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  1. We have an Income Tax Client Report (ITCRPT Report) which links to the ATO and shows us who still needs to be lodged and their due date. We would like to add jobs to it so we can see the progress of their associated tax return job. Xero Support have advised currently, it is not possible to include any extra details to the ITCRPT Report.

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  2. Practice Manager - Bulk update ITR due dates within tax return

    If we request the income tax client report through Xero, the due dates update in the client detail level, but not in the tax return if they have already been created.
    Being able to bulk update the due dates within the tax return, especially when deferrals are requested and successful with the ATO would be helpful as manually updating them all can be time consuming.

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  3. Is there a way to flag a client, ie Warning/Ban or make them Inactive but keep their history in Xero?

    We have a system that have a number of clients with similar/identical names and we would like flag a client for particular reason, ie account terms etc or ban etc.

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  4. Report that can generate invoices per JOB manager.
    Currently there is no report that can generate these data in the report builder.

    Report that contains the following data:

    • Invoice Date
    • Invoice No
    • Client
    • Job Number or Job Summary
    • Invoiced Amount (GST exclusive)
    • Job Manager (not the account manager)

    we tried to generate using the data above using the WIP ledger per staff but when we add all of them, it does not equal the report generated through Invoice Report.
    This will be useful when you would like to see how much each staff invoiced per month.

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  5. Create "to do" lists in tasks, and allowing them to become a template - this would make it so much easier when creating jobs - gives staff a tick off for each task if required.

    Would be so much easier than currently doing it through a Job Level and having to create tasks with "To Do' lists individually.

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  6. Need to have the ability to add prospect relationships - currently if both spouses are added as prospects, you can't then link them as spouses in the relationships section. However, if one spouse is already a client then you can link the prospect as a relationship... this seems like an oversight in the platform. Need to be able to link prospects as spouses/family etc.

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  7. Xero don't currently have specific SMSF fields available to report on in the Report Builder.

    This would be great if made available in the future.

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  8. Good day,

    Would it be possible to allow us to import the staff assignment via the CSV import file rather than assigning staff afterwards. Same for the template, category and job state.

    Regarding the bulk staff assignment function, could we add filters and have the columns sort when you click on the column headings of this section please.

    These two short comings is creating a huge delay in annual job creation for routine jobs.

    No we cannot use re-curing jobs as XPM does not have the functionality yet to choose the date on which the re-curing job is created, you…

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  9. Please can you design an app for XPM to record time on the go. It was such a wonderful feature when integrated with workflow max and would help so much when visiting clients on the go.

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  10. Edit Jobs Screen Filters: In the XPM jobs screen it is possible to created and save filters. However it is not currently possible to edit those filters, only clear them and start again. Please provide the functionality to edit existing filters. Thanks in advance, Petra.

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  11. Have logged this support query, which I also raised a number of years ago and cannot believe how this has not been fixed. Answer from support below:

    In XPM there is no first and last name field for contacts, rather it is just one box for the Name field. While in Xero there are two fields to put a contacts first and last name separately.

    So when a contact on a client syncs from XPM into Xero it is placed into the Last Name field as it recognises the name as one field. Currently, the only way to resolve this…

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  12. We are in the process of organizing our client list for Audit Shield and like many other accounting firms we need to assign our clients a Turnover category. Currently Xero informs me there is no report I can run that will list the clients and their turnover for me to easily identify which category to assign to the client for audit purposes.

    A report that shows the client, their income/turnover and the possibility to group and total buy the Client Group would be amazing and save so much unnecessary admin time.

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  13. I want to be able to update start and end dates on jobs easily in the all jobs screen. Would help a heap with annual accounts planning

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  14. The search was recently changed so you could search by client, but now if I search for 'GST' it will bring up all jobs with GST even in the description (i.e. a bunch of annual accounts and other jobs). Can the search be limited to Job Name rather than the detailed description in the job?

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  15. ADD copy buttons next to TFN, ABN, TFN in xpm client details page.
    allowing copy with no spacing.

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  16. We can search by client. We can search by group (if using group='name'), but we can't search or filter by billing clients. This would be handy to see this option in the WIP menu so all related jobs to that billing client are presented for drafting invoices. Currently the only means to achieve this is via the Business>Invoice menu but the job and WIP display is not as ideal or helpful.

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  17. When pulling invoices through from Xero to XPM (i.e. to report on fees v.s. costs/budget), it would be much more beneficial if XPM could locate its Job Reference Number within the line item description of an invoice, rather than just the invoice reference field.

    This would mean multiple XPM jobs could be referenced on the same invoice (e.g. 001 Payroll, 002 Accounts, 003 Bookkeeping), as well as mitigating for firms like ours where we also bill other non-relevant monthly services (e.g. HR, Legal services etc.) on the same monthly invoice to a client.


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  18. Allow importing csv files to update existing jobs in bulk

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  19. Add the ability to change the order in which jobs appear on an invoice when preparing an invoice with multiple jobs.

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  20. we use job numbers to identify the works being carried out so I entered the Job number in Contacts against the Client name but this number comes out on the invoice against the client name on the address block. It would be good to be able to have multiple jobs nos for each client so we can identify the job no. on the Customer page

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