1409 results found
Xero Tax - Prepare tax returns using a mobile browser
Currently when you open a tax return on an iPhone the formatting is lost and it’s very difficult to edit a return.
3 votes -
Staff Report - Client & organisation access
Currently when a staff member leaves we can remove their access on the clients we subscribe to Xero but can't remove access where the client subscribes directly and has invited them in.
For security purposes, it would be good if the practice admin could easily run a report on the leaver showing all the clients they have access to. You can do this on screen however we want the client managers to get in touch with their relevant clients as they have the relationship.
I recently had a staff leaver with c100 clients I couldn't remove access to myself and…
23 votesHi everyone, coming back across the idea here we wanted to clarify existing behaviour.
When you remove a staff member from HQ this automatically removes all org access, as long as those orgs are linked to client records, and as long as the client records are active (not archived) - Meaning you don't need to manually remove access to each org one by one.
The few cases where you would need to manually remove one by one would be if a client is archived or an org is not linked to a client record at the time of staff removal.
We intend to improve this experience and provide better visibility of staff access in the longer term, so when there is more progress on this I'll return to update you here.
Workpapers - Include square metre rate calculation for home office workapapers
Re the home office workpaper. It seems to calculate soley on a percentage basis yet under DB 18AA, we can claim interest/rent and rates in proportion of business use, as well as $47.85 (for 2022 and future years) per square metre (PSMR) (IRD square meterage rates) as a proxy for general home expenditure. There doesn't seem to be a workaround in the workpaper to opt for the PSMR for the general expenditure claim? I would like to claim the higher of the two calculations for my clients' thanks and would love to see the workpaper work out the better of…
4 votes -
Xero HQ - Ability to bulk remove users
Have the ability to bulk remove users. We have just taken over 6 Xero accounts and the previous advisor has 100+ staff members that need to be removed from each account, it's going to take me forever to do this individually.
23 votes -
Activity Statement - Ability to revise through Xero
Revise Activity Statement / IAS via Xero when a client has lodged their own IAS/BAS. It would be beneficial for tracking purposes if Xero offered the facility to unlock a submitted BAS/IAS to review & amend and relodge with the ATO. Whilst these can be revised via ATO Portal there is no tracking or record of an amendment in Xero
21 votes -
Practice Report - Add Bank Statements
Report Packs had the facility to add Bank Statements to it, but the new Reporting Templates does not support this. It would be really handy to have this as a template, as we roll it out across many of our clients
3 votes -
Hubdoc - Add support for Intrust bank
Supported Banks - Please add Intrust Bank.
1 vote -
Practice Manager | Xero integration - Identify job number within invoices
When pulling invoices through from Xero to XPM (i.e. to report on fees v.s. costs/budget), it would be much more beneficial if XPM could locate its Job Reference Number within the line item description of an invoice, rather than just the invoice reference field.
This would mean multiple XPM jobs could be referenced on the same invoice (e.g. 001 Payroll, 002 Accounts, 003 Bookkeeping), as well as mitigating for firms like ours where we also bill other non-relevant monthly services (e.g. HR, Legal services etc.) on the same monthly invoice to a client.
4 votes -
Xero Tax - Column to show who owns the tax return
Would love to have the ability to add columns in the Tax Return tabs such as Partner or Manager so you can see who owns the return without having to open the return or go into the client.
1 vote -
Practice Manager | Jobs - Open recurring job on completion of previous job
It would be great to have the option for a recurring job to open upon the previous recurring job closing. The current options for when recurring jobs open are very limited.
7 votes -
NZ Payroll - standalone module
I have a client who would like to give access to payroll only for a user and not have access to the bank accounts. Is this on the future roadmap?
2 votes -
Practice Manager | Client Report - Include Client Verification notes as a reportable field.
Practice Manager - Client Report - Include Client Verification notes as a reportable field.
Wanting to create a report that enables us to view the notes added to the Client Verification section. Currently it looks like you can only build reports with the Date Verified, Verified by and Verified fields. Would be good to be able to also view the notes. Particularly for non-individual clients who also need to have the relevant individuals also verified which does not always happen at the same time.
Current workaround is to create a new custom field to record the same information as recorded…2 votes -
Xero HQ | Client list - Update address from Xero 'blue' organisation
Automatically pull through client addresses from their Xero to Xero HQ Client List to avoid having to enter them manually each time and to ensure that any change of address is updated.
7 votes -
AU Tax: Notification of formation of consolidated group (CGNFT) form
I have moved to Xero Tax from Reckon Elite, but just realised that Xero Tax does not have a Notification of formation of consolidated group schedule.
As a tax agent, it is crucial to have this schedule to update client's consolidation status, including updating joining/leaving subsidiaries.
It would be great if this can be added as quickly as possible.
7 votes -
Reporting - Detailed Tracking Summary with Notes
Please bring back pre-July 2023 changes tracking summary (detailed) with Notes 3 Codes, I rely heavily on it.
2 votes -
Reports - Add more filters to the General Ledger
General ledger,
- (same goes to account transaction report )
Once generated report, pls Enable view and filter, sort the transaction by clicking specific column, enable filter in every each column drop down instead of allowing only one box to search for different categories.]- description 2
- pls enable receipt list as well in sales platform (enable filter feature for every column) It's such a hassle for me to click in every bank to view transaction. Spend money too!
1 vote -
XPM | Job Manager - Budget % based on Dollars $ not time
New Job Manager Budget % - base on $ not time.
Please give us the option to set the budget % based on the fee not time.As our jobs are created though the Ignition integration, our fee budget $ is prefilled. We don't set the time budget as this would be a very manual process.
12 votes -
Document Packs - Archive once Completed
It would be great if Document Packs could be archived once completed.
13 votes -
AU Tax - Custom Cover Letter Placeholders
For Tax return cover letters to have the ability to use the merge field 'Tax Form Due date' from the client record screen. Currently this placeholder is not available to Tax Return Cover Letters.
25 votes -
Hubdoc - Upload files directly to subfolders
Ability to drop/upload files directly into a subfolder without the need to manually drag them from "All Documents" after upload.
1 vote
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