the Main reconciliation screen.

Hi team, back again to let everyone know that the recent changes in Bank Reconciliation page have now been rolled out to 100% of users. 🎉
As mentioned in my last update this includes a bar at the top of the page so you can search and filter statement lines based on your preferred criteria, and the options to the right side of the Search enable you to set a date or amount range to help filter down your view.😁 You now also have the ability to view up to 50 unreconciled statement lines on one page - See our blog for more recent updates
We thank you all for your contributions in this idea. I know there are some that are interested in still seeing the ability to sort from this view, and I wanted to share the new idea that's been raised where we'll begin to track this specifically as a possible future improvement.
Sebastien Lahtinen commented
On the Reconcile tab of bank accounts, reconciling would be often easier by doing all transactions for one supplier at the same time rather than in date order.
Provide a search field which dynamically filters the pages of unreconciled transactions and only shows matching ones. Allow anything to be typed in there which is available on that page
including Payee, Reference, Description, Transaction Amount. The most common use case for me would be filter by Payee/Description. -
Andrew Syme commented
"the platform in it's current form cannot cater for sort or filtering through all statement lines in an account"
BUT it does this already on the Statement Lines Tab ??
Can you please explain your statement. -
Gail Cook commented
If the option to select a date range or page number instead of having to click through numerous pages of transactions to get to the date that you want would be helpful and would not think it is a big deal to implement.
Linda Bates commented
Come on pleeeease Xero - sort out the fundamental basics with the day to day stuff for the bookkeepers!!
Cash coding & reconcile tabs: we need the ability to search and filter out transactions the way we can with statement & transactions view to help us speed up the time spent reconciling bulk items. The sort option in cash coding currently leaves a lot to be desired!
Also it's about time we have the ability to find & match credit notes from the reconciliation screen.
Lesley Christian commented
I completely agree! Why do we have to click next page when it could quite easily scroll. Such a simple idea and very powerful for bank reconciliation Sort and filter would also be helpful and speed up reconciliation too.
Please implement these ideas Xero. -
Paula Wyeth commented
In addition to sort and filter, the bank feed screen only needs to be 1 page where we can just keep scrolling down (this is how it works in another software) rather than clicking to view the next pages 1 by 1.
Andrea Fuller commented
Tina Leggett commented
Bank statements and Account transactions are shown newest to oldest and for my business it would make sense to have the same logic for the reconciliation tab. Or at least have the option to switch views.
Tina Leggett commented
Bank statements and Account transactions are shown newest to oldest and for my business it would make sense to have the same logic for the reconciliation tab. Or at least have the OPTION to switch views.
Eleanor Black commented
It would be great to have a "jump to date" option in the bank statements. I am often looking for a transaction that is in another currency so I can't search by the amount but I know the earliest date it could have appeared. I don't want to filter out any transactions I just want to jump to that date and search from there. Right now I am clicking page 4 then page 7 trying to guess where the date is.
Graeme Renson commented
so time consuming! have to get my suppliers to give me 1 invoice for the whole year and pay upfront as its easier than xero Reconciliation wit no filter
Natan Gomes Martins da Conceicao commented
It would be perfect if there was a way to filter a transaction by the "Reconcile" menu, or that had the option to reconcile in the "Bank statement" menu.
Natan Gomes Martins da Conceicao commented
I totally agree
Debbie Swift commented
I have read through the response below and i agree totally.
I have just made the switch from QB's to Xero in July 2022, and I've spent a bit too long studying and familiarising myself with the program. Whilst taking too long, my reconciliation had swamped up big time. I usually keep on top of this, but I've let them pile up and I've got hundreds and hundredsss to do.
when i was a member of QBs i would sort out all my receipts on to desk in front of me into piles for each place the money was spent, ie: Caltex pile of receipts, Bunnings pile, ink station pile etc - Id then go into my reconciliation tab on QBs type in Caltex to reconciliation tab, and it would bring up all the amounts from Caltex that needed to be reconciled. Then it was super easy and fast, and Caltex was done, and I moved onto the next.
Now being a xero customer, I'm so disappointed that were unable to do this on xero, and its so massively time consuming and so annoying, nightmare really.
I love everything else this far with xero, but every time when I go in to reconcilicilation tab to reconcile, I wanna cry and pull my hair out, I reconcile a few then I log out and leave it (Qbs, i was able to with search reconciles, get hundreds done in one quick sitting). I just keep thinking how much I wanna switch back to Qbs purely only for this function use only.
Please add this function to Xero
Dominika Dalos commented
I was wondering if it would be possible click on and reconcile unreconciled bank lines.
So eg. If I'm searching for a bank statement line by the amount and if it is not reconciled yet, I cannot open that statement line from the search option and reconcile it easily but have to go back and find by date in the reconcile or cash coding section.
It would be a huge help if it was possible to click on unreconciled statement lines in the search option and reconcile them there straight away.
Screenshot of unreconciled bank lines without the option to open them attached. -
Timea Hoskins commented
Absolutely agree with Alison...
And if you could also filter the matching screen by tracking category, I would literally kiss you! We use categories for trading entities... and have for example one supplier providing same cost services to multiple entities - as you can image trying to guess which invoice from them is for which entity is a nightmare!
Alison Cortes commented
I would like to sort by matched before moving to cash coding screen. then workflow would be match, cash code, transfers.
Melanie Birch commented
The Quotes view defaults to 25 displayed on a page, but with the option of increasing to 50.
Draft invoices default to 50 but with the option of more.
The Bank Reconciliation tab shows just 10 with no option. I understand 10 might be the optimum default when optimising system resources but an option to increase when required would be a considerable improvement. -
Lesley Christian commented
Why can't Xero mirror the functions of a bank account to filter by money in, money out, type of transaction, date of transaction etc.
Also the size of the window when selecting multiple transaction for a bulk payment is so inconveniently small - why does it need to be that small?
We receive a batch of customer DD payments each month that contain over 100 different customer payments. It takes a lot of effort to work with only 5 visible transactions at a time when you have over 100 payments to select to match to that DD payment.
You can't even expand the window to give a better view of the transactions to be selected. Why have multiple pages to click through when you can just have the ability to scroll up and down on a web page?!
It's even this window as well for commenting on the post it only give you 4 lines of visible text. There must be plenty of coding around for the software to be adjusted to allow windows to auto expand to fit text, or even manually expanded by the User.
More thought needs to be given to the limitations of Xero and how it can be improved to give a real life enhanced User experience rather than hindering the User.
It would be good to have an update on these requests and comments.
Sandra Cooper commented
I'd like more of a contrast in colour when there is a drop down box to use, the current difference is marginal and difficult to see.