New invoicing - Ability to turn off auto suggestions
What happend -
I imported invoices with an invalid account number. When I went to review the imported invoices in draft, the new invoicing AI technology selected suggested account codes for me, almost to fast for me to notice the account code was blank
Why this is important -
The "review draft invoices after import" step is critical in getting it right - I should be able to review exactly what I imported to see where the mistakes are. I can see this being an issue with integrations where invoices are imported via the API
What Xero can do -
I toggle switch for "allow Xero to suggest", similar to that on the bank recon screen

Danae Botha commented
With the new AI predictions on Accounts it is wasting my time to check what was auto filled - I copy invoices everyday to reconcile our revenue received from another POS system and it varies everyday which account I need to use.
My template has all revenue streams - which is why I copy it to make it quicker - but AI it predicting the same account for all lines.
This is SOO frustrating and time wasting as I need to check each account for accuracy and to select a different account is even more time consuming as I normally just tab across to enter the codes I know. With the prefilled account this is not an option as I first need to highlight the wrong account and then change it.
The new format invoicing has wasted my time by:
- date selection is now more time consuming
- the approve and email button is annoying as I do not email all my invoices as its purely to reconcile money from our POS systems - extra buttons to click
- prefill accounts has caused me to save mistakes that I need to go fixed as I didnt pick up what was selected or takes extra time to change
- used the new format for months so that it 'can learn' what I want - that has not happened. It just uses the same account over and overCAN YOU PLEASE GIVE AN OPTION TO TURN OFF PREDICTIVE ACCOUNT PREFILL - THIS SHOULD BE AN OPTION AS EACH BUSINESS NEEDS ARE UNIQUE.
Surely a setting can be included to make this optional.
I understand AI is the new norm and it can be helpful, but in this case it is wasting time not saving time -
Paul Harris commented
This feature of auto populating the account and tax code is extremely frustrating and counter productive. In fact I would say quite dangerous. As an accountant I always say to my clients it is harder to go back to find and correct wrong account coding as getting it right when doing the initial coding.
It should be an option to turn off or on and not just the standard. -
Nicki Carter commented
Creating invoices, when you type in the code, if you forget to choose that code it defaults to anything, in the old invoicing system once you typed in a code it came up with correct code under Account TAB
Amy Scardina commented
Our staff and our clients are very frustrated with this. AI is anything but intelligent in this matter. We set up templates to record our sales information from our POS systems. These entries can be quite long. Having the correct account codes is CRITICAL. We have spent countless hours finding errors and editing invoices, sometimes editing one invoice multiple times. Find and recode only helps when you know exactly what you are looking for.
I agree that having the capability to turn this feature off could be a simple fix.
Melanie Lala commented
This new "Artificial Intelligence" is lacking "intelligence"! I agree with the many other complaints here. The AI is overriding our accounts in our invoice templates to the SAME ACCT #. The only work around I have found is to add a value of $1 to each line/row. However, when using this "template" to copy and update for next invoice, client must remove all $1 values on the lines/rows that do not have an updated actual amount. WHY does Xero have to "break" something that did NOT need fixing? At the very least, there should be an option for each Xero account to "opt out" of the AI!!
Mark Richardson commented
We used saved invoice drafts with set templates for customers and we have noticed that when "saving & close" that any accounts that have a $0 value are now not saving and reverting to random accounts. Current advice from support is that we put $1 values into account lines so that they stay the same account, just so the account codes do not disappear, but this can cause risk of invoices with wrong values. We want to save draft invoices with $0 values as before "Approving" the invoice, we might change details or add in new values to accounts that originally were $0. This seems like a really simple feature from classic that worked and not sure why it had been removed - really doesn't make sense account values "auto-reverting" to a random account
Outside of this issue - am agreeing with most of the top Invoice issues at the moment
Emily McCahon commented
We use an invoice as a template to take up daily sales from the external POS system, and there are a large number of different line items with different account allocations. There is an issue at the moment with the chosen account allocation not saving to the account selected, with a seemingly random default account chosen by the system, which I believe is a known issue that the Product Team is investigating.
As part of solving that problem, it would be great if the account allocation isn't shown on the finalised invoice for any lines with a $0 value.
The ability to have a daily repeating invoice option would also be handy.