1408 results found
AU Tax | Trust distribution income in Company tax returns - attached franking credits to flow through to tax offsets section
Currently there is no option to create a worksheet behind the trust distribution income at 6E, when completing company tax returns with a trust distribution income (eg from investments). You need to enter the gross distribution at 6E and record attached franking credits separately in the calculation statement at 'Refundable tax offsets'. It creates confusion for some of the junior staff as they can easily put this amount at 7J as franking credits which isn't correct.
5 votes -
XPM Report Builder - list of all data fields by report type
Previously, there was a list online which showed all the data fields and which reports contained which fields, which made it really easy to build customised reports that held all the fields I needed, or allowed me to confirm that I needed to combine two separate reports. That list has disappeared.
Can you please release an updated list of data fields for the report builder for XPM so that it's easy to identify which fields belong in which report?1 vote -
Hide job state for certain staff
The ability to hide a Job State (eg Completed) from the quick edit selection and within editing a job, from select users would be great.
Eliminating the possibility for a user to incorrectly move an open job to a state that should only be closed by the Admin Team.1 vote -
XPM - Add a Budget column under Group
Hi There,
We are wanting to add a new column under the family group view in XPM to show the budget against the open jobs. Making it easier to see what budget has been allocated again each job to make it easier for billing.
Annalise1 vote -
AU Tax: CGT - Option to copy and transfer
Capital gains tax worksheet - where an capital assets is owned by more than one person say husband and wife 50:50. If the worksheet has been prepared for one taxpayer, have an option to have this copied/ transferred to the other taxpayer similar to rent schedule.
For property generally there could be just one item but for shares there may be huge number of CGT events.
273 votesHeya everyone, thanks for your input to Product Ideas and letting us know the value of the CGT worksheet for you.
We're going to move this idea to Under Review as this is something the team have planned over the next 12 months. There are a few other pieces of work lined up before this, so we'll share news when this progresses. Thanks
Hubdoc - Automatic file tagging
The ability to assign a tag to a file and have subsequent files uploaded be tagged.
4 votes -
Practice Manager | Jobs - Ability to update job Tax Return is associated
Ability to transfer tax return link to other jobs. we have created a tax return in the wrong job or want to transfer the return to another job. Would be great if the hot link can be disconnected and reconnected to a different job.
52 votesHi community, thanks for your interest on this. While being able to move a Tax Return to another job is something we may look to do later, it's not in the near term plans. For now, we'll continue to collect and monitor your feedback, and share if there's any progress.
Xero HQ - Shortcut for balance date
Could you please add a shortcut for the balance date in the journal section, so the accountant doesn't have to keep typing '31/3/202x' multiple times at year-end?
1 voteHi Laura, would this be within manual journals entry of a Xero organisation? If so, we do have some date entry shortcuts that could be of use here.
NZ Tax - Add inbuilt calculator for IR10
Add inbuilt calculator for IR10
1 vote -
Workpapers - GST and PST bills should generate the date of the end of the period reported
Generated GST and PST bills should generate the date of the end of the period reported. January to March reporting should generate a report with the date of March 31, 2024 and not the date of that the bill is generated.
2 votes -
Xero sign - Simplify client login for signing documents
Improve the way clients can create accounts and log into an existing xero account.
If we create an account for them, it asks them to put in their organisation details. Then we invite the client into the organisation, they have to accept the invitation.
Clients are always having issues with their log ins, and signing documents. Feel this could be made easier for them.
2 votes -
XPM | Job Manager - Add notes column with option to add note
Job Manager - Additional quick job notes Column need to be added which can be seen directly through Job manager screen instead of going inside the Job and then in tab notes
42 votesHi everyone, while this is an idea that our team would like to explore, there are other pieces of work priortised for the time being. We'll shift the status of this idea back to submitted. When there is more news to share around this we'll be back to update you all, here.
Xero Tax - Import 100% tax VAT adjustment
Import VAT on goods and services received. We require a 100% VAT adjustment, tax rate. Where 100% of the subtotal goes into tax; and 0% goes into the cost. At the moment when allocating 100% VAT it adds the subtotal + 100% VAT = doubling the amount. The alternative is to use multiple lines to off set the subtotal and take 100% of the VAT. Other accounting software has the ability to do a 100% VAT adjustment on one cost line, eliminating the need for the multiple lines and offset.
1 vote -
Reporting idea - Multiple account analysis, group by account and then summarise each account by contact
Account transaction report that can analyse multiple accounts in one report by grouping everything by account and then summarising each account by contact at the same time.
1 vote -
HubDoc - Align subscription to Xero subscriber
If a client switches to another accountant the transfer of the Xero subscription is straightforward. However the transfer of the HubDoc subscription is inordinately complicated. Can this be integrated so we are given the option to transfer the HubDoc subscription at the same time?
Related to this I have had multiple instances of clients ending up with two HubDoc subscriptions when we create one and they create one. Or a staff member creates one and then no one else in the practice has access. Is it feasible for only the Xero subscriber to be able to create a HubDoc subscription…
35 votes -
Make all ledger accounts across the P&L and the Balance Sheet available when incorporating formulas into financial statements. Some KPI's draw from accounts comparing a P&L account with a Balance Sheet account. At present, only accounts in the Balance Sheet can be used to do KPI's within. This is not optimal.
1 vote -
Hubdoc - Bulk edit and archive documents
A number of our clients simply use hubdoc as a filing system as publishing to Xero is not as simple as they would like.
So we maintain their Hubdoc accounts, we update the document type and archive. It would savea huge amount of time if we could bulk edit and bulk archive rather than having to do this one document at a time.17 votes -
Annual Report and Financial Statements Template for UK Charitable Company subject to UK Audit
When can we expect a template for the Annual Report and Financial statements for UK Charitable Company subject to UK Audit?
1 vote -
GST Rec dates and Late claims report.
GST Rec - 2 Simple ideas.
In the GST Rec report you could add drop down dates (as you have in the other reports) so you can easily pick the prior financial year as an option rather than having to pick the dates.
A GST report that showed the late claims that relate to the prior financial year.
1 vote -
Generate a supplier payment list
Payment List
Is there a possibility to add tick boxes to the supplier age analysis? The tick boxes would allow you to produce a payment list of only the ticked suppliers.
The payment list can then be printed in pdf and sent to the payment department.2 votesHi Bianca, would this be the Aged Payables Summary or Detail reports that you're looking at? Within this report you'll be able to add a Filter for Contact where you can select only the contacts you'd like to see amounts for.
- Don't see your idea?